Mohamed Shakheen, Author at Document360 The knowledge base that scales with your product. Tue, 05 Dec 2023 09:34:31 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Mohamed Shakheen, Author at Document360 32 32 Document360 2.0: Transforming your Knowledge Experience Fri, 03 Nov 2023 16:53:45 +0000 Exploring the enhanced features and user-centric innovations in Document360 2.0 The upgrade to ...

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Exploring the enhanced features and user-centric innovations in Document360 2.0

The upgrade to Document360 version 2.0 was a faceted approach driven by a commitment to user-centric design, thorough feedback analysis, and an emphasis on enhancing the user experience. Document360 aimed to empower users with efficient content management and knowledge-sharing capabilities by offering interfaces, advanced analytics, and collaboration tools. The integration of intelligence improved automation features, bulk operations, and simplified content import processes streamlined the creation of knowledge resources. Customization options, enhanced search functionality, and expanded reporting capabilities were implemented to provide organizations with a data-driven knowledge management experience. Ultimately, these enhancements result in a user-friendly platform that enables organizations to create, manage, and share knowledge effectively while making informed decisions.

In the changing realm of knowledge management, staying ahead of innovation is vital. Document360 2.0 represents the iteration of this versatile knowledge base platform, which not only offers an updated appearance but also delivers a comprehensive reimagining of how knowledge is created, managed, and shared. Let’s delve into the features that Document360 2.0 brings forth.

A dashboard for comprehensive insights

Knowledge management begins with gaining an understanding of what transpires, within your knowledge base.

The latest version of Document360 known as Document360, 2.0 introduces an all-in-one Dashboard that serves as a hub for your knowledge management efforts. It provides an overview of your knowledge base performance and individual contributor summaries. Think of it as a control center that offers insights to help you make decisions.

Enhanced Analytics

With Document360 2.0, analytics capabilities reach heights. The platform now offers in-depth analytics across dimensions.

Article Performance Analytics: Delve into how your articles are performing. Gain an understanding of which articles are captivating readers and pinpoint areas that may require improvement.

Search Behavior Analytics: Analyze how users search for information within your knowledge base and fine-tune the search functionality accordingly.

Team Account Insights: Obtain insights into your team’s performance. Identify areas where additional support or training may be needed.

Reader Analytics: Get to know your readers by understanding their preferences. How they engage with your content.

Feedback Evaluation: Listen to what users are saying through feedback mechanisms and take action to enhance the quality of your knowledge base.

Link Interaction Tracking: Keep track of how users interact with links, in your documentation and optimize the user journey

Page Not Found Investigation: Identify areas where users might be getting lost or confused, allowing you to improve the content and prevent any issues.

Ticket Deflector Analytics: Keep track of how your knowledge base is assisting, in deflecting support tickets, saving time and resources.

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This abundance of data gives you the power to optimize your knowledge management strategy for outcomes.

Enhanced Analytics

Simplified “All Articles” Section

Managing several articles can feel overwhelming. With the bulk operations feature in the “All Articles” section, it becomes a breeze. Whether you need to update, delete or make modifications to articles Document360 2.0 simplifies the entire process.

All Articles

Effortless Article Import

Importing articles has never been easier. With Document360 2.0 you can effortlessly import articles by uploading Word files. This feature streamlines content creation. Speeds up the knowledge management process.

Article Import

Personalize your knowledge hub

Your knowledge base should reflect your brand and style. With Document360 2.0 you have control, over customizing your site with ease. Easily configure the header, footer, homepage, error pages, and login page from one location.

This user-friendly approach guarantees that your knowledge base truly reflects your expertise.

knowledge hub

AI-Powered article recommendations

The future of managing knowledge is being shaped by AI. Document360 2.0 fully embraces this by providing AI-driven article recommendations. It’s like having a friend who understands your knowledge base and suggests articles to enhance the quality of your content.

article recommendations

The Block Editor

Bid farewell to the ordinary. Welcome the extraordinary with the Block Editor. This editor isn’t a sidekick. A true partner for content creators. With its inline commenting capabilities, it enables collaboration transforming your documents into masterpieces.

