Rochelle Saldanha, Author at Document360 The knowledge base that scales with your product. Fri, 01 Dec 2023 09:08:49 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Rochelle Saldanha, Author at Document360 32 32 B2B Marketing Expo 2019- London Mon, 01 Apr 2019 11:02:50 +0000 The B2B Marketing Expo is Europe’s leading sales event, where year after year, ...

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The B2B Marketing Expo is Europe’s leading sales event, where year after year, the most proactive sales professionals descend on the ExCeL, all hungry to find the tips, techniques, innovations, and strategies they need to transform themselves, and their companies, into the most prominent names within the sales sector!


The two-day event highlights with more than 300 exhibitors,14 Keynote speakers, around 500 seminars and least to mention the award program for Best Tech Innovations.

All under one roof, experts from various walks of life were on hand to enlighten visitors with the very best sales guidance available; while an array of the industry’s biggest brands and most innovative suppliers will be showcasing the solutions shaping the future of sales.

Our Team at the Expo

Saravana, our CEO and Gowri & Duncan – our Business Development Team were there to join me as we promoted our SaaS product Document360. This was our opportunity to meet the best and showcase what we had at this incredible event. We had our very own booth for two days with our branding already sorted.

While the team at the booth attended to most of the attendees that visited us and showed them the nuances of the product, our founder Saravana had a busy day engaging with all the other CEO’s and attending the seminars.
We had loads of free goodies at our booth for interested attendees. Some of the branding efforts at other booths were quite eye-catching with some having games stalls, and one even had a car display.expo car b2b marketing
The main task for us was to speak to as many as possible attendees. We had a good amount of leads by the end of the day.

As the day drew to an end, exhibitors kicked back and enjoyed the hospitality of the ExCeL Team and mingled with a few other exhibitors too at the Networking event. Everyone had a hard day on their feet, and now were happy to put their feet up.

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Here are some great responses about the event on social media #B2BMarketing19 #B2BmarketingMeetUp


Gains at the Expo

b2b expo

The B2B Marketing Expo brought together sales professionals from across the globe to network and witness leading businesses to showcase innovative techniques, tools, and systems, that are taking the sales industry by storm. The show has the ethos of delivering outstanding educational content that draws highly targeted audiences, while also offering an engaging visitor experience like no other. 

The event offered a unique opportunity for our brand and product to gain mass exposure to an affluent, growing prospect that will be eager to try the product in the future.


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Feature Spotlight – API in Document360 Mon, 11 Mar 2019 08:51:15 +0000 API (Application programming interfaces) is an interface for interacting with a web server, ...

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API (Application programming interfaces) is an interface for interacting with a web server, with the most common use case being data retrieval. (Just like a person can by loading pages and submitting forms.)

Document360 RESTful API’s will allow you to integrate your documentation with your software, allowing you to easily on-board new users, manage your articles and more – Document360 API Reference

Also Read: How Does a REST API Work with Examples and Challenges

Check out this video for a quick overview on how you can use the API’s in Document360.

What Problem do APIs Solve?

APIs are built as an attempt to free the data from the clutches of these web interfaces and be able to perform actions without requiring a login to the website. Basically, an API specifies how software components should interact. 

Companies these days all seem to promise that they have an “easy to use API” and that their customers can use this API to fetch and process the data. They are often unusable by anyone outside the software department; sometimes because of a lack of programming knowledge.

The user makes a “request” to a web server, that web server accesses a database (with the customer data) and returns it to the requester in a “response”. (This same request/response cycle is used when you access web pages in your browser.)

So, you can typically perform the same actions that you would normally do via the web browser pages.

Getting Started with API’s in Document360

For these API usage examples, we will use a Postman collection to showcase the functionality.

All of our APIs currently supports the following HTTP verbs:




Used for retrieving resources.


Used for creating resources.


Used for replacing resources or collections.


Used for deleting resources.

API token

The tokens are bound to a specific project and will only allow operating on elements within the project scope.

You are required to supply the token with every request in order to gain access to your data, otherwise, the call will fail, and an appropriate error message will be shown.

Generating API Token

Navigate to API Token in Settings page (Project > Settings > API Token ).

You can generate multiple tokens each with a different name and HTTP method access. To generate a new token simply provide a friendly name and select required HTTP methods, a confirmation pop-up will show, and a token will be generated in the table below.

