Customer Support Archives - Document360 The knowledge base that scales with your product. Fri, 09 Feb 2024 04:58:02 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Customer Support Archives - Document360 32 32 How an AI-Powered Knowledge Base Helps Customer Support Wed, 24 Jan 2024 09:11:01 +0000 We all know conventional ways of answering customer queries will not satisfy today’s ...

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We all know conventional ways of answering customer queries will not satisfy today’s customers. The speed at which customers expect to find solutions is increasing every day. To give a competitive edge to your brand, equip it with an AI-powered Knowledge base.

If you are wondering about the big fuss about  AI-powered knowledge base then this blog is for you. With the use of AI, businesses can provide customers experiences that will set them apart from the competition.

Businesses must reimagine how they are engaging with information to help their customers more effectively. With tools like Document360 to create advanced knowledge bases for customer support, businesses can use it to create AI-powered self-service experiences without having to implement this technology themselves.

Customer support teams have long known that they use resources inefficiently when helping customers. Not only is it easier for customers to access information using the help of AI, but AI also makes the creation of self-service content much quicker and easier.

35% of businesses have already adopted AI,and nine out of ten support AI for a competitive advantage.

What is an AI-Powered Knowledge Base?

First of all, a clear understanding of what is a knowledge base is the key here. A knowledge base is a centralized repository for storing information that can be accessed by the users when searching for a piece of information.

We all know how AI is changing the world. AI in the knowledge base can change the way we organize the information, the way users can search the information, and make it SEO friendly. By now, you should be prompted on what an AI-powered Knowledge base means. Yes, an AI-powered Knowledge base uses advanced machine learning and Natural Language Processing technologies to understand user queries and make it a more easy-to-use platform.

At Document360, we have introduced Eddy, your new AI assistant with whom you can directly interact by asking questions and it will help you find more customized answers.  Eddy changes the way that your customers search and discover information and, therefore, how our knowledge base software operates too.

Eddy email example

It’s not so much about if companies are going to adopt AI-powered knowledge bases as it is when. Since AI is transforming the nature of search for users, searching for content in the knowledge base is going to undergo the same changes. It already has. Content creation is also being revolutionized with generative AI, breaking the limits for authors who want to write content at scale.

Benefits of using an AI Knowledge Base for Customer Support

The AI-powered knowledge base completely transforms customer support by eliminating much of the manual work previously conducted by customer support teams and technical writers.

Reduce Response Time

Customers want instant answers to their queries, and with AI they can search the knowledge base with a few keywords and AI will return answers to them in a format completely suited to their needs. Instead of waiting around for agents to become free, customers can receive the answers they need immediately through AI. Businesses that can eliminate the need for customers to wait are more likely to make a sale or retain customers they already have.

Improved Search and Retrieval

Instead of the laborious process of typing and retyping search terms into the knowledge base, the old way of information retrieval is out. Ask AI anything, and you will receive tailored answers fully supported by the wealth of information in the knowledge base, without having to use the exact terms described in the article because AI picks up on search intent.

Personalized Content Recommendations

Customers using your knowledge base can receive personalized content recommendations that help with the learning experience. Suggestions about what to read next give customers deeper insight into your product and increase adoption as customers discover new features and use cases that would otherwise have remained unknown to them.

Automation of Repetitive Tasks

Exceedingly repetitive tasks can be automated with AI in your knowledge base, such as adding contextual tags to your articles, coming up with titles, or linking related articles together. AI automatically suggests tags and related articles to give a much richer information experience that helps your customers self-learn, freeing up technical writers to focus on the overall picture of the knowledge base and agents to provide support.

Enhanced User Experience

When customers have access to easy answers and technical writers can use AI to create content, the user experience of your knowledge base is much better for everyone. Article suggestions or even complete answers are automatically generated for customers, while your content producers don’t have to write everything from scratch.


With AI powering your content creation efforts, it’s much more feasible to scale your customer support efforts without being restricted by budgets. Your agents and technical writers don’t have to write everything themselves and tags can be added at scale to improve efficiency. They can also use AI-powered analytics to understand content gaps and customer behavior in the knowledge base.

Data-Powered Insights

As we have just mentioned, AI uses data from your knowledge base to display key metrics and make insightful recommendations for improving your knowledge base. Health check metrics tell you at a glance how good your content is, from SEO metrics such as readability score and sentence length to readability metrics that make producing effective content much easier.

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How an AI Knowledge Base Helps the Customer Support Team?

Self-service doesn’t have to be a difficult experience; with AI’s help, your customer support team will perform better than ever.

Identifying Customer Queries in a Short Period

Ticket deflector enables you to identify customer queries that can be solved by the knowledge base far more quickly than an agent could respond to your customers. By creating common ticket deflectors and using AI to suggest relevant content, you can instantly solve many customer queries without lifting a finger.

Can Provide Accurate Answers with Reference Links

There is a high level of trust when it comes to using AI in the knowledge base since it will return answers to customers containing reference links that it has used to substantiate the reply. This gives a new level of transparency when using AI to answer customer queries, so customers can easily fact-check the information they receive since the facts are contained in an article.

Easily Create Content for New Queries

New queries that haven’t been solved by existing content can be addressed easily through AI. You can input the text for your new article and have AI change the tone or length automatically to reduce the time it takes for you to end up with a final product. AI writer allows you to use the power of generative AI to quickly create new content, combining human creativity with machine intelligence.

Gathering Insights into Customer Behavior

With an enhanced dashboard powered by AI, gathering insights into customer behavior on the knowledge base is easier than ever. Being able to view clicks and reading time down to the most granular detail enables you to use this knowledge to create better content by finding out what is working. By understanding exactly how customers interact with the knowledge base, you can analyze performance and identify customer needs.

Enhancing the Customer Support Experience

Customers are excited by the ability to access and find content in new ways since this makes the customer experience better than ever. Businesses that invest in the customer experience now are well-placed to beat the competition and ensure that superior customer support leads to better product adoption and loyalty. When businesses spend less time on creating content, they can invest both time and money back into the customer experience.

Gaining a Competitive Advantage with Automation

Automation gives you a competitive advantage by reducing the time it takes to perform certain actions. For example, you might utilize integrations with customer support software to automatically create knowledge base articles in your third-party app, seamlessly combining multiple tools. Eliminating unnecessary busy work saves all time and money that can be reinvested back into the business.

Creating a Centralized Repository for Relevant Content

Your content will be held centrally, allowing customers to discover relevant content as they search your knowledge base using AI. Customers won’t have to use the exact terms to find a piece of content since every article will be tagged with metadata and queries detected with NLP, adding a richer context to the article.

Utilizing Natural Language Processing for Common Questions

Natural Language Processing, or NLP, considers the relevant context surrounding the interaction. This means that NLP can respond in a much more nuanced and specific way for customers, sounding much more like a human than previous incarnations of AI.

Tips for Making AI Work for Your Knowledge Base

Now you know that implementing AI in your customer support is a good idea, here are a few tips for making that happen.

Create Lots of Helpful, Relevant Content

The key to making AI work in your knowledge base is filling it with helpful, relevant content. Although the AI is smart, it feeds off data that you create and then uses that data to construct answers for system users. The great thing is you create that content once, and it can be used infinitely to help as many customers as you like.

Constantly Update Content Based on Feedback

Some customers will tell you when your content isn’t hitting the mark, while others will churn without a word. Regularly solicit their feedback to understand when AI is meeting their needs and when you might need to create more content for a better customer support experience. Your first customers are like experiments who will alert you to the health of your content repository.

Use Analytics to Track Performance

An AI-powered knowledge base will come as in-built with advanced analytics reporting on content performance. For example, working out when customers are dropping off might show you that your content needs a bit of work in a particular area. Your most popular articles will require even more investment to ensure you are truly helping customers.

