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Knowledge Management Software for IT Consulting Firms

Seamless information sharing among your clients and internal teams to deliver faster, more accurate solutions.

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Knowledge Management Software for IT Consulting Firms

Trusted by global brands

  • Watercress
  • Electrum
  • Abrigo
  • access
  • ticketmaster
  • Daikin

Benefits of knowledge base in consulting firms

Building a customer knowledge is easy with Document360. Create a self-service knowledge base to empower your customers and serve them 24/7.

Effortless Decision-Making

Streamline decision-making with Document360. Share information among consultants for taking the right decisions and improve overall service.

Efficient Problem Solving

Spend less time in solving complex problems. Centralize your consulting knowledge and provide effective solutions to you clients easily.

Improved Client Satisfaction

Increase client satisfaction by creating a knowledge base for your customers. This will solve their queries quicker and ensure you have lesser support calls and tickets.

Prevent Knowledge Loss

Preserve your consulting knowledge even when an employee leaves, and facilitate smooth onboarding for new team members with Document360.

Gain a Competitive Edge

With an effective knowledge management system in place, you can stay ahead of your competitors in the industry by providing the best service for your clients.

Enhanced Collaboration

Improve collaboration among IT consultants from on-site and remote working. Document360 provides the platform to share ideas, information and documentation.

#1 rated for knowledge base software among leading platforms

  • Capterra
  • G2
  • GetApp
  • Software Advise
Overall Ratings


Everything you need, in one place

Features that matter the most to improve your overall article publishing and consumption experience.


Document360’s rich text editor makes content development easy.



Help consultants and clients find answers to their queries with AI-powered search.



Customize your site’s layout, colors and add images to have a similar look and feel your brand.



Get detailed insights into how you content is being consumed by your team and clients.


Security & Compliance

Secure & Compliant

Document360’s robust security system ensures that your data is secure from any cybersecurity threats.



We are GDPR compliant and have implemented strict security measures to protect your data.



The SOC2 certification is a testament to our commitment to your data security and privacy.

Data Protection

Data Protection

We adhere to stringent data security practices to keep you safe from any cybersecurity threats.

Trusted by thousands of users in over 100+ countries

  • Software Reviews
  • Source Forge
  • Software Reviews
  • Source Forge
  • G2 Leader
  • G2 High Performer
  • Crozdesk
  • Software Advice Customer Support
  • Finance Online

Start creating your knowledge base today!

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Our experts help to solve your knowledge management challenges.

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