Copy your token using the copy button or triple click on the token itself to select it.

Document360 copy API token

Image #1 API Token

Once you have the token, you can then use the various API’s and supply the parameters as requested in the API reference docs.

URL Naming convention

Sample Scenario

Create User

A typical example, could be an admin would like to add user’s using an API, rather than manually entering each user’s name & Email one at a time.

  • Put the Base API Endpoint, API Token in the Headers and formulate the Body according to the parameters required to mention in the API docs.

Note: You would need to retrieve the ID of the inviting user using another API (Get Users)

API Get users

Image #2: Create User

  • Once the Send Button is pressed, this should then automatically create a user for you without you having to login to the portal and add users manually.

Search in a Project (Keyword)

A typical example could be searching for keywords in your knowledge base without having to actually open the website and search.

Note: You would need to get the Project version id using another API (Get ProjectVersions)

Search in project of API

Image #3 Search 

Thus, API’s eliminates the need for users to actually have to login and perform tasks.

We suggest spending time with API Docs first, to get a better understanding of how it can help you.

Check out Document360 today to generate the token and access the API’s.

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Feature Spotlight – File Manager in Document360 Mon, 18 Feb 2019 12:05:45 +0000 It can be frustrating when you can’t find what you are looking for. ...

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It can be frustrating when you can’t find what you are looking for. Often the benefits of having a good filing system overlooked. But keeping your content well-ordered will save you time when you are searching for something and make your content easily manageable.

The File Manager interface in Document360 allows users to organize, view, access and manage all the files and folders in one place.

Learn in this video how to set up and upload files into your File Manager in Document360 to allow for your customers to manage and organize their data.

Why do you need to organize your content?

Digital asset’s such as logos, videos often re-used multiple times within the documentation.

A file management system offers a user-friendly interface for users to organize important data and provides a searchable database for quick retrieval.

When Organizations grow larger, many people involved in each workflow. A logical folder organization facilitates collaboration among all.

Benefits of using File Manager in Document360

Many companies continue to struggle with digital transformation – customers are asking for more and more content for products. With the large  number of digital files that a company has to manage, you can quickly lose sight of the big picture.

When something changes, you need to update multiple places in a single click. This means that chaos is almost guaranteed as data quantities get larger.

Scenario – You need to change the Company Logo

Now the Logo image may have been inserted at several points in the documentation.

Using a File Manager, if you have a single link for that file when you replace the old logo with a new file of the same name, the new logo is now replaced in all the documentation.

Scenario – Centralised Repository

You are writing some new article and would like some high definition images. Why not check what images are already there in your documentation? Search for images or required files and re-use them in your documentation.

How to start with the File Manager in Document360

As soon as you have gathered the content required for your documentation, you can begin uploading and organizing your digital data. The quicker you do it, the sooner you can distribute your documentation for your customers to view.

The File manager in Document360 allows you to administer a system that correctly handles digital data

Upload Files

Navigate to the File Manager using the shortcut provided in the left-hand-side menu.

File Manager

Image #1 File Manager in Document360

When you first open the File Manager you can see the default tree structure with folders there.

These folders already created by Document360. The Image folder is a System folder and cannot be deleted or renamed.

Document360 Folders

Image #2 Default Folders

Create any folders/ subfolders if required and then upload files in corresponding folders using the Upload Button. You can also Delete or Rename any custom Folders as required.

Document360’s File Manager supports the below formats

  • Image Files
  • Microsoft PowerPoint PPT
  • Microsoft Word Docs
  • PDF
  • Zip

View & Search

You can view the list of files in 2 modes

  • Grid (thumbnail) view
  • List view

files grid view

Image # 3. a. Grid view of files

Files list view

Image # 3. b. List view of files

Image Files have a thumbnail icon to preview them, while the rest file formats are given a static icon.

When you click on any file, you get a blade of the information displaying the metadata. Metadata gives important information about the data of a file.

  • Link to File (this could be copied using the icon) – This is a blob URL provided.
  • Title
  • Alt Text
  • Tags – These could be used for filtering files


File manager blob url

Image #4 Link to blob URL 

You can search through the File Manager using the customisable Filters available

  • Date
  • Update By
  • Type

Customisable filters

Image #5 Customisable filters  

Editing Portal – Insert Image

In the Markdown Editor, you can now pick Files from the File Manager when you insert images. See the video below on how to insert images using the File Manager

Backup & Restore

File Manager has been included now in the Backup & Restore capability, so it is possible to restore your Files in their structure should you move projects.