Document360 2.0 analytics

Deeply Understand Your Target Customers

Your customer base is unique, and any content you create for AI should specifically address their needs. Generic content will likely result in generic answers that fail to help customers in their most vulnerable moments and will have them turn to customer support in frustration. A well-targeted knowledge base will anticipate customers before they even have to ask, showing them you understand them well.

How Document360 Helps Your Business?

We have recently released Document360 2.0, which is a total upgrade of our software to incorporate the latest AI for our customers. Eddy is our AI assistant, who you can deploy to create content lightning fast or use to answer customer questions when your knowledge base is live. Document360 2.0 is redefining the knowledge base space and changing the way users interact with knowledge.

Document360 2.0 has every single feature we have talked about and more.

AI title recommender:
Document360 uses Natural Language Processing to identify critical information in the content and suggest suitable titles for the articles while preserving the original context.

AI title recommender suggestions

AI article summarizer:
This feature is useful when readers want to save time by avoiding lengthy articles. Instead, they can get an idea from the condensed summary containing essential information from the article.

AI Article summarizer

AI tag manager:
The feature analyzes the content, recognizes common keywords, and identifies topics to provide a set of suggested tags.

AI tag recommender

AI Search feature:
This New AI search feature uses AI algorithms to understand users’ prompts and queries and serve them with accurate information. This saves users time in searching for information in each article.

The only way to find out more is to give us a trial and see how Document360’s AI-powered knowledge base will supercharge your business.

 Switch to modern customer knowledge base now!


AI tools are already becoming commonplace as ChatGPT and Bard sweep the world, so AI-powered knowledge bases for customer support are the natural next step. When customers grow accustomed to using AI in all their usual applications, they will grow frustrated when your knowledge base fails to offer the same functionality.

Self-service in customer support is all about empowering customers to help themselves, relieving the burden on your support team. Using AI with traditional self-service methods is the key to unlocking value and elevating the customer experience. Companies that adopt AI-powered knowledge bases early will find themselves leading the herd and gaining more customer loyalty.

Making the content creation process easier as well as enhancing the customer experience of accessing information, are the twin benefits of AI in a customer support knowledge base. Document360 is cutting-edge in its ability to implement AI in your knowledge base and includes many features that improve the experience on both sides.

An intuitive AI-powered knowledge base software to easily add your content and integrate it with any application. Give Document360 a try!


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Impact of ChatGPT enabled knowledge base in call centers Wed, 15 Nov 2023 11:13:27 +0000 One of the main functions of a SaaS product company is to provide ...

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One of the main functions of a SaaS product company is to provide support for its customers. This “support” function plays a critical role in customer satisfaction, leading to customer retention. The support teams in enterprises are predominantly in the call centres answering customer queries via phone calls, email, and chat. The call center operations are vital to ensuring the enterprise customers are satisfied with their enterprise products and services. The call center provides an omnichannel experience catering to different customer personas. A whopping 58% of CEOs expect their call center volume to increase in the next 18 months according to the McKinsey report. This puts greater pressure on call centers that are already under strain. This may lead to a negative customer experience, resulting in a poor NPS score for an enterprise. Thus, call centers must be equipped with modern technological tools to help their staff assist customers effectively. This article provides a glimpse of how modern Artificial Intelligence tools can help call centers.

Evolution of call centers

Call centers predominantly focussed on phone support during the beginning of the customer experience era. Most of the call center operational staff are given ample training on enterprise products and services such that they can offer solutions to enterprise customers’ problems over the phone. Call center staff had access to a few knowledge silos present inside the enterprise, and this limited knowledge was good enough to serve a small number of customers. However, over time the volume of support calls has skyrocketed, and customers vent out their frustrations on social media if any of their issues go unresolved. This led to many call centers evolving to meet with changing customer behavior and adopt technological innovations. This can be summarized based on three eras.

First era

Predominantly, call centers were providing phone support. The call center staff had access to tribal knowledge of enterprise products and services. The volume of support calls was low.

Second era

Predominantly, call centers provided omnichannel support in terms of phone, email, and chat. The call center staff had access to tribal knowledge of enterprise products and services. The volume of support calls was manageable.

Third era

Call centers are overwhelmed by the volume of support calls. Call center staff needs access to a single source of truth in terms of knowledge to provide accurate responses. Moreover, call center operations must be modernized with the latest Generative AI capabilities to provide personalized customer support.

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Role of the knowledge base

Knowledge base plays an indispensable role in providing a single source of truth that is trustworthy and always up to date. The knowledge silos can be integrated if enterprises choose to build a centralized knowledge base to ensure smooth operations of their support operations. The key element in building a centralized knowledge base is to

Ensure collaboration amongst different internal stakeholders

This means a knowledge management team must be formed to liaise between different internal stakeholders to have a trustworthy content and avoid information discrepancies between the internal and external stakeholders.

Have a centralized knowledge repository

There are various strategies that can be adopted to build a centralized knowledge repository; The easy strategy is to provide a universal search that spans multiple knowledge silos and provide this search tool to call center staff. Another approach is to build a centralized knowledge repository in addition to internal siloed knowledge bases. There are pros and cons to these two approaches, which need to be evaluated before an enterprise chooses an approach for its business scenario.

Train call center staff

Training call center staff on modern technology tools helps increase support staff productivity as they can find information quickly and serve the customers effectively. In fact, the chatbots are so advanced now that they can deflect most of the low-value support tickets that are often from FAQs.

ChatGPT in call centers

Embedding ChatGPT-like technology on the top of the centralized enterprise knowledge base would supercharge call center staff’s productivity. If this is rolled out to enterprise customers, then customers would get accurate responses to their queries, thus eliminating the need to contact the enterprise support team. The core element of enabling ChatGPT-like technology is the central knowledge base that houses all the enterprise information. This information is reliable, always up-to-date, and trustworthy.

Suppose the support team relies on siloed knowledge bases. In that case, there are more chances that support team members might relay different information to similar customer queries based on which information they are referring to. However, ChatGPT-like technology always provides reliable information for exact or similar customer queries. This helps customers to gain trust in enterprise products and services. The ChatGPT-like technology utilizes a Generative AI framework called Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG). This framework works in the following manner.

  • The RAG framework takes all textual information and converts it into numbers called “embeddings.”
  • These embeddings are stored in a vector database.
  • Once the customer types in a question, these questions are also converted into embeddings and sent to the vector database.
  • The vector database returns the top 5 embeddings based on similar scoring for the customer question.
  • The returned embeddings are post-processed to create a response to customer questions.

This RAG framework fundamentally differs from enterprise search which works on “keyword search.”

Thus ChatGPT-like technology can provide the following benefits:

  • Increased customer satisfaction
  • Increased call center staff productivity
  • Reduced time taken to find the right information
  • Reduced customer wait time in call center
  • Increased customer retention
  • Increased brand value


ChatGPT-like technology is poised to make call center staff more efficient and their customer response more effective. A trustworthy knowledge base should underpin the ChatGPT-like technology to be rolled out. The information in the centralised knowledge base should always be up-to-date and should not contain any discrepancies. The Generative AI technology will provide a personalized support service. In the future, ChatGPT-like technology will offer more proactive support rather than generic support, enhancing customer experience further.


An intuitive knowledge base software to easily add your content and integrate it with any application. Give Document360 a try!



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Why Product Knowledge Matters in Customer Service Sat, 30 Sep 2023 13:30:22 +0000 Effective customer service plays a critical role in the success of any business. ...

The post Why Product Knowledge Matters in Customer Service appeared first on Document360.

Effective customer service plays a critical role in the success of any business. It goes beyond well-thought-out interactions; it’s about equipping your customer service team with product knowledge. Not only does product knowledge produce better-informed customers, but it also helps customers resolve problems quickly.

On the flip side, adequate product knowledge can result in a good company reputation, frustrated customers, and sometimes, legal issues. However, the goal of any company is to enhance customer satisfaction and retention. This is why leveraging product knowledge to instil customer confidence in the brand through your customer service team is important.

