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About AutoRABIT

Founded in 2015, AutoRABIT provides metadata-aware DevOps and Backup & Recovery solutions specifically designed for the Salesforce platform. With 200+ employees in offices in the San Francisco Bay Area, New York, DC, London, Melbourne, and Hyderabad, AutoRABIT helps their global customers and partners achieve CI/CD while minimizing defects and ensuring their mission-critical Salesforce data is always available.

Our challenges with existing tool

  • No cloud version supported.
  • Long, ugly and complicated the URLs are in the HTML5 output. It makes it harder to share links with people.
  • Lack of a built-in method for author-review-approve cycle.
  • 1990’s-like interface.
  • Limited options for HTML5 layouts; customization is cumbersome.
  • No support for integrating to Version Control.
  • Difficulty in keep things organized while working on large projects (300+ articles).
  • Lack of Analytics.
  • No change log for the end users to review what’s new / what has been recently changed or added to our documentation.

Why Document360?

For years, AutoRABIT relied on Microsoft® Word and a well-known documentation tool to develop its online Help and print documentation, converting CHM files into PDF files and emailing customers directly on-demand. As the company grew, managing this process and system became increasingly daunting and outdated.

Recognizing the need to modernize its content delivery, the organization took a more agile approach to the development and delivery of its software and supporting documentation.

“We needed a tool that would allow us to generate user guides and create modern, online help where we could control the look and feel, and publish quickly, since we have an agile software environment. At the same time, internal team members wanted Word docs, and certain customers preferred PDFs. It was also important to integrate with Google search for analytics because our documentation portal, as part of our website, needed to be comparable to a corporate website. Our search was both extensive and exhaustive. We evaluated most of the products on the market against our criteria, and we narrowed our list to three products. After two month-long evaluation, the decision was quite simple; Document360 fulfilled all our key criteria.”

Notably, the HTML output supports partial-word searches, which enable users to type part of a word and search for results matching those characters—making it unnecessary for users to remember an exact term. Typically, the results are fetched in under 45 seconds which make it much easier for our customers to find exactly the information they need.

Document360 provides a feature to customize the 404 pages with title, description, and button that connects to our home page. This feature is really helpful to us because the customer can return to the homepage to start a new search.

“We are continually looking at how we can enhance our documentation to support the current and future needs of our customers and partners. With Document360, we have a publishing solution provider that shares our forward-looking commitment to providing a state-of-the-art user experience.”

Enhancing the Customer Experience

Today, AutoRABIT uses Document360 to deliver a modern, HTML-based documentation web portal where users get access to different content based on their requirements. Embedded videos are just one way that AutoRABIT creates an intuitive experience for customers. The web-based documentation displays very well in responsive design to support for the mobile and tablet users too. Pictures are easy to view, and the text is easy to read.

AutoRABIT also relies on Document360 Support to help incorporate the documentation and online features that the company wants to bring to customers.

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