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Leveraging Artificial Intelligence in knowledge management

Category: Knowledge Management

Last updated on Feb 9, 2024

Every organisation around the world is investing in knowledge management to capture tribal knowledge from their employees, document their business processes, articulate their standard operating procedures, file their records, catalog their products and capture all information relating to their service delivery.

Thus, knowledge base software is indispensable to the knowledge management program of an organisation. The features of a good knowledge management tool should empower the organisation to efficiently capture, share, discover and maintain their organisational knowledge. The emergence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is set to revolutionise knowledge management particularly in aiding organisation to focus on knowledge retention, collaboration, and customer service.

Artificial Intelligence shall play an important role in the following areas:

AI will simplify knowledge discovery

As the knowledge base of an organisation grows, search is a vital component to bring relevant content when employees search using few keywords. An AI tool can utilise Natural Language Processing (NLP) and graph-based algorithms to bring relevant content based on keywords. At Document360, we employ third party tool which utilise AI technology to understand what employees are looking for and bring right content at their fingertip.

AI - based search in knoweldge base - Document360

In addition to this, text analytics can automatically generate relevant tags for each knowledge base content, and this amplifies AI-based search engines to bring relevant content. This empowers each employee to find the right information at the right time as the knowledge base grows. This enhances employee productivity.

If an AI algorithm cannot find relevant articles based on search terms, then it can proactively alert content creators to fill in the knowledge gap. This approach leads to quickly addressing knowledge gap areas ensuring all corporate knowledge stays up to date with evolving business. Business agility and business continuity are continuously improvised because of AI-powered search.

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AI will aid employees in content creation

Content creation is the core activity to be undertaken using knowledge-based software /tools. For this core act, an AI will assist in writing and enriching content. An AI can automatically correct typos and fix grammatical mistakes. An AI can also offer suggestions to improve the readability of the content based on semantic rules.

An AI can also suggest the right business glossary terms to be used in each knowledge article to ensure consistency of business and customer terms. This creates shared understanding among all employees inside an organisation leading to organisational resilience.

An AI algorithm can also help to gauge the impact of a knowledge article by aggregating data from multiple sources (such as Google Analytics, article likes, and readability score). Key insights generated by data can be used to further enhance the content and attain a gold standard in knowledge enrichment. An AI algorithm can also alert relevant stakeholders to review and periodically revise content to ensure knowledge is up to date. Keeping the knowledge base in a healthy state provides enormous business agility to the entire organization.

At Document360, we provide rich analytics leveraging all the collected data to help content creators enhance their current content and also create new content. 

Check out Document360’s AI-powered knowledge base with advanced features and numerous enhancements:

AI will strengthen the collaboration among employees

An AI chatbot can curate all the knowledge content that might span across the organization in different knowledge repositories. A chatbot can converse with the employees to provide the right answers to questions. This boosts the user experience of internal employees and external users as they are able to have meaningful conversations.

For example, a customer does not need to know the organizational ontology/taxonomy of how the knowledge base is organized; Instead, an AI chatbot delivers the right content to the customers based on the questions they have raised.

ai based chatbot delivering content to customer

Example for AI-based chatbot 

Furthermore, an AI can help Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) collaborate effectively by bringing them together in real-time for knowledge creation and sharing. An AI can facilitate integration with various collaborative tools. At Document360, we offer best-in-class collaboration environment inside our product to maximise the collaborative efforts of content creators and SMEs.

AI will amplify learning and skills enhancement

Ensuring wide reach of content will uplift organisational knowledge of all employees. This will boost employee satisfaction and retention. An AI algorithm can nudge employees into acquiring new skills based on their current expertise and what knowledge content they read/share/contribute to. An AI algorithm will harness the power of data by integrating the different organisational systems to help employee update their skillset.

For example, if an employee is reading a lot of articles on data analytics, then AI can nudge an employee to take a new course on data offered by organisation’s learning management system. This will boost employees’ skills and enable them to be cross-trained. This contributes business agility of an organisation.

An AI algorithm will offer suggestions on content sharing in the right platform to maximise your reach. For example, data collected from various analytics tools will help AI algorithm tailor the right content to be shared in the right platform to maximise customer engagement with the content.

Also Read: What is Tacit Knowledge: Importance, Benefits & Examples

Wrapping Up

The rapid rise of cloud providers offering many standards AI algorithms as a service accelerates the adoption of AI in knowledge management software. For example, Azure Bot Services helps to build enterprise-grade Q&A bot that can be integrated into the knowledge base, Azure Machine Learning offers a plethora of tools and AI models that can be used to build rich features in knowledge management. Amazon Web Services (AWS) offers AWS Comprehend, an out-of-box Machine Learning API to categorise content automatically and create personalised article recommendations.

Thus, leveraging AI capabilities will revolutionise how knowledge management tools empower organisations in creating and managing their organisational knowledge. In near future, many knowledge management tools will have many elements of AI to enable better collaboration, amplify knowledge sharing, and boost employee productivity.

Also Read: The Future of Knowledge Base in the Age of Generative AI


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