Block Editor

Enhanced Search in the Portal with Advanced Filters

The new Portal Search feature allows you to search through your knowledge base using filters such as All, Articles, Settings, Drive, and Tags. This streamlined search experience ensures that you can quickly and efficiently find what you’re looking for.

Portal with Advanced Filters

Zendesk Federated Search Integration

Knowledge management often goes hand in hand with customer support. Document360 2.0 simplifies this process with Zendesk Federated Search integration. Say hello to a search tool that helps you effortlessly find valuable information in your documents.

Zendesk configuration

Simplified Article Creation Process

Creating crafted articles has never been easier than, with our optimized Article Creation feature.

Crafting an article is a breeze, like creating a masterpiece one click at a time. It simplifies the process of content creation. Ensures that your knowledge base is always kept up to date.

Article Creation Process

Article Publish Checklist

No mistakes! The Article Publish Checklist guarantees that you have covered all your bases before you hit that publish button making your content creation process more dependable.

Article Publish Checklist

Export to PDF

For those who require copies or downloadable versions of your content, Document360 2.0 offers the option to Export to PDF. Design looking. Generate PDFs that will leave a lasting impression on your readers.


To sum up, Document360 2.0 goes beyond appearance; it represents a comprehensive reinvention of knowledge management. With its feature Dashboard Analytics, efficient bulk operations seamless article imports, helpful Widgets, customizable site options, AI-powered article recommendations, and numerous other features it provides a complete solution for modern knowledge management. Stay ahead of the game. Embrace the future with Document360 2.0 – the companion, for your knowledge management journey.

An intuitive knowledge base software to easily add your content and integrate it with any application. Give Document360 a try!


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Revolutionize your Knowledge Base with Article Health-Check Metrics Thu, 27 Apr 2023 10:48:07 +0000 In today’s fast-paced digital world, providing accurate and up-to-date information to your customers ...

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In today’s fast-paced digital world, providing accurate and up-to-date information to your customers is more critical than ever. Keeping your knowledge base content accurate, relevant, and efficient can be daunting, especially when dealing with a large library of information. Fortunately, Document360’s AI-powered Article Health-Check Metrics can provide a solution to keep your content healthy.

What are Health Check Metrics?

Article Health-Check Metrics is a new AI-powered feature that provides real-time metrics to monitor the health of your knowledge base articles. The tool analyses your content’s quality, accuracy, and relevance to generate a health score for each article.

Document360’s Article Health-Check Metrics provides actionable insights to improve your article’s quality. For instance, you’ll receive suggestions for enhancing readability, avoiding repetition, and structuring your content better. By utilizing these recommendations, you can easily improve your knowledge base articles without extensive analysis.

There are four main aspects of the health check metrics:

    1. Meta title: The meta title of your article should be clear, concise, and informative. Include keywords, and it should not be more than 60 characters long.
    2. Meta description: Meta description appears beneath your title in search engine results pages (SERPs). You must provide a relevant summary of what a particular article is about, and it should not be more than 160 characters long.
    3. Word count: Although there is no ideal word count, articles with at least 300 words tend to perform well in SERPs.
    4. Readability: Readability is the ease with which a reader can understand your article. Several factors contribute to this, including sentence length, paragraph length, and the use of subheadings, etc.

Key Benefits of Article Health-Check Metrics

Streamlined Knowledge Base Maintenance – One of the primary advantages of Article Health-Check Metrics is the ability to streamline knowledge base maintenance. The AI-powered tool can analyze all your content and identify any issues that require attention. With this, you can efficiently prioritize and address the most critical issues, such as broken links, or incomplete content.

Improved User Experience – User experience is essential in today’s world, and Document360’s Article Health-Check Metrics makes it easy to maintain a high-quality knowledge base. The tool identifies potential issues that could impact the user experience, such as readability or confusing language. These insights can help improve the user experience.

Time-Saving – Article Health-Check Metrics saves time by automating the process of analyzing and monitoring the health of your content. Instead of manually reviewing each article, the AI-powered tool does it for you. You can focus on other important tasks, such as creating new content or engaging with customers.