File manager backup

Image #6 Backup 

NOTE: While importing documentation into Document360, it first creates those images in the File Manager and then includes appropriate links.


File Manager is available for all users and is only limited by the Storage. Check out the pricing page for more information

Check out Document360 today and organize your Digital assets with our File Manager and be on top of things.

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Feature Spotlight – Notifications in Document360 Tue, 12 Feb 2019 08:53:13 +0000 Notifications can inform you who and what exactly has changed in your Knowledge ...

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Notifications can inform you who and what exactly has changed in your Knowledge Base.  Whenever you create or modify anything in Document360, you can set it up so that you can receive a notification via any channel of your choice

What are the Notification Channels in Document360?

Notifications allow you to keep track of your team’s activities and your own work items. You have the option to subscribe only for notifications you are interested in by mapping that event to the notification channel.

Document360 can send you an alert when any changes/updates are made to the documentation. To get started with notification channels, you will need to perform some basic configuration under the “Notifications” section inside “Settings”

Schedule a demo with one of our experts to take a deeper dive into Document360

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Notification Channels 

On the Settings > Notification > Notification channels tab, click the ‘New Channel’ button to go to the page where you can configure and set up a new Notification Channel. Document360 ships with the following set of notification types:

Mapping notification and notification channels in Knowledge base

When you create or modify content in Document360, you can choose which of the notification channels should be used for the notification. You can provide individual emails or group emails if relevant, allowing you to target communications and involve exactly who you need.

Notification mapping

Once the Channel has been set up, you will need to map the events that you wish to be notified of to the respective channel you wish to receive notifications.

Navigate to Settings > Notifications > Event Mapping

Mapping notification and notification channels in Knowledge base

  • Use the slider to select the event you wish to be notified of
  • The Edit icon is to the right of the event to configure it to a specific channel.

You can subscribe to as many events as you want by using the above settings.

Let us now go into the setup for each Channel.

Webhook Notification Channel

The webhook channel is a simple way to send notifications over HTTP to a custom endpoint. Document360 allows you to easily connect to your services/applications using the webhook connector. Once you’ve configured the URL, Document360 can PUT/POST the notifications as a JSON/XML format to your webhook URL.


Mapping notification and notification channels in Knowledge base

Microsoft Teams

‘Microsoft Teams’ is another instant messaging app like Slack that allows users with Office 365 account to easily collaborate and schedule meetings across your organisation. If your team utilizes Teams to communicate, then you can easily create new incoming webhook for one of your existing channels or for a new channel.

Mapping notification and notification channels in Knowledge base


Slack is a widely used cloud-based collaborative software. At its core, Slack is an instant messaging app that provides company-wide, and private channels, direct messaging, and notifications. If you and your team use Slack to communicate internally, you can receive important Document360 notifications in the Slack channel of your choice. The first step is to get your Webhook URL from the Slack app. Once you connect your Slack Team to Document360, you can easily add a Webhook that pushes Document360 notifications directly to any Slack channel.

Mapping notification and notification channels in Knowledge base


In order to send email notifications, you simply need to specify who should be notified by their Email address. The following table provides descriptions of the configuration fields and indicates whether they are required. The section that follows this table provides example configurations.

Mapping notification and notification channels in Knowledge base




Friendly Name


Friendly name of your SMTP channel

Email To


Email address of the notification recipients



Email address of the notification recipients



Email address of the notification recipients


Document360 already provides the default SMTP email server setup.

Check out Document360 today and set up your notifications to be aware of any changes in  your documentation.

An intuitive knowledge base software to easily add your content and integrate it with any application. Give Document360 a try!


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Feature Spotlight – Analytics in Document360 Mon, 04 Feb 2019 05:54:52 +0000 Document360’s latest feature addition – Analytics ensures that you gain an accurate and ...

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Document360’s latest feature addition – Analytics ensures that you gain an accurate and deep understanding of your knowledge Base.

What are the key metrics that could  help you elevate your knowledge Base to the next level?

Learn in this video how to decipher the Analytics metrics within your Knowledge Base in Document360.

Why is Analytics required in a Knowledge Base?

Knowledge Base analytics give you valuable insights on what questions your customers have about your product or business. It can help make your knowledge Base more efficient.