In this article, we’ll discuss the importance of product knowledge and how it improves customer service.

Benefits of Product Knowledge for Customer Service

Arming your customer service with deep product knowledge builds trust, fosters confidence, and helps them deliver more personalized and effective support to users. Having informed the customer service representative does more for a company than just empowering customers. Here are some benefits of product knowledge for customer service.

Employee Confidence Building

One of the main advantages of product knowledge in customer service is that it makes employees more confident. When your customer service professionals have an in-depth understanding of the product for which they offer support, they develop a level of authority as they communicate.

They can support customers with credibility and more effectively. Product knowledge further equips your customer service professionals with the tools to navigate complex customer inquiries.

Building Customer Trust by Providing Factual Information

Customers buy from trusted companies or brands because trust is an invaluable currency in customer service. They can trust you more when you consistently provide reliable and accurate information regarding your product. This includes delivering precise answers to customers’ questions and providing help with the issues they face.

Customers who are satisfied with your service are more likely to recommend you by word of mouth. It’s no news that positive word-of-mouth recommendations can help you reach new audiences and improve your brand reputation.

Enhance Customer Retention

Customer retention is critical because it will cost you more to acquire a new customer than it would to retain existing ones, and product knowledge plays an important role in improving customer retention. Customer service professionals equipped with a deep understanding of the product can proactively address and resolve issues.

Due to better product knowledge, your customer service team can provide personalized support or help tailored to each customer’s needs. Addressing these individual concerns and offering unique solutions for customers’ circumstances makes them feel more valued and prioritized. This, in turn, reduces churn and increases customer retention.

Increase Your Upsells

Product knowledge is critical in providing good opportunities for customer service professionals to cross-sell or upsell complementary products. They can recognize when an additional offering will benefit customers and suggest it to them. This way, they can start conversations about these complementary services and products that align properly with the customer’s needs.

Upselling also increases customer engagement because they can see more value in your brand and products. Sound product knowledge implies that customer service personnel can leverage trust and contribute to business growth through upselling.

Increased Efficiency and Effectiveness

Exceptional customer service stems from effectiveness and efficiency. To achieve these goals, you need product knowledge, which helps service representatives offer solutions or information with precision. Comprehensive product knowledge helps your customer service team identify the root of customer problems swiftly, which reduces customer wait time and improves efficiency.

Also, in-depth product knowledge helps streamline support processes to anticipate likely customer questions and create resources such as troubleshooting guides, scripts, and templates in advance. This approach leads to smoother customer conversations and effective service delivery instead of inaccurate information and improvisation.

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The Negative Consequences of Inadequate Product Knowledge

Inadequate product knowledge has more than a few adverse effects. When customer service professionals lack the proper understanding of a product’s features, details, benefits, and uses, they will struggle to address issues and other customer inquiries. Let’s explore some of the negative effects of inadequate product knowledge.

Frustrated Customer and Lost Sales

One of the consequences of inadequate product knowledge in the customer service team is customer frustration. It’s typical for customers to expect accurate information and timely solutions from service representatives.

However, when they don’t have enough knowledge of the product, they fumble through interactions and cannot provide adequate guidance. This only compounds the customer’s issues, leading to dissatisfied, unheard, and frustrated customers.

Frustrated customers mostly translate to reduced sales opportunities or lost sales because how a customer feels about your company affects their purchasing decision. Offering subpar support due to poor product knowledge makes customers less interested in the company, negatively impacting business growth.

Also, Check out our article on product knowledge for sales

Damage to the Company’s Reputation

A company’s reputation is arguably its most valued asset for various reasons. Its sales are hinged on it, as is the customer’s level of trust in the brand. Inadequate product knowledge can severely damage a company’s reputation.

When customers are fed incomplete or incorrect information from customer service representatives, it negatively affects their trust in your company. It presents the company as unreliable, and this perception is bound to spread easily, especially in today’s digital age.

The Risk of Compliance and Legal Issues

Strict regulations govern different industries to ensure consumer safety and product efficacy. Poor product knowledge can lead to serious compliance and legal risks. When your customer service team doesn’t have comprehensive product knowledge, they may provide incorrect information regarding safety precautions, product usage, and warranties.

Due to this wrong information, customers may use the product incorrectly, or it may lead to more issues, which can cause some legal problems for the company.

How to Improve Product Knowledge for Customer Service Professionals

Improving product knowledge for your customer service team helps position you to deliver remarkable support to customers. Start by establishing training programs that contain comprehensive product details.

Here are some helpful strategies to ensure your customer service representatives are well-equipped with deep product knowledge.

Establish Training Programs and Standards

One of the ways to arm your customer service team properly is to develop extensive product training programs and establish standards for customer service knowledge. This can include adding product documentation to your customer service training manual to help service representatives learn about product features, usage, and benefits from the onboarding process.

Also, regular training programs instead of one-off events will ensure that customer service team members are well-versed and informed about product changes and updates.

Standards also ensure a consistent framework for knowledge acquisition. This implies that in the company, every service representative must have a level of proficiency and understanding of product features, troubleshooting, and usage. These standards will become a yardstick for evaluating knowledge and measuring the performance of customer service team members.

Utilize a Knowledge Base or Repository of Information

Creating and maintaining a central knowledge base or repository containing product information is another strategic approach to improving product knowledge for your customer service team. This resource is a major hub where detailed product documentation, troubleshooting guides, and other information are readily accessible.

With an updated knowledge base or information repositories, service representatives can respond to inquiries and customer issues precisely. This way, they can avoid time-consuming research and minimize the chances of giving out incorrect information.

It also empowers customer service professionals to be more self-reliant. They can analyze queries and customer concerns without constantly needing supervision.

Document360 allows you to store all your product documentation, FAQs, tutorials, and other knowledge resources in one central location. This ensures that all information is easily accessible and up-to-date.

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Spend Time with Product Teams to Understand Features/Benefits/Uses

Direct interactions with product team members are essential in getting firsthand insights about product use cases, features, and benefits. This direct communication facilitates an in-depth exploration of the intricacies and functionality of the product.

Customer service representatives can provide users with more accurate and detailed information by collaborating with subject matter experts responsible for both the development and product design. This goes beyond what’s available in the product documentation and user manuals.

Gather Customer Feedback

Another fundamental practice that helps improve product knowledge for customer service professionals is gathering customer feedback. This involves getting insights and inputs from customers about their concerns, experiences, and questions relating to the products. Direct feedback is a valuable source of information that can point service representatives in the right direction regarding areas in which they need improvement.

When you seek customer suggestions and feedback, you follow a customer-centric approach that helps the team give more accurate information. It also shows your commitment to customer satisfaction.

Quantitative Vs. Qualitative Analysis of Customer Tickets

There are two forms of analyzing your customer tickets, and these include qualitative and quantitative analysis. The qualitative analysis investigates customer interaction to understand customer sentiments, the type of queries, and the accuracy of the information given.

Quantitative analysis, on the other hand, accesses data metrics, including ticket volumes, rate of query resolution, and response time. Both methods help the customer service professional understand customer needs and highlight areas that require attention.

Prepare for Practice Demos

It’s important to stimulate real customer interactions and scenarios to enable customer service professionals to improve their methods and ability to communicate product information. Practice demos provide a hands-on approach that helps service representatives strengthen their product knowledge.

They gain more practical experience handling troubleshooting queries and customer inquiries and providing appropriate solutions. Members of the customer service team can improve their communication skills.


In customer service, the role of in-depth product knowledge cannot be overemphasized. It confidently empowers the customer service team, increases customer retention, fosters customer trust, and enhances efficiency.

An intuitive knowledge base software to easily add your content and integrate it with any application. Give Document360 a try!


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A Quick Guide to Get Accurate ChatGPT Responses for Your FAQs Fri, 29 Sep 2023 11:29:02 +0000 If you’ve arrived on this blog, chances are that you are searching for ...