Increased Efficiency – By leveraging the insights provided by Article Health-Check Metrics, you can make data-driven decisions to improve your knowledge base’s overall efficiency. For example, if users frequently abandon articles after a certain point, you can use this data to improve the article’s structure and layout to keep readers engaged.

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How to use Health Check Metrics in Document360?

To utilize Health Check Metrics in Document360,

    1. Navigate to the article or page category you want to analyze.
    2. Within the article settings, you will find the Health Check Metrics option.
    3. Clicking on “check now” will display the article’s health status.

Health Check Metrics in Document360 includes two metrics: SEO Metrics and Readability Metrics.

The system assesses three criteria to evaluate the content quality: Problems, Suggestions, and Good Work. These criteria are used to generate recommendations for improving SEO and readability metrics.

Health check metrics

SEO Metrics

The primary goal of utilizing SEO metrics is to enhance an article or website’s visibility on search engine result pages. Users can improve their website’s search engine rankings by using SEO metrics and attract more organic traffic.

Within Document360’s Health Check Metrics, the SEO Metrics section will analyze the content and provides insights into the following elements: meta title length, meta description length, internal links, external links, and featured images. The AI model evaluates the content based on different criteria and provides recommendations for improving the content to meet the SEO standards. This helps users to update their content and make it more search-engine friendly.

seo metrics

Readability Metrics

Our AI model uses can analyze your content and provide actionable insights to improve its readability. These insights are based on several criteria, including the readability score, sentence length, sub-heading distribution, and paragraph length. By leveraging these metrics, our tool empowers users to update their content wherever necessary, ensuring that it is easier to comprehend and engaging for their audience.

The readability score is a crucial metric that measures the ease with which a reader can understand the content. Our tool calculates how easy to read and understand the article content. It will indicate a score out of 100. This score helps users understand how difficult their content may be for readers to comprehend and guides them in making the necessary improvements to simplify it.

Sentence length and paragraph length are also essential readability metrics. Our AI model analyses the average length of sentences and paragraphs, providing users insights into making their content more engaging. By breaking up long paragraphs and sentences, users can create a better flow of information, which can help readers better understand the content.

Subheading distribution is another vital readability metric that our AI model analyses. Our tool identifies the optimal number of subheadings that should be used in the content and their placement. Subheadings make it easier for readers to scan the content and locate the necessary information. By optimizing the subheading distribution, users can make their content more reader-friendly and accessible.

In summary, our AI model’s readability metrics provide users with a comprehensive set of insights to improve the readability of their content. By analyzing critical criteria such as the readability score, sentence length, sub-heading distribution, and paragraph length, users can quickly identify areas that require attention and optimize their content to improve accessibility and engagement.

Readability metrics


Also Read: Tips to keep a healthy knowledge base

Last thoughts

In conclusion, Document360’s AI-powered Article Health-Check Metrics feature is a game-changer for content creators who wants to improve their content readability and engagement. By leveraging the latest artificial intelligence, this feature analyses critical criteria such as the readability score, sentence length, sub-heading distribution, and paragraph length to provide users with comprehensive insights to optimize their content. The users can quickly identify areas that require attention and make the necessary improvements to create more accessible and engaging content for their audience. Whether you are a seasoned content creator or just starting, you should use the article health-check metrics feature to enhance the content creation process and ensure that your knowledge base stays up to date.

An intuitive knowledge base software to easily add your content and integrate it with any application. Give Document360 a try!


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Glossary: A Valuable Resource for Knowledge Sharing Mon, 19 Dec 2022 10:18:13 +0000 A glossary is a valuable resource for sharing knowledge, as it provides a ...

The post Glossary: A Valuable Resource for Knowledge Sharing appeared first on Document360.

A glossary is a valuable resource for sharing knowledge, as it provides a concise and easy-to-use reference tool for readers. A glossary can help ensure that readers have a collective understanding of the language and concepts used in a document by providing clear and accurate definitions for key terms. This can be particularly helpful in fields that use specialized or technical language, such as science, medicine, or engineering. A glossary can also help make a document more accessible to a wider audience, by providing definitions for words or phrases that may be unfamiliar to some readers.