Creating and publishing articles are just the start of the journey to help customers on their way to self-serving documentation.

To help optimize that process, you need to constantly revise your documentation as per your customer needs.

Analytics help you discover

  • What people are searching for?
  • Where they come from?
  • How they use your Knowledge Base?
  • Which articles are not liked by the user?

When you have public documentation or client facing, with these metrics you can tell what content resonates with your audience and what they are looking for in terms of information.

Document360’s Analytics Feature

In Document360, Analytics could be accessed using the shortcut icon on the project in the Dashboard or clicking on the Left-Hand Side Menu – Analytics Icon.

Three main sections exist as explained below in Detail.

  • Overview
  • Performance
  • Search

Analytics Overview

The Analytics Overview screen shows the different countries where your documentation audience lies.

Outlining popular countries,  a number of visits per country and a summary of how many likes, dislikes and total views.

These metrics could be very useful to identify your key demographic and understand what areas you might have to focus on.

The graphs are visually easy to understand and gain a better understanding of your documentation trends.

Figure 1: Analytics Overview Dashboard

There is a View Report option in the Overview Dashboard, which allows you to open the other two detailed dashboards.

Document360 has two major categories for Analytics

  1. Performance Analytics
  2. Search Analytics

Performance Analytics

Performance Analytics help you to visualize your data to better understand your articles and authors and drive continual improvement.

The main metrics are as shown

A Graph on article Likes & Dislikes

A colour coded Graph which could be customized according to specific date ranges to see the likes and dislikes across the documentation

Table of Likes, Dislikes, Views & Reads.

  • Leading Authors

Shows you which Authors articles are most read.

  • Leading Articles

Shows you the popular articles again.

  • Leading Categories

Shows you leading Categories and the sum of all the parameters for articles under them.

  • Countries
    Shows the list of Countries and the views per country.

These graphs and metrics could also be customized to show the performance data for a specific date range as well.

Document360 Performance Analytics

Figure 2.1: Performance Analytics

Search Analytics

Search Analytics help determine the content being searched for and viewed as well as help you find missing articles.

Learning about ‘search’ also helps you understand which topics are popular and how your users think.

It helps provide answers to some of these questions

  1. Which keywords are most often searched?
  2. Which keywords have no search results?

The Main metrics provided are

  • Popular Searches
  • No Result Searches

Thus, the search analytics metrics reveal what articles generate the most interest by tracking which Knowledge Base articles receive the most traction from your customers.

These graphs and metrics could also be customized to show the search data for a specific date range as well.

Figure 2.2 Search Analytics in Document360

Check out Document360 today and make sure you analyze your articles correctly using analytics and help the customer by improving your Knowledge Base.


The post Feature Spotlight – Analytics in Document360 appeared first on Document360.

Feature Spotlight – Custom Footer Navigation in Document360 Mon, 28 Jan 2019 05:18:07 +0000 Creating a Custom Footer in your Knowledge Base can be crucial in your marketing strategy to help get users ...

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Creating a Custom Footer in your Knowledge Base can be crucial in your marketing strategy to help get users from your documentation come back to your website and give more information. 

Learn in this video how to create the Custom Footer within your Knowledge Base in Document360 to allow for your customers to navigate through your website with ease. 

What is a Custom Footer? 

You can add headers or footers at the top or bottom of your documentation. The footers are designed to provide key information with aesthetic appeal. Custom footers open potential for custom branding and link sharing. 

Creating custom footers  could seem as an advanced customization feature that requires knowledge of HTML and CSS. In that sense, most documentation solutions assume readers have some level of experience with coding. 

NOTE: Creating a custom footer will apply it to all the pages in the Knowledge Base. 

Basic Footer 

The default footer in Document360 allows you to set up Navigation Links. Up to links could be added. 

Basic Footer Setup 

Figure 1.1: Basic Footer Setup 

These appear on the Left side of the footer in the Documentation website. 

Basic Footer Output 

Figure 1.2: Basic Footer Output 

Document360’s Custom Footer Navigation 

Without hard coding, Document360 with its easy to use interface ensures you can create a customizable footer without having any experience in coding. 

Custom Footer 

There are two themes provided with different Styles and a Blank template which allows you to set up your Footer that will appear at the bottom of your documentation. 

Each of the themes has 2 sections for HTML & CSS section. These could be customized as well to change the colours and fonts for the footer. 