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If you’ve arrived on this blog, chances are that you are searching for the right strategies and tips to get accurate ChatGPT responses for your FAQs.

That also means you might have tried and tested various prompts to get the right responses from the AI (Artificial Intelligence) tool but haven’t succeeded yet.

That’s okay, you’re not alone. This is a growing concern for many people using the generative AI tool to gain perfect responses but, unfortunately, receive vague answers. Understanding the growing dilemma, we created a quick guide to perfect ChatGPT prompts and get accurate responses.

Before diving into its challenges, strategies, tips, and success stories, let’s understand ChatGPT and its mechanics below.

Understanding ChatGPT

Chat Generative Pre-Training Transfer, now popularly known as ChatGPT, is a language model developed by OpenAI. It needs prompts to generate content that answers a certain query from users. ChatGPT successfully produces content because it has been trained with a mammoth of data online.

From writing a sentence and then paragraphs to generating interesting poems and even marketing ads, ChatGPT does it all. It runs on the “unconditional generation” technique called a transformer using neural network architecture that. With the help of this transformer, ChatGPT naturally produces content, therefore giving hints of human touch.

Mechanics of ChatGPT

There’s more to the mechanics of ChatGPT other than the transformer architecture.

We asked ChatGPT about its mechanics, and here’s what it says:

Mechanics of ChatGPT

With the right prompt, we understood ChatGPT can go back to the conversation history with the user and focus on pivotal data to generate natural-sounding responses. But other than that, here’s what it does:

  • It breaks down the inputs from its users into smaller units called tokens.
  • The tokens are then converted into contextual embeddings that help this AI tool to understand the context of the conversation.
  • Once it understands the input context, ChatGPT uses the transformer technique to generate a fixed-length representation called a context vector.
  • The transformer also includes an attention mechanism that focuses on different input parts and allows ChatGPT to generate meaningful answers.
  • It also uses conditional generation that allows the AI tool to generate content for each token.

Besides these, ChatGPT also uses sampling strategy, conversational context, user interaction, and feedback loop to bring together a response that meets the user’s needs.

Challenges in Ensuring Accuracy and Trustworthiness

Even after having such a detailed process, certain challenges hamper the results generated by ChatGPT and make users question its accuracy and trustworthiness. We’ve listed the top challenges for you below.

1. Lack of human-like common sense

ChatGPT is smart and, mind you, witty as well. It answers the questions well, and if it doesn’t, it still offers variations to meet the user’s expectations.

But this smart tool lacks common sense.

For example, if you keep receiving irrelevant answers, it doesn’t share any new responses after a certain limit. It keeps sharing the same answers repeatedly. It goes on to show that it lacks common sense, and, therefore may end up wasting user’s time and efforts.

2. Requires Human interaction to generate appropriate responses

Another challenge that ChatGPT users often face is either repeating themselves or refining their questions until they get the right response. That means ChatGPT is wholly dependent on human prompts rather than narrowing down the base of the initial query to share a response with its users.

Such a challenge can lead to a lot of time and efficiency loss, especially for users working on tight deadlines. They can’t rely on the generative AI tool to get the right answers, as they’ll have to add multiple prompts to get the right answer.

3. Handling complex or controversial topics

This is not just for ChatGPT but AI tools that generally fail to express their thoughts on complex or controversial topics.

When asked about its belief in the theory of relativity, here’s what ChatGPT says:

ChatGPT in Complex topics

The tool doesn’t indulge in affirmative answers from its end when asking about its beliefs or opinions in certain established theories. Instead, ChatGPT reinstates what is already given and fails to answer what was initially asked.

4. Addressing Incorrect Answers

Many companies believed that with ChatGPT coming to the market in full swing, the content industry may take a huge hit. And they weren’t wrong.

Studies suggest that ChatGPT crossed 1 million users in just 5 days of launch and gained 100 million active users by January 2023.

A lot of companies started generating their content through the AI tool and tried building content for their websites.

But after a few months down the line, users started to realize its downsides as well, one being its ability not to offer the right answers.

CHatGPT was undoubtedly generating content if users were adding the right prompts for it, but here’s where the tool faltered:

  • It cannot generate a content piece of more than 700-800 words for now. That means companies who plan to write long-form articles have to generate content on a section basis. And even then, they cannot guarantee a flow in the content piece as human writers can.
  • It offers stats but without its source. A lot of writers had to search for the source of the stats separately but sometimes realized that these stats don’t even exist.
  • It even fails to offer its users up-to-date data as it was trained on the database before 2021. Even if facts have changed for a certain topic, chances are that the content generated by the tool won’t be reliable.

5. Factors That Impact Trustworthiness in AI-Generated Content

These severe issues from above lead to another challenge about the data trustworthiness from the AI tool.

ChatGPT claims that one of its biggest challenges with content generation is bias and stereotyping.

Bias in Chatgpt

Due to the training data, there are chances that the tool might show bias in the content it shares with its users. Worse, the statements can be false, misleading the users about their validity.

Strategies for Enhancing Accuracy and Trustworthiness for FAQs

Given how severe the ChatGPT challenges are, we identified the best possible ways to enhance the accuracy and trustworthiness of your FAQs. These strategies include:

1. Pre-training with reliable data sources

When training a model, you need to ensure that you are using high-quality, diverse, and up-to-date data for its pre-training process. This will allow you to increase the data spectrum and make answers more relevant. What’s more, you can filter misleading data to prevent your model from learning incorrect or skewed information.

2. Fine-tuning with human reviewers and guidelines

Another way to ensure trustworthiness in answers is through human intervention. With human reviewers, you can ensure that the answers generated are legitimate for users. Create a set of guidelines that reviewers can use to train the model and ensure that it learns to produce more accurate responses with each training interaction.

3. Verifying answers and credibility

AI generates content based on the dataset on which it has been trained. While the data you add may be right, sometimes it may vary based on the query added by the user. In that case, you must verify the answers through manual fact-checking when testing the model. It is always better to cross-check the answers from verified sources to keep your information up-to-date.

4. Optimizing responses

Another strategy you can use is optimizing responses for your AI tool. This can be done in multiple ways. Some of these include the following.

Tailored Prompts:

Create tailored prompts or questions that you know will yield consistent and right responses from the AI tool. For this, you can train your AI model with multiple prompts, so they generate desired results.

Conditional Logic:

This is another way to optimize your ChatGPT answers hassle-free. With conditional logic, you can ensure the AI tool generates specific answers for certain user queries.

Clarity & Simplicity:

If you are not receiving clear answers from the tool, you can keep modifying your questions. This form of encouragement will help the AI tool generate clearer and more concise answers for users.

5. Identifying and addressing biased language

Signs of biased language are one of the repercussions of the initial dataset used to train the AI tool. In such a scenario, you need to:

  1. Train the tool with diverse data to ensure that it avoids biases when answering a user prompt or question.
  2. When you see hints of bias in ChatGPT answers, you can leave another prompt that tells that such biased language isn’t right. Understand that the tool is still in the learning stage. It is bound to make such mistakes. But with your direction, the tool can avoid such biased language in the future.

6. Customized interaction

To ensure that you receive trustworthy answers from the AI tool, make sure to have customized interactions with the tool. This is a great way to condition the AI tool to receive the right answers. Also, it helps you add a human touch to the conversation.

7. Regular training and calibration of human reviewers

Don’t let just one person be in charge of the conditioning process. Involve more human reviewers to train the AI tool regularly. You can include team members from the product team who know the product and service better. They can train the tool and input information about your product and its upcoming changes. This way, when users interact with the AI tool, they will find more information about your tool.

You can also ask your content team to interact with the tool regularly. This will ensure that the tool understands the tone and voice it must use when people ask them questions about the product.

8. Handling controversial topics

When asked ChatGPT about its downsides, here’s what it says:

Chatgpt downsides

“Overly verbose and generates biased content.”