What is Glossary?

A glossary is a list of terms and their definitions, often found at the end of a book or other document. The purpose of a glossary is to provide definitions for words or phrases that may be unfamiliar to the reader, or that have a specialized or technical meaning within the context of the document. A glossary can help clarify the meaning of complex or difficult concepts and can be a useful reference tool for readers who want to quickly look up the definition of a term.

How does Glossary work in the Document360 knowledge base?

A glossary in a knowledge base is a list of terms and their definitions. This can be a useful tool for users who are new to a particular topic or subject, as it allows them to quickly look up and understand the meanings of specific terms.

With Document360, the user can configure the glossary terms in between the sentences and those terms are visible to the readers when they hover over the terms. In our Document360, there is an option to create a glossary term and add a definition.

The options which are available under the glossary feature in the Document360 knowledge base –

  • Create term and definition
  • Insert glossary terms in the article
  • Bulk import – terms & definitions
  • Export glossary terms & definitions

The glossary feature is typically located in a separate section of the knowledge base portal, site and is organized alphabetically for easy access. When a user looks up a term in the glossary, they are presented with its definition and may also be provided with additional information, such as examples or related terms.

Glossary term selection


Glossary view


Glossary menu

Why use a glossary in the Document360 knowledge base?

A glossary can be a useful addition to a Document360 knowledge base, as it provides a reference tool that can help users quickly and easily look up the definitions of key terms and concepts. By providing clear and concise definitions for important terms, a glossary can help ensure that users have a mutual understanding of the language and concepts used in the knowledge base. This can be particularly helpful in fields that use specialized or technical language, or in knowledgebases that cover complex topics.

Also Read: The Definitive Guide to Knowledge Sharing

An intuitive knowledge base software to easily add your content and integrate it with any application. Give Document360 a try!


How to use a glossary effectively Document360 knowledge base?

  • Identify the key terms and concepts in your knowledge base and consider which ones may be unfamiliar to your readers or may have a specialized or technical meaning.
  • Create a list of these terms and provide clear, concise definitions for each one. Make sure to use language that is easy to understand and avoid using technical or jargon-heavy language in your definitions.
  • Organize your glossary entries in alphabetical order to make them easy to find and reference. You may also want to include cross-references to related terms or provide additional information or examples to help illustrate the meaning of a term.
  • Make your glossary easily accessible to readers. If you are using a physical document, consider placing the glossary at the end of the document or providing a table of contents that includes a link to the glossary. If you are using a digital platform, consider including a search function or other navigation tools to help users access the glossary quickly and easily.
  • Keep your glossary up to date. As you add the latest content to your knowledge base, make sure to update your glossary to include any unfamiliar terms or concepts that may be unfamiliar to readers. This will help ensure that your glossary remains a useful and relevant resource for your readers.

Benefits of Glossary

  • Promoting clarity and understanding: A glossary provides clear and concise definitions for key terms and concepts, which can help ensure that readers understand the language and concepts used in a knowledge base. This can be particularly helpful in fields that use specialized or technical language.
  • Improving accessibility: A glossary can make a knowledge base more accessible to a wider audience, by providing definitions for words or phrases that may be unfamiliar to some readers. This can help ensure that all readers can access and understand the content.
  • Providing a convenient reference tool: A glossary provides an easy-to-use reference tool that allows readers to quickly look up the definitions of unfamiliar terms. This can save readers time and effort and help them make the most of the available information and resources.
  • Enhancing the user experience: A well-designed and well-organized glossary can make a The knowledge base is more user-friendly and intuitive to navigate.

How does Glossary help readers?

  • It makes the knowledge base more accessible to a wider audience, by providing definitions for words or phrases that may be unfamiliar to some readers. This can help ensure that all readers can access and understand the content.
  • It provides a convenient reference tool that allows the reader to quickly look up the definitions of unfamiliar terms. This can save the reader time and effort and help them make the most of the available information and resources.