Custom Footer HTML & CSS Section 

Figure 1.3: Custom Footer HTML & CSS Section 

The Preview option is also provided so you can immediately see the output without saving the changes.  

Custom Footer Preview

Figure 1.4: Custom Footer Preview 

You can replace the ‘#’ links  to the actual links of your website and change the colour of the theme in the CSS section. 

Check out Document360 today and customize your footer with ease to provide a nice professional touch to your documentation. 

The post Feature Spotlight – Custom Footer Navigation in Document360 appeared first on Document360.

Feature Spotlight – Markdown Editor in Document360 Thu, 24 Jan 2019 12:04:34 +0000 Document360 is a powerful, flexible fullscreen-capable text editor using the  Markdown syntax. It ...

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Document360 is a powerful, flexible fullscreen-capable text editor using the  Markdown syntax. It also provides support for inline HTML, code blocks, tables, and more. 

What is a Markdown Editor? 

The Markdown is a text-to-HTML lightweight markup language. Markdown allows you to write using an easy-to-read, easy-to-write plain text format.  Markdown’s formatting syntax goal is to be as readable as possible. 

When you create a Markdown-formatted file, you add Markdown syntax to the text to indicate which words and phrases should look different. For instance, to denote a heading, you add a number sign before it (e.g., # Heading One). Or, to make a phrase bold, you add two asterisks before and after it (e.g., **this text is bold**). It may take a while to get used to seeing Markdown syntax in your text, especially if you’re accustomed to WYSIWYG applications. 

Schedule a demo with one of our experts to take a deeper dive into Document360

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Document360’s Markdown Editor 

Figure 1: Editor’s Preview Pane & Toolbar 

Live Preview Pane 

In Document360, the Markdown Editor comes with a live preview pane with Scroll Sync (this binds the scroll bars of the editor panel and the preview panel to ensure that you always keep an eye on the output while writing.) 

The preview pane allows you to see the final output as it would be on the published page while you type. So, you don’t need to publish the article to see the final product. 

WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) controls 

It also has WYSIWYG control, so you have full control over the formatting of your content using the Toolbar functionality.

It allows for  

  • Headers (H2, H3, H4)
  • Formatting (Bold, Italic, Strikeout)
  • Horizontal Line break
  • Block Quotes
  • Bullets (unordered, ordered)

Figure 2: Markdown Simple Formatting 

  • Insert
  • Table (customizable)
  • Images
  • Videos
  • Links
  • Code Snippets
  • Callouts (Information, Warning, Error)

Markdown Formatting Shortcuts 

To help you learn Markdown syntax, we also have a shortcut menu that shows the actual markdown syntax we use when you select one of the formatting options. 

Figure 3: Markdown Shortcuts 


Besides these, Document360 also allows for better usability and visibility 

  • Collapse the category Manager on LHS and make the editing area full-screen. 
  • Using ‘<’ near Category Manager.
  • Using the icon near the Preview option in RHS.

Check out Document360 today and create your documentation articles with ease using the Markdown editor. 

Related videos

How to use WYSIWYG (HTML)& Markdown editor in a knowledge base

An intuitive knowledge base software to easily add your content and integrate it with any application. Give Document360 a try!


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Document360’s Feature Spotlight – Category Manager Thu, 20 Dec 2018 12:22:05 +0000 A knowledge base can be your customer’s self-service guide through your product – helping them ...

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A knowledge base can be your customer’s self-service guide through your product – helping them to find answers to solve problems on their own.

The main priority should be to improve the overall customer experience to remove usability bottlenecks. Some people like to search, others like to browse. Document360 allows you to organise, structure and position your articles within a knowledge Base so the customer can self-learn.

Learn in this video how to provide a cleaner and self-learning interface for your customers within your Knowledge Base in Document360.

What is a Category and Sub-Category in Document360?

In Document360, Categories are used for organizing and/or display of certain buckets of knowledge.

It works like a folder that contains a group of related content. Categories and sub-categories provide a clean structure for the documentation. Based on your requirement, you can organize your documentation into a category hierarchy structure — which can go up to six-levels

  • Category
    • Sub-Category
      • Article

Category and Sub-Category levels

You can create up to six levels of category hierarchies that organize the articles.

For example, you can create “Settings” as your Category, and “Project Settings”, “Documentation Settings”, “Appearance Settings”, “Custom CSS/JavaScript Settings” as your Sub-Categories.