These aren’t our words but what ChatGPT thinks about its performance overall. Now, imagine your customers interacting with this tool to understand your product’s downsides. What do you think the tool might say?

You need to take care of this when training with the AI tool to ensure it doesn’t generate negative reviews about your product. To handle such controversial subjects, you must train the product regularly and help its condition so that it doesn’t leave a bad impression on prospects.

9. Implementing real-time user feedback

This strategy must be implemented even if you don’t use AI integration with your tool. Consistent feedback from users can help you improve FAQs and allow you to ensure that they are helpful for users every time they have doubts about your product.

Documentation tools like Document360 allow you to capture feedback from users every time they visit a FAQ article on the help center.

real time user feedback

You get to learn whether your articles have been helpful to users or not. Based on the feedback, you can make changes to the information and ensure it helps all users whenever they have doubts about the product.

The same can be implemented when you use ChatGPT for generating FAQ answers. Once it generates answers, it allows you to rate the experience.

real time user feedback

Based on the feedback, you can help the AI tool understand how the answers can be improved further so that users get meaningful and right answers.

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10. Continuous Improvement and Learning

If you thought that receiving feedback from users and implementing its takeaways during the training period with the AI tool is all you have to do, we’re sorry to say that’s not true.

It needs to be conditioned consistently. That means you need to ensure that human reviewers train the tool, keep sharing feedback, and implement the right measures as per the feedback regularly without fail. This is the only way the AI tool can improve continuously and improve its results every time.

Tips for users to obtain the best answers from ChatGPT for FAQs

Now that we’ve understood a wide range of strategies one can implement to receive trustworthy answers from ChatGPT, let’s take a look at some of the useful tips that can streamline the way one writes its prompts.

Please note that these tips will prove to be beneficial for human reviewers who plan to train the AI tool regularly.

1. Providing clear and specific questions or prompts

This is undoubtedly one of the most basic yet crucial tips that people still don’t follow through properly. Explain your concerns in simple words and let the tool know how long the answer should be.

There’s a difference when you add a prompt like

Chatgpt prompts

When compared to a prompt below:

Chatgpt prompts

Did you notice? In the second prompt, we explained pain points like a lesser workforce or explaining these suggestions to other team members. Based on the prompts, the AI tool generated different answers, and the tone was also different .

Therefore, you must ensure that you provide clearer and more precise questions to receive desired answers.

2. Requesting clarification if responses are unclear

The best part about using ChatGPT is its ability to generate answers with the same intent multiple times. If you feel that the answer wasn’t clear or didn’t match the intent of your question, you can always request it to generate another response. This way you can ensure that clear answers are generated for your FAQs.

3. Verifying information from trusted sources

As mentioned above, ChatGPT users’ biggest challenge is their ability to generate bias or include wrong facts in their answers. These can leave a bad impression on users who refer to your FAQs to get their doubts cleared. That’s why you must develop a practice that helps you deliver only the right information to your customers.

Once the answers are generated, verify from the right sources to understand if the information generated is correct. Even if you condition the AI tool with regular training, there are chances that it still might generate wrong answers if it fails to understand the intent of the user’s question. So, verify the information before adding it to your FAQs.

4. Breaking down complex questions into simpler components

Another useful tip to improve the prompts for your FAQs is to break down complex questions into simpler components. Don’t expect to write multiple questions in one go; expect the tool to answer all your questions in one go. Ask one question at a time so that it gives you more accurate and clear answers hassle-free.

5. Using common language and avoiding technical jargon

You can also try avoiding complicated words that may confuse the AI and hamper its output. Avoid technical jargon and write your prompts in simple language to help ChatGPT understand the intent of your question faster.

6. Reporting issues and offering feedback to OpenAI

Make it a practice to report any issues you face with the tool and share feedback with OpenAI to help them enhance the performance of the tool. Constant feedback will allow the developers to improve performance consistently.

Case Studies and Success Stories

We’ve so far understood how ChatGPT works and how we can improve its accuracy with the right prompts and feedback to get the right answers to some of the frequently asked questions. Now, let’s take a look at some of the success stories of some of the brands that use AI to their benefit and help their users get answers faster.

Erica – Virtual Financial Assistant by Bank of America

Erica virtual assistant

In an attempt to help their customers find answers to their questions faster, Bank of America came up with an AI assistant solution, called Erica, to answer all commonly asked questions faster.

With Erica, the bank has successfully tackled common issues such as:

  • Refunds
  • Duplicate charges
  • Reward points
  • Recurring charges and bills
  • Bill reminders
  • Updates on monthly spending
  • Balance updates
  • Past transactions
  • FICO® Score insights

These updates have helped them to reduce the frequently asked questions from customers and improve overall customer experience with the brand in terms of the services.

Ada Health GmbH – Symptom Checker

Ada health Gmbh

With the intent to help people understand their symptoms and identify possible reasons why they aren’t feeling well, the makers of Ada wanted to bring a revolution in the health sector with AI. This AI tool is known for successfully diagnosing possible reasons why people aren’t feeling well. It asks multiple questions and even answers frequently asked questions about health concerns. This two-way conversation helps people to diagnose their conditions and get treatment faster.

Get Accurate ChatGPT Responses From the Right Prompts

ChatGPT has surely brought a revolution in the generative AI sector. Its ability to generate answers to the questions asked by users has helped people from different sectors simplify their work in no time.

While that’s a great upside, the AI tool is also known for its lows. But to tackle them the right way, we’ve listed down 10 tried and tested strategies along with tips that will make it easier for every ChatGPT user to get accurate and trustworthy answers to their frequently asked questions.

We hope this helps!

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ChatGPT and the Future of Customer FAQs: Trends and Predictions Tue, 22 Aug 2023 09:54:34 +0000 The buzz around ChatGPT is not fading soon. It’s now a staple in ...

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An Introduction to ChatGPT

The buzz around ChatGPT is not fading soon. It’s now a staple in almost all industries, from banking to marketing. Now we are talking about its use case in customer FAQs. But before we dive into that, a brief introduction of Open AI’s ChatGPT.

Launched in November 2022, ChatGPT (Chat Generative Pre-trained Transformer) is an AI-powered Chatbot developed by OpenAI.

ChatGPT has been trained on millions of conversations collected from different sources including books, Wikipedia, online forums, etc. Over time, they advanced the models to the present version GPT-3.5 (free to use) and GPT-4.0 (the paid version) which can do more advanced tasks, respond to questions more accurately, dialogue naturally on any topic, respond to compliments, etc.

It is pretty clear with little room for doubts that ChatGPT has made significant inroads into several businesses, including customer support, because to its ability to read client inquiries and give relevant information that is useful to them.

The Need for Automation in FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) act as a resource to attend to common queries and reduce the need for customers to reach out to support agents for common issues constantly. This stands as primal while maintaining FAQs current issues for many businesses, especially when your client base is continually expanding.
Automating FAQs using a tool like ChatGPT can improve the scalability and efficiency of the business. AI powered chatbots can be an ideal solution that lead to faster resolutions of customer inquiries, thereby reducing the time and increase customer satisfaction. And this furthermore allow support teams to focus more on complex issues that need human interaction.

Challenges Faced by Companies with FAQs

As said earlier, FAQs play a critical role in customer support but come with challenges.Some of the challenges faced by companies with FAQs include:

  • Language Barriers: If your company caters to a global audience, you will surely encounter language barriers when attending to customers.
  • Static Content: Some companies that still use the traditional FAQs that are static may need help adapting when there are changes to the product, services, and customer needs.
  • Limited Scope: Most FAQs generated by companies may only cover some possible customer queries and concerns, which can lead to incomplete and incompetent customer support.
  • Human Errors: There is a tendency for human-generated FAQs to have inconsistencies, inaccuracies, or outdated information. This can continue if it isn’t carefully and regularly maintained.