Also Read: 7 Best Knowledge-Sharing Tools in 2023

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, a glossary is useful for providing definitions for key terms and concepts in a knowledge base. By promoting clarity and understanding, a glossary can help ensure that readers have a mutual understanding of the language and concepts used in the knowledge base. It can also make the knowledge base more accessible to a wider audience and can provide a convenient reference tool for readers. A well-designed and well-organized glossary can enhance the user experience and make a knowledge base more user-friendly and intuitive to navigate. Overall, a glossary can be a valuable resource for promoting clarity and understanding and can help make a knowledge base more accessible and user-friendly. To try it out, sign up for a trial version here

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What is Application State Management and How Does it Matter? Fri, 26 Aug 2022 11:57:46 +0000 Most likely you would’ve realized it as well. You are navigating through the ...

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Most likely you would’ve realized it as well. You are navigating through the knowledge base portal; you traverse everywhere else in the portal and then go back to the original module, recognizing all the previously captured data in the module was cleared away. Maintaining and rebuilding an activity’s UI state in a timely fashion across system-initiated activity or application annihilation is a critical part of the user experience. In these cases, the user expects the UI state to remain the same, but the system breaks the activity and any state stored in it.

User expectations and system behaviour

As a user, you expect that when you start an activity, the transient UI state of that activity will continue to remain the same up until you entirely terminate the activity. You can completely dismiss an activity by: 

  • pressing the back button 
  • swiping the activity of the Overview (Recent) screen 
  • navigating up from the activity 
  • completing some sort of “finishing” action. 

Your hypothesis in these entire dismissal cases is that you have perpetually traversed away from the activity, and if you re-open the activity you expect the activity to start from a clean state. The primary system behaviour for these dismissal circumstances bouts your expectation – the activity instance will get smashed and detached from memory, along with any state stored in it and any saved instance state record associated with the activity. 

Knowledge Management platform development is evolving. Development standards are shifting. New tools and libraries emerge daily. As companies depend on the web more and more, application development performs a progressively more significant part in sustainability. According to a Forrester study, “The software you deploy, and especially the custom software you create, will increasingly be part of your competitive edge.” We at Document360 have introduced a feature to remember the state of a module when navigating to other modules within the knowledge base portal. 

What is state management? 

State management is extremely imperative in application development. It centralizes all the states of several UI controls to manage data flow across the application. 

These are the areas where the remember state helps you –

  • Slider – across the knowledge base wherever the slider appeared remains the same when you back the section
  • Filter – across the knowledge base last applied filter will be in the same state where you left of
  • Version/Language Dropdown – across the knowledge base
  • Grid-sort – across the knowledge base
  • Accordions – across the knowledge base

The remember state feature is a powerful feature that can help you keep on top of your knowledge base sections. Use it to effortlessly pick up where you left off, and make sure you never lose your place again!

How to use the Remember state feature?

When it comes to managing your knowledge base, there are few features more valuable than the remember state feature. This powerful tool allows you to keep track of your progress as you work across the knowledge base sections, making it easy to pick up where you left off.

Remember state feature is available under the Knowledge Base portal -> General -> Remember state. 

Remember State - Document360

An intuitive knowledge base software to easily add your content and integrate it with any application. Give Document360 a try!


How does remember state affect the customer experience?

If you’ve ever used a knowledge base or SaaS product, you know that one of the most frustrating things can be trying to remember where you left off. Whether you’re trying to find a specific article or complete a task, it can be difficult to pick up where you left off if the product doesn’t have a way to remember your last state.

That’s why it’s important for knowledge base and SaaS products to have a remember state feature. This allows the product to save your place and pick up where you left off.

The remember state feature is especially important for customers who use the product regularly.

The remember state feature can also be helpful for customers who are new to the product. If they get interrupted while using the product, they can easily pick up where they left off without having to start from the beginning.

Remember state is a critical part of the customer experience in knowledge base SaaS products. It allows customers to easily resume their workflows and continue using the product without having to start from scratch. By keeping track of customers’ preferences and previous actions, remember state ensures a seamless and personalized experience that ultimately leads to higher satisfaction and loyalty.

Why is it beneficial to use this feature?