Example of Category & Sub category Levels
Figure 1: Example of Category & Sub category Levels

Under the Category/Sub-Category, you can create the Articles.

How to choose Knowledge Base Categories?

You should structure your knowledge base in such a way that makes it easy for readers to digest information.

Just start writing articles to cover the topics you are hoping to document

Break the entire category apart into smaller pieces

Look through your ticketing system and understand what are the major queries requested by customers, relating to certain issues. Then, try writing content for those topics that resolves those problems.

If your support team is getting several of the same issues in tickets repeatedly, you can avoid that scenario by writing knowledge base articles answering those questions.


Figure 2: Example of Categories in Technical documentation

Category Manager in Document360

Once you’ve created some articles, you can use Document360’s Category Manager to help organise and perform the below operations –

Creating Categories and sub-categories

To create a category,

  1. Log in to Document360
  2. Select your Project from the dashboard
  3. Navigate to the Documentation section on the left menu

Default Category and Articles

When you create a new project, you will see a default project called Documentation with two articles. You can choose to hide these articles and rename the category. You can choose to create a new category with articles and delete the Documentation category.

  1. Click Add Category to create the parent level category.
  2. Enter the Category Name and click Create.
  3. Hover on the More Actions (three dots) next to the category name. To add a sub-category, click Add Sub Category. Enter the Sub Category Name and click Create.

Category Create

Figure 3.a: Create a category/sub category

Rename a Category or Sub-categories

To rename a category or sub-category, hover on the More Actions (three dots) and select Rename. The name will become an editable field. Now, you can provide a new name for the category/sub-category.

rename part1

rename part2

Figure 3.b: Rename a category/subcategory

Delete a Category or sub-categories

To delete a category or sub-category, hover on the More Actions icon and select Delete. Click Yes in the confirmation pop-up to delete the category/sub-category.


Figure 4: Delete a category/subcategory

Move a Category or sub-categories. (Drag and drop)

Users can move (drag and drop) a sub-category as a primary category level or re-order the sub-category into another sub-category.


Figure 5: Move category/subcategory

Emoji icons for categories

Document360 allows the user to select the icons for the categories and subcategories to communicate an idea or emotion in a simpler way.

  1. The default icon will be there before the category name
  2. Select the required emoji by clicking the default icon
  3. Your category now has an emoji icon.

add emoji

Figure 5: Adding an Emoticon to category/subcategory

Adding categories to the Landing Page

Search and see what the major trends are – if a lot of customers are having the same searches or reading the same article. Then you can add those popular categories on the landing page directing users to them directly.

category on landing page

Figure 7: Example of categories on the Landing Page

Check out Document360 today and make sure you position your articles correctly in the right categories and help the customer embark on a self-learning journey with your Knowledge Base.

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Document360’s Feature Spotlight – How to Configure Custom Domain Wed, 05 Dec 2018 09:27:53 +0000 Some customers may prefer to keep their domain name at different providers for ...

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Some customers may prefer to keep their domain name at different providers for branding and trust purposes. Document360 gives you the option to “map” your existing domain to your documentation website.

How the Documentation Project URL Works in Document360?

When you create a project in Document360, by default, the address of your project is a Document360 sub-domain. So, when you create a project for a product – ServiceBus360 – the default URL address will be

We have a wildcard certificate for all the projects in our sub-domain (. This ensures all documentation websites have SSL security.

An intuitive knowledge base software to easily add your content and integrate it with any application. Give Document360 a try!


Document360 provided domain

A new Document360 project will use the project name as the domain.

For example, if you have named your project as Project Greenfield, the autogenerated domain by Document360 will be


Edit Document360 provided domain


  • You can change a custom subdomain by clicking on the Edit project sub-domain (pencil) icon

For example, or

  • Once you type in your required domain prefix, a check will ensure the new domain is unique and available
  • If not available, try a different prefix
  • If available, click on the Update button, and your new Document360 provided domain will be live
  • Click on the Go to your knowledge base site icon to view the change in site URL

Why Do You Need to Configure Custom Domain?

Customers may want to have their own custom domain mapped to their documentation for more branding and trust.

You can map a sub-domain of your own domain (Example: or to the default Document360 project address. This process is referred to as custom domain mapping.

Setup Your Custom Domain Mapping

You need to make sure a CNAME record is created in the DNS zone file in your domain registrar (e.g., GoDaddy).