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How can ChatGPT help?

ChatGPT addresses these issues by providing dynamic and adaptive responses for customer support. The use of AI gives it the edge when it comes to learning from user interactions, thereby providing responses that are not only relevant but up-to-date.

Also, ChatGPT can be trained on different language data (Multilingual data), making it proficient when dealing with queries from different languages. It’s like hiring a multilingual expert who is a customer support expert as well. It can understand the context for more accurate responses, effectively simulating a human-like conversation.

By leveraging ChatGPT for customer support FAQs, businesses stand to enjoy the following benefits:

Improved Responsiveness: You can enjoy instant responses, thus giving your customers timely support regardless of the time of day. You don’t have to wake someone in Asia to respond to a customer’s query by 2 am.

Better Customer Experience: Since ChatGPT uses natural language, it can engage customers in meaningful interactions and conversations which can be personalized for that particular customer. It creates to a better customer experience, knowing that the responses are more personalized.

Scalability: ChatGPT can handle multiple queries at once, meaning that businesses can address a higher volume of customer inquiries without worrying about time constraints.

Cost efficiency: By automating ChatGPT FAQs, you can enjoy low-cost savings by reducing the number of human agents needed to address routine and common customer queries.

Future of Customer FAQs with ChatGPT: Trends and Predictions

The future holds a lot of potential for customer FAQs with ChatGPT as the technology continues to evolve daily. Several trends and predictions are beginning to shape the way businesses utilize ChatGPT in their customer support strategies. Some of the trends we are beginning to see include:

AI-powered Assistants and Chatbots: The integration of ChatGPT with AI-powered assistants and chatbots will become more prevalent. The integration will enable a more natural and interactive conversational experience for customers, leading to higher engagement levels between companies and end-users.

Voice-powered Customer FAQs: As voice technology becomes more sophisticated, integrating ChatGPT with voice assistants will allow customers to seek support using voice commands, making the process even more convenient.

Seamless Multi-channel Support: Customers now interact with businesses across various platforms and channels. Integrating ChatGPT with multiple communication channels will provide a seamless and consistent support experience. This clearly shows that businesses should provide omnichannel support to improve customer satisfaction and stay over the competitive edge. The process would be more seamless in the future knowing very well that businesses are investing more to get closer to the customer.

Integration with the Internet of Things (IoT): ChatGPT can be integrated into smart devices to provide instant support and troubleshooting.

Enhanced Self-service Options: ChatGPT can be deployed as a self-service tool on websites and apps, empowering customers to find solutions independently without having to go through a tedious learning curve.

Integration with Smart Home Devices: As smart home devices become more prevalent, ChatGPT can be integrated into these devices to offer home automation and support services. Customers can now access support in the comfort of their homes.

Multi-language Support: ChatGPT’s ability to understand and respond in multiple languages will be vital for businesses with a global customer base. Although we are seeing multilingual support in today’s AI space, there is a tendency for more sophisticated solutions to emanate in the future.

Continuous Learning and Improvement: ChatGPT’s AI capabilities allow it to continuously learn from interactions, ensuring its responses become more accurate and contextually relevant. This means that there would be better improvements in the future as regards the learning of solutions and products.

Gamification of FAQs: Introducing gamification elements into FAQs can incentivize customers to engage more actively and encourage them to explore the knowledge base.

Natural Language Understanding (NLU): Advancements in NLU will enable ChatGPT to grasp the intent behind customer queries more accurately, leading to more precise responses.

The future of ChatGPT for customer support looks bright but it would involve upgrading knowledge bases by companies to remain relevant to both the industry and the customers.

Also, Check out our article on ChatGPT Responses for Your FAQs


In conclusion, ChatGPT has shown that it is a game-changer for any customer support team and the future looks bright. Businesses should embrace the concept of automation for FAQs using ChatGPT which can help streamline their operations.

ChatGPT’s role in handling customer FAQs will grow significantly over time due to its capability to provide users with swift answers and personalized responses, as well as its ability to integrate with other emerging technologies.

Businesses need to stay ahead in this curve to remain relevant in the face of AI advancement to ensure they provide top-notch customer support and elevate the overall customer experience to new levels.

Also, Check out our article on Role of ChatGPT plugins in the knowledge base 

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Role of ChatGPT plugins in the knowledge base Wed, 16 Aug 2023 13:49:01 +0000 Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) based technology changed the way we find information. Instead ...

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Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) based technology changed the way we find information. Instead of putting in a search keyword and browsing through several search results, we open up ChatGPT and type the question we seek accurate answers for! The behavioral shift in consumers wanting accurate answers in a short span of time suits the Generative AI-based technologies to flourish.

ChatGPT is a prominent Generative AI technology that has been adopted very quickly. It took two months to reach 100 million active users for ChatGPT! However, there are various new use cases in which ChatGPT lacks capabilities. To address them, OpenAI introduced ChatGPT plugins such that ChatGPT can access up-to-date information, run computations using other computational engines, or use third-party services. Plugins enable ChatGPT to do things such as retrieve real-time information, retrieve knowledge base articles, and assist users in undertaking an action.

Role of ChatGPT plugins

ChatGPT plugins play a crucial role in enhancing the capabilities of the language model in the context of a knowledge base. These plugins serve as specialized modules that integrate additional functionalities into the ChatGPT system, enabling it to effectively interact with and retrieve information from a knowledge base. ChatGPT can tap into a vast repository of structured or unstructured data by incorporating plugins, providing accurate and relevant responses to user queries. One key aspect of plugins is their ability to leverage natural language processing techniques to parse and understand the content of a knowledge base. This allows ChatGPT to extract meaningful information from the knowledge base and generate contextually relevant responses to the user’s query. Whether the knowledge base consists of a collection of documents, a database, or a combination of both, plugins can utilize advanced algorithms to retrieve and present the most pertinent information to the user.

Role of ChatGPT plugins

Moreover, plugins enable ChatGPT to go beyond simple keyword matching and employ more sophisticated search and retrieval mechanisms. For instance, a plugin can implement advanced search algorithms like semantic search or entity recognition to enhance the accuracy and precision of information retrieval from the knowledge base. By incorporating these techniques, ChatGPT can better understand the user’s intent and provide more nuanced and comprehensive responses.

Plugins empower ChatGPT with the ability to seamlessly integrate with a knowledge base, extract relevant information, and generate informed responses. They enable the language model to leverage sophisticated search and retrieval techniques, enhancing its accuracy and contextual understanding. With the aid of plugins, ChatGPT becomes a powerful tool for interacting with and harnessing the knowledge stored within a knowledge base.

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Using ChatGPT plugins

A systematic approach can be followed to effectively use ChatGPT plugins in the context of a knowledge base. The following steps outline the process:

  1. Plugin Integration: Begin by integrating the desired plugins into the ChatGPT system. This involves setting up the necessary infrastructure and ensuring compatibility between the plugins and the knowledge base. The integration process may vary depending on the plugin and knowledge base used.
  2. Knowledge Base Indexing: Once the plugins are integrated, the next step is to index the knowledge base. This involves organizing and structuring the information to facilitate efficient retrieval. Depending on the type of knowledge base, this could involve preprocessing the documents or configuring the database for optimal search performance.
  3. Query Processing: When a user query is received, ChatGPT uses the plugins to process the query and retrieve relevant information from the knowledge base. The plugins employ techniques such as natural language processing, semantic search, and entity recognition to understand the user’s intent and extract meaningful information.
  4. Response Generation: After retrieving the relevant information from the knowledge base, ChatGPT utilizes the plugins to generate an accurate and contextually appropriate response. The plugins enable the language model to incorporate the retrieved knowledge seamlessly into its response generation process, resulting in more informed and relevant answers to user queries.

