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Ticket Deflector

Reduce ticket volume and improve agent productivity by deflecting incoming customer support tickets.

Ticket Deflector

Trusted by global brands

  • McDonald's
  • vmware
  • Virgin Red
  • Access
  • Ticketmaster
  • Daikin
  • BVB
  • NHS
  • Insider
  • Whatfix
  • Payoneer
  • Cascade
  • Panaya

Ask the right questions

  • Configure a series of right questions to narrow down customer problems.
  • Provide personalized troubleshooting guides.
  • Use analytics to optimise the path to the right solution.
Asking right questions

Helpdesk tools

  • Use the contact form to submit customer queries for complex customer queries.
  • Configure helpdesk tools with a ticket deflector to assess support tickets.
  • Analyzing analytics and support tickets helps to improve documentation.
Helpdesk tools

#1 rated for knowledge base software among leading platforms

  • Capterra
  • G2
  • GetApp
  • Software Advise
Overall Ratings

Embed ticket deflector in

  • Knowledge Base Assistant to offer in-app support along with contextual help.
  • Documentation home page for quick support.
  • Website or application via an URL.
Embed Ticket Deflector