Some common domain registrars

This is an example to demonstrate the CNAME and TXT record mapping for domains registered with Hostinger.

  1. Go to Hostinger’s domain manage page
  2. Open the Domains section and select your domain
  3. Now click on the DNS/Nameservers on the left and select the DNS records tab
  4. Choose the type of record from the dropdown (CNAME/TXT)
  5. Paste the value copied from Document360 in the Points to field
  6. Add the TTL (Time-To-Live) value and click on the Add record button


Information: You need to wait for 24 to 48 hours for the changes to reflect.

Configure Custom Domain in Document360

To add a custom domain in Document360, use the extensive and elaborate setup guide in the Document360 Knowledge base. We walk you through the entire process of the mapping, clearly explaining what each of the entities means. 
Here is the link to the Custom domain mapping help article


Finally, check out Document360 today and make sure your documentation is up to date and has the correct branding and custom domain for your customers!

The post Document360’s Feature Spotlight – How to Configure Custom Domain appeared first on Document360.

Document360’s Feature Spotlight – How to Add Custom CSS and JavaScript to Your Website Thu, 29 Nov 2018 15:32:02 +0000 Customize your website’s style and enhance specific parts of your site, using custom ...

The post Document360’s Feature Spotlight – How to Add Custom CSS and JavaScript to Your Website appeared first on Document360.

Customize your website’s style and enhance specific parts of your site, using custom CSS and JavaScript. Document360 gives you the capability to customize your knowledge base website in the settings section with three different options.

  • Custom CSS
  • JavaScript
  • Custom Tags

Having your Knowledge Base look and feel like as similar as possible to your own main site makes the process of moving your customers across seamless

Have a look at the below video on how Document360 allows you to customize your knowledge base website.


How to find the selector name?

First, you should know the selector name (Ex, Class or ID name of the div) to change the “Style”. Now you can choose the section that you want to change and then right click to Inspect. In the DevTools window, you can easily view the selector name and the default CSS.

dev tool window

At this point, you will now know the selector name and then you can write your custom CSS in the Settings section to customise it as required.

Change the Color or CSS style

If you would like to change the color or style of your knowledge base website, you can write your Custom CSS in this section. Your custom CSS would be included in the HTML, just before ending head tag.

You should paste all the customized CSS code on the Custom CSS page in Settings.

how to add custom css

Make changes on the Landing page

For example – To change header title, font size, font family and the color on the landing page

.landing_top h1 {
color: #0035ff;
font-family: "Comic Sans MS";

The above CSS will change the size of the Landing Page Header text to a larger size and color of the text will be blue.

output before adding custom css


For example – To change the landing page header background color ( below code specifies a gradient shade, but the solid color is also possible) and font color.

.landing_top {
background: linear-gradient(135.94deg, #134660 0%,#005a7e 37.15%,#1c738b 54.98%,#55a6a6 100%) !important;
color: #fff4cc !important;


output after adding custom css


Documentation Website Changes

We are using the font “Source Sans Pro”, except for headings, For the headings, we are using the font “Montserrat”, If you want to change the font-family for the knowledge base, please change the body CSS according to your company’s font by using the below – customized code.

body {
font-family: "Courier New";


changing font family

Similarly, if you want to change the Heading of the article font, you can change the code from the below- mentioned tags according to your size.

h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 {
font-family: " Impact", sans-serif;


changing heading tags


Adding a Custom JavaScript Widget

In this custom JavaScript section, you can insert custom scripts to your knowledge base website. Your custom java scripts would be included in the HTML, just before ending head tag.

how to add custom js

For example – To display an alert box after the page load.

alert("Hello! I am an alert box!");


Adding Custom Tags

Custom Tags allows you to give your custom JavaScript and external libraries. Document360 gives you three options to include your scripts in the below sections:

  • Header
  • Beginning of body
  • End of body

The Scripts or the external libraries URL that you add in a specific Custom Tag section will be reflected in the respective section of the HTML.

For example – To include Fresh Chat in your knowledge base.

Check out this article for a detailed look at how to include Fresh Chat by adding Custom Tags

how to add custom tags

So, go ahead and customize your website landing pages and articles with CSS and JavaScript in Document360 today and let your customers have a great user experience.


The post Document360’s Feature Spotlight – How to Add Custom CSS and JavaScript to Your Website appeared first on Document360.