The role of ChatGPT plugins in the context of a knowledge base is undeniably significant. These plugins enhance the capabilities of the language model by integrating specialized modules that facilitate effective interaction with and retrieval of information from a knowledge base. By leveraging natural language processing techniques and advanced search algorithms, plugins enable ChatGPT to extract meaningful information, understand user queries, and generate contextually relevant responses.

Also, Checkout our article on ChatGPT in Knowledge Management

Closing remarks

Incorporating plugins empowers ChatGPT to go beyond simple keyword matching and tap into the vast repository of structured or unstructured data in a knowledge base. This enhances the accuracy and precision of information retrieval, allowing ChatGPT to provide comprehensive and informed answers. With the ability to seamlessly integrate with a knowledge base, ChatGPT becomes a powerful tool for harnessing the knowledge within, making it an asset in various domains such as customer support, research, and more.

By leveraging ChatGPT plugins in the context of a knowledge base, organizations and users can unlock the full potential of their data. With the ability to access and utilize information from a knowledge base effectively, ChatGPT becomes a reliable and intelligent assistant capable of providing accurate and valuable insights. The role of ChatGPT plugins in the knowledge base ecosystem represents a significant step towards enhancing human-machine interaction and fostering a more knowledgeable and efficient digital experience.

Read More: ChatGPT and the Future of Customer FAQs: Trends and Predictions

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Best practices in writing content for Generative AI-based chatbots Fri, 30 Jun 2023 08:32:06 +0000 The emergence of Generative technologies such as ChatGPT has changed the game in ...

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The emergence of Generative technologies such as ChatGPT has changed the game in which technical writers produce content. Large Language Models are text hungry and need more text to understand the context better. Thus, technical writers need to cater to both human readers and the Generative AI-based chatbots that consume the content! Writing characteristics for human readers and Generative AI models are very different. In this blog, we shall explore some emerging best practices in producing content for Generative AI-based chatbots.

New content creation

When creating new content from scratch, it is essential to adopt emerging best practices such that new content is positioned for the ChatGPT-based chatbot. Knowledge base articles need to be positioned such that new content adheres to the following principles

  • Clarity through elaborate explanations
  • Conversational tone through narratives
  • Consistency through business glossary

It will be easy for ChatGPT-based agents to ingest all the knowledge base articles and provide accurate answers based on the questions submitted by your readers.

Clarity through elaborate explanations

Content brevity is more suited for human readers, whereby technical writers understand the limitations of the human attention span and their rational behaviors. However, Generative AI based agents are text hungry and need more content to better understand the context of the content. Thus, it is imperative that technical writers create elaborate content by following practices such as

Simple language

Use simple language to create content and avoid ambiguous words to ensure clarity. Instead of making the content simple, use simple language to add more content.

For example, if you are explaining the functionality of a product feature,

Simple content: “This feature helps to save time in analyzing feedback. This feature can be configured by navigating to the Settings menu and enabling the toggle button ‘Use assist intelligence’”

Traditional content: “This feature can be configured with enabling ‘use assist intelligence’ under the setting menu.”

Another example of old practices is “contact us Sales: +1 548 78945, Support: +1 789 124580”

The new practice is “contact our sales department using the phone number +1 548 78945 and contact support department using the phone number +1 789 124580”

Semantic content structure

Structuring the content using H1 – H6 headings provide a way to understand the importance and hierarchy of content. When human readers search for answers, this semantic structure helps get the right and accurate content for answering questions.

Images and videos

For human readers, it is very important to include images, screenshots, animated GIFs, and videos in the content for easy comprehension. However, these artifacts need to be annotated with more metadata for ChatGPT-based agents to understand.

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Conversational tone through narratives

A conversational tone is an important aspect, such that we can pick up the most frequently asked questions and provide answers right away. To build new conversational content, technical writers need to collaborate extensively with the customer support team to curate frequently asked questions.

Create FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Create at least 4–5 FAQ-type questions for each knowledge base article. These FAQs can be troubleshooting questions, known product bugs, limitations of product features, and so on. Once this content is ingested, it is easy for ChatGPT-like agents to respond to customer queries quickly.


It is also important to establish personas in your content such that ChatGPT-like agents can imitate those personas. For example, you have a few roles in your product features such as admin, owner, user, and so on. In that case, making a reference to these personas in each knowledge base article helps with narration in a more natural way.

In fact, you can force ChatGPT-like agents to act as an admin, and then questions can be answered using that persona.


The content needs to be inclusive such that it spreads harmony among human readers. The content should be accessible to all human readers and be human-friendly

Consistency through Business Glossary

Using consistent terms across your knowledge base is important in avoiding ambiguity. This sets a precedence for a consistent business glossary to be established and used consistently. Technical writers need to be trained on the corporate business glossary during the onboarding process. A consistent business glossary also avoids causing confusion in the answers.

For example, take this content “ the users of the software must configure this feature. It is important for the staff to make sure that product is configured for providing better security”. Here are the terms users and staff will confuse human readers.

Migrating the Old Content

The world is moving from “searching for information using keywords” to “needing accurate answers to their questions”. Thus, migrating old content to this new paradigm is important to future-proof your knowledge base. Establishing a change management plan through which old content is revised based on the emerging best practices to produce content for Generative AI-based agents is crucial. When reviewing the old content, care should be taken to

  • Balance the content to be more suitable for human readers and Generative AI-based agent; Tools such as Article summarizers helps human readers understand elaborate content faster
  • Adopting consistent business terms
  • Reducing the extensive usage of images and videos
  • Annotation of images and videos
  • Adding more FAQ-style content


ChatGPT has changed the way human readers discover new information. Gone are the days when we search using keywords and browse to different URLs to seek the needed information. Nowadays, human readers demand accurate answers to their questions. The knowledge base must have clear content such that ChatGPT-like agents can ingest the content and be equipped to answer questions from human readers. Following the emerging best practices to produce Generative AI – friendly content would help technical writers adapt to the newer breed of content consumers!

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Comprehensive Guide To Omnichannel Customer Service Tue, 27 Jun 2023 08:43:25 +0000 Let’s talk from a customer’s perspective today! We’ll start with a situation. Imagine ...

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Let’s talk from a customer’s perspective today! We’ll start with a situation.

Imagine yourself in a customer’s position. You start your journey on a website, browsing through products with excitement. But suddenly, you have a question and need help. You reach out through live chat and then get a call from another agent where you have to explain all your queries again. Would you prefer that mode of communication? Is that a convenient way for you?

Think! Because the scene of customer service has changed dramatically in recent years. Companies have now abolished the old ways and taken to modern solutions. And that’s where omnichannel customer service comes in.

Customers are just no longer satisfied with the basics. It’s the age of seamless, personalized, consistent, and interconnected experiences across multiple channels. According to a Google survey with users, it is surprising that 80% higher rate of incremental store visits is driven by omnichannel strategies adopted by the brand.

So, whether you’re a business owner or a customer support professional, join us in this comprehensive guide to omnichannel customer service. We’ll navigate the intricate paths of unlocking omnichannel customer service strategies to create an unforgettable customer journey that transcends channels and captivates hearts.

What Is Omnichannel Customer Self-Service?

Omnichannel customer self-service is like a superhero cape for businesses. It empowers customers to find answers to their questions and resolve issues independently through various channels.

Gone are the days of being tied to a single channel like email or phone. With omnichannel self-service, customers can choose their preferred communication channel: a website, mobile app, social media, chatbots, or even carrier pigeons (just kidding, but you get the idea). The key is to provide a seamless and integrated experience across all touchpoints.

Customers can start an interaction on one channel and continue it on another without repeating information or facing any interruptions.

For example, a customer support conversation might begin with Twitter, then continue with the DMs, and end up on a phone call—a completely personalized and synchronized connected experience. Customers don’t have to stop at each touch point and repeat what they said when the conversations started.

Besides, with technological advancements booming, customer expectations have significantly changed in the past years. And according to recent research conducted by Forrester, digital touchpoints will influence more than 57% of US retail sales, with B2B and B2C businesses abolishing siloed sales approaches for streamlined customer support and experience.