This is especially useful when working on a project that requires multiple steps or when dealing with a lot of information. By being able to see the state of the knowledge base, it is easier to track progress and ensure that everything is on track. In addition, this feature can also be used to quickly refresh your memory on a particular topic.

Check out this head-to-head comparison between Document360 and its Alternatives. You can also read more about how Document360 compares to its competition.

Wrapping up

Overall, the remember state feature is beneficial because it will help you save the current state and come back to it later, so you don’t have to start from scratch every time.

Therefore, the state management feature is simple but it’s something that you must enable and save lot of time. Try it out now, sign up for a trial version here.

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Feature Explorer: An intuitive way to enhance product onboarding Thu, 12 May 2022 12:58:07 +0000 Understanding every feature in a Knowledge Base can be overwhelming and not immediately ...

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Understanding every feature in a Knowledge Base can be overwhelming and not immediately helpful. Providing a free product trial model poses several questions. Dedicating to a solution without getting a feel of it can be intimidating, enough to drive the users crazy. Perhaps one of the greatest challenges of free trials is getting users to understand the product in a limited time and understand its value proposition. If you are unable to figure the product out, there’s little to no chance that you will reap benefit from the product.

How do we fix this ambivalence? Feature Explorer address this bottleneck in your Document360 trial journey. This feature plays the vital role in introducing and familiarizing you with Document360’s knowledge base and its features.

What is Feature Explorer?

When you start using Document360, you’ll expect to try and understand how to use it yourself before asking for help. If you can figure out the value of Document360 during your trial period, it is a big win for you as a user. This is where the Feature Explorer helps you to a superior grade.

  • Feature Explorer gives you the ideal product onboarding experience.
  • It helps you decide and explain the system and, functionality in an interactive way rather than expecting you to understand them by chance.
  • Feature Explorer helps to increase product stickiness and drives product adoption.

Also Read: Feature Update: Full Portal Search

Why do you need Feature Explorer?

Feature Explorer is effective for the following reasons:

Setting prospects: Feature Explorer in Document360 Knowledge Base, guides you to take specific measures that alleviate intricacy and stimulates users to embrace a progressive direction. When you look into Feature Explorer, you don’t have to determine what to do. You will subconsciously utilize a cerebral bias to accomplish all tasks. Naturally, you won’t expect to see the desired results before achieving the steps in the feature explorer.

Encouraging Progress: Every time you complete a step, you’ll see a GIF image of winning a trophy, which gives you a little dopamine and pushes you to make further progress.

Driving to your first aha moment with Document360: When you take up the highly significant steps and complete the steps in Feature Explorer, you will feel good about getting something done but also understand the value of our product.

Check out this head-to-head comparison between Document360 and its Alternatives. You can also read more about how Document360 compares to its competition.

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How can you access Feature Explorer?

The Feature Explorer can be accessed in your knowledge base portal by clicking the ‘Trophy’ icon on the left menu bar.


There are two different phases of tasks in Feature Explorer:

Quick Start: The fundamental features are as follows: 1. Categories & Articles 2. Invite your team members 3. Explore extensions 4. Customize your home page is listed in this phase.


Advanced Options: After you achieve the assignments from Quick start, the advanced options will display the next set of tasks. In the advanced options, you would discover the Content role and Portal role features.

Content Role:

This segment encompasses the features such as 1. Update contributors 2. Setup the workflow 3. Article revision & history.

content roles

Portal Role:

portal roles

This part entails the features such as

1. Customize site design elements

2. Configure site navigation links

3. Add custom CSS/JavaScript.

Points to Remember:

  • Feature explorer is accessible only in trial projects.
  • The quick start segment and the features have been thoroughly constructed to guarantee the most advantageous product learning experience.
  • You can also hide feature explorer for 24 hours from the bottom of the page.


Final Words:

Feature Explorer is one of the top-quality feature additions to Document360 which effortlessly onboard you onto our platform getting you to speed quickly on the basic tasks and processes.

The basic quick start and advanced levels of tasks in feature explorer will get you more competent from day one of your Document360 trial period. To try it out, sign up for a trial version here.

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