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50+ Powerful features, & growing…

Everything you need to build the perfect self-service knowledge base.


Create and manage knowledge base articles with powerful out-of-the-box documentation features.



Create & manage separate documentations for different product packages to appeal to different buyer segments.

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In-line Comments

In-line Comments

Collaborate with authors in your team to write or review published and draft articles.

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Advanced Search

Advanced Search

Fast and robust search capability to get a list of suggested articles based on your search query.

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Difference Viewer

Difference Viewer

Get a bird’s eye view of the differences between two article versions in Markdown and Rendered format.

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Get a detailed trail of team account activity in the knowledge base portal.

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Empower admins with tools and collateral to roll out features and product changes.

Article Lifecycle

Visual cues to let users know if the article has been published, needs review, or is in the draft state.

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Article Settings

Define the article SEO settings with page title, description, slug, tags, and custom feature image.

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Bulk Operations

Perform actions such as publish, hide, show, delete, move multiple articles and much more in few clicks.

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Tag Manager

Ability to add, modify and delete tags at scale. Utilise tags to perform bulk operations.

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Design and manage your documentation workflow process. Roles and due dates can be assigned at each step.

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Import from Word

Import word document and split its content into single or multiple articles based on your requirements.

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Article Templates

Create and apply article templates for consistent structure, styles, format and design.

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Export to PDF

Export knowledge base contents as PDF format with customizable design and layout.

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Category Manager

Easily create and maintain a structure for your documentation effectively.


Designed with handpicked features that will shift your writers’ focus more on content than on formatting.

Markdown support

Markdown support

Familiar with Markdown? Compose your documentation using Markdown keyboard shortcuts and get things done quicker.

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Code Block

Code Block

Share code snippets with your readers in a distinct code friendly visual formatting view.

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Alert your readers with callouts to highlight important tips, warnings, errors, and information.

Embed Images/Videos

Embed Images/Videos

Upload as many screenshots into your documentation. Embed videos from third-party platforms like YouTube, Vimeo, Wistia.


An editor more suited for article with more image, videos content with extra formatting.

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Create internal links to articles within your knowledge base or to content available on the internet.

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Add tables to your knowledge base articles. Create table rows and columns using the Markdown editor.

Full Screen

Get a clutter free, full screen view of the editor area. Helpful for content writers to focus on their writing.


Add ordered and/or unordered lists to your articles to explain a sequence or important points.

Auto Save

Worried about losing content while creating it? Don’t panic. Your content is safe and automatically saved.

Inline Preview

Get a real-time inline adjacent preview of the content as you type in the Markdown editor.

File attachments

Help users understand your documentation better with attachments at the end of the article.

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Give your knowledge base the perfect look and appeal that is more in line with your brand identity.

#1 rated for knowledge base software among leading platforms

  • Capterra
  • G2
  • GetApp
  • Software Advise
Overall Ratings


The information architecture can be structured and lead users to the right category or topic.

Team Roles

Team Roles

Grant roles to users based on the project requirements. Provide specific role with specific access like admin, editors, and readers.

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Private Documentation

Private Documentation

Protect your documentation to make it visible to only internal users/team members. Only authorized users will have access to the documentation.

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Custom Domain Mapping

Custom Domain Mapping

Host your documentation website in same domain as your company name.

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Backup and Restore

Backup and Restore

Stop worrying about deleted articles or missing content. Take advantage of automatic scheduled backups and/or manual backups.

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Export and Import

Export your articles in a single click and import it into the new project.

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Article Redirection

Permanently redirect your content traffic from one URL to another.

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Security Groups

Security Groups enable role assignment to several users at one place.

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IP Restriction

Allow users only from defined IP range to access your documentation.

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Enterprise SSO

Identity protection and authentication made easy with Single Sign-On using IdP like Okta, Azure AD, and Auth0

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Cookie Consent

Get your readers’ consent in form of cookie bars or pop-ups before you collect, store, and use their data

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Understand end-user engagement in your knowledge base with valuable insights base and take data-backed decisions.