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Streamline knowledge management for legal excellence

Organize, access, and collaborate on legal documentation effortlessly, saving time, enhancing productivity, and reducing error.

Streamline Knowledge Management for Legal Excellence

Trusted by global brands

  • ward
  • teel
  • Unilink
  • Access
  • Ticketmaster
  • Daikin

Find the right information within seconds

You no longer need to scroll through pages to find information. With AI-Powered Search, you can find information that you need easily.

Legal Knowledge base

Access all critical knowledge in
a central repository

Create, Collaborate, Manage, and share accurate knowledge among teams and clients seamlessly.


With the Markdown & WYSIWYG you need not worry about create new articles or updating old ones. Upload images, embed videos & more on the go.

Markdown & WYSIWYG Editor


Discussion feed lets you converse, tag, and collaborate with other article authors to collect feedback and ensure your articles are up to date.



Dealing with large number legal articles? Managing documentations for your legal clients and internal lawyers is now easy with category manager.



Share articles with your clients, internal lawyers, stake holders and others. You can also restrict access to different users to maintain privacy.


#1 rated for knowledge base software among leading platforms

  • Capterra
  • G2
  • GetApp
  • Software Advise
Overall Ratings


Stay seamlessly connected with today’s business tools

Integration helps to bring external systems like analytics, chat, commenting, and CRO tools into your knowledge base.

Learn more about integrations

Security & Compliance

Secure & Reliable

Protect your sensitive information with Document360’s robust security measures.



We are GDPR compliant and have implemented strict security measures to protect your data.



The SOC2 certification is a testament to our commitment to your data security and privacy.

Data Protection

Data Protection

We adhere to stringent data security practices to keep you safe from any cybersecurity threats.

Document360 in action

Take a look at some of our live customer knowledge base sites

Free Signup

Start creating your legal documentation articles in minutes

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Book a Demo with our experts to solve your legal knowledge management challenges.

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