Benefits of Omnichannel Customer Self-service

Now that we know what omnichannel customer self-service is, let’s explore the excellent benefits it brings to the table. Brace yourself!

Personalized Customer Service Experience

Who doesn’t love a personalized experience? Omnichannel self-service allows businesses to tailor their support based on individual customer needs. By leveraging customer data and preferences, companies can create customized interactions that make customers feel like VIPs. It’s all about making them feel seen, heard, and understood.

So much so that 80% of consumers are more likely to purchase from brands that offer personalized experiences. This is why retail and wholesale firms are highly investing in personalization technology, such as machine learning.

Competitive Advantage

Standing out from the crowd is essential in a sea of businesses, all vying for customers’ attention. Adopting an omnichannel approach gives you a competitive edge. By offering a convenient and flexible service experience, you make it easier for customers to choose you over the competition. And when customers have a delightful experience, they’re more likely to stick around for the long haul.

A single negative experience can seriously affect customer retention, as 61% of customers would consider switching to a competitor after just one unfavorable incident.

With omnichannel customers’ survival, the chances of these are less likelier, as due to the seamless communication experience

Increased Customer Loyalty and Retention

Let’s face it: loyal customers are golden. They stick by your side through thick and thin. Besides customer loyalty and retention going hand in hand, omnichannel self-service plays a significant role in building customer loyalty and retention. Customers feel taken care of when you provide seamless access to information and quick solutions. And when they feel valued, they’ll keep coming back for more.

In fact, according to Forbes, companies with weak omnichannel strategies retain only 33% of their customers. In comparison, the ones with the best omnichannel customer engagement strategies turn 89% of buyers into loyal customers. It’s more of a win-win situation!

Boosting Revenue Growth

Cha-ching! We all love revenue growth. Here’s the thing: Happy customers spend more. When customers can easily find answers to their questions and resolve their issues in a jiffy, they’re more likely to make repeat purchases. Besides, on average, shoppers go through almost six touchpoints before making a purchase. Connecting those touchpoints and creating a seamless shopping experience is the base of omnichannel customer service.

This will not only make them your biggest advocates but also help in spreading the word about your fantastic service. In fact, according to Customer Think, companies with strong omnichannel customer engagement will see a 9.5% increase in annual revenue, while the weak ones will see only 3.4% growth.

So, implementing omnichannel customer self-service is like planting the seeds of revenue growth. Time to watch them bloom!

Also read: 5 Examples of Customer Self-Service Portal

Understanding The Difference Between Omnichannel And Single Channel Approaches

Ah, the age-old battle between omnichannel and single-channel approaches. Let’s break it down and uncover the key differences, shall we?

If we talk about the single-channel approach, picture a business focusing on one primary channel, such as phone support or email. While it may seem straightforward, this approach is like putting all your eggs in one basket. Sure, you may excel in that one channel, but what about the others? It’s like having a solo act that may dazzle on its own but lacks the synergy of a complete performance.

While with omnichannel, businesses embrace multiple channels like phone, email, live chat, social media, and more. It’s like a symphony, with each channel uniquely creating a unified and integrated customer experience. It’s about giving customers the freedom to choose their preferred communication method and ensuring a consistent and seamless journey across all touchpoints.

The key difference is basically in terms of engagement and flexibility. The single channel focuses on excelling in one area, while omnichannel creates a connected ecosystem that caters to diverse customer preferences.

So, which approach reigns supreme? Well, in today’s fast-paced, multi-channel world, customers crave options and personalized experiences. That’s where omnichannel shines. In fact, by 2023, the global omnichannel retail commerce market is projected to grow to $11.01 billion, with 60% of millennials expecting brands to provide consistent experiences across multiple channels.

So It’s time to step into the ring, and choose your champion. The choice is yours, but remember, adaptation is the key to success in a world where customer expectations constantly evolve.

How to Choose the Right Channel For Your Business

With organizations diversifying the types of digital channels they use to reach customers, let’s talk about choosing the right channel for your business to implement a killer omnichannel customer service strategy.

Implementing An Effective Self-Service Strategy

When it comes to self-service, it’s all about understanding your customers’ needs. Take a deep dive into their pain points and frequently asked questions. Are they often looking for product information, troubleshooting tips, or help with account management?

By identifying these common queries, you can create targeted self-service options that directly address their needs. Remember, the key here is to empower your customers to find answers independently.

In fact, nearly three-quarters of consumers prefer to use a business website or help center pages, FAQs being the common ones, to avoid the hassles of contacting a customer care representative.

Designing The User Experience In Mind

Nobody wants to feel like they’re navigating a labyrinth when searching for help. So, put yourself in your customers’ shoes and design a user-friendly experience. Make sure your self-service channels have a clean and intuitive interface.

Think: How can you make it seamless and enjoyable? Provide clear instructions and make it easy to search for information. Consider the channels that align with your target audience’s preferences. Are they more inclined towards live chat, social media, or traditional phone support?

63% of visitors are more likely to revisit a site that offers live chat, with 44% reporting that getting queries resolved during a purchase is one of the most important features a website should offer.

Remember, simplicity is the name of the game. Accessing the problem quickly and offering handy solutions will make your omnichannel customer service strategy worth it!

Building A Knowledge Base & FAQ For Customers To Access Quickly

Imagine your customers have burning questions, and they want answers pronto. A well-structured knowledge base and an easily accessible FAQ section are your secret weapons here.


Compile the most frequently asked questions and detailed answers and organize them in a user-friendly format. This way, customers can find solutions at their fingertips without jumping through hoops. It’s like having a customer service encyclopedia available 24/7!

Organize your knowledge base with categories and subcategories, making it a breeze for customers to find what they need. Keep the content up to date and cover a wide range of topics to cater to different customer queries. Appoint professional customer service agents with extensive brand knowledge to leverage live chat to provide a positive customer experience. Remember, your goal is to provide a one-stop shop for information that’s just a click away.

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Creating Automated Support Solutions To Reduce Resolution Times

In our quest to supercharge customer service and reduce resolution times, we cannot overlook the power of automated support solutions. By harnessing the capabilities of automation, we can provide lightning-fast responses and streamline the support process.

But how do we do it? Well, one way is by leveraging the wonders of technology, including chatbots, interactive voice response systems, and, yes, top social media analytics tools.

Creating automated support solutions can significantly reduce resolution times and improve customer satisfaction. For instance, implementing chatbots or interactive voice response systems can handle basic inquiries and route customers to the appropriate resources.

In fact, research shows that 80% of American consumers rate speed, convenience, and knowledgeable help as essential elements of a positive customer experience, and omnichannel customer service provides it all!

Also Read: Best practices in writing content for Generative AI-based chatbots

Ensuring All Channels Are Connected Through One Platform

Picture this: Your customers start their journey on your website, then switch to your mobile app and maybe even reach out on social media. Ensuring that all these channels seamlessly connect through one platform is crucial. That way, customers can transition between channels effortlessly without repeating themselves or starting from scratch.

It allows seamless information sharing, consistent customer data, and a unified experience across all touchpoints. Whether it’s integrating your website, social media accounts, or phone support, having a central hub brings it all together.

For instance, see how Target department stores offer omnichannel customer service through their website, mobile app, and physical stores.

Source: Target

Thus by integrating all your customer service touchpoints, you create a unified experience that makes your customers say, “Wow, this is smooth sailing!”

Omnichannel Customer Service Examples

Now that we have navigated the best channels, it’s time for real-life examples of companies rocking the omnichannel customer service game.

1. Amazon

Amazon is the undisputed king of E-commerce. There is no doubt about that. When it comes to omnichannel customer service, Amazon sets the bar high.

While for an online experience, you can always synchronize your carts on the website with the mobile app, in offline mode, too, Amazon has introduced pop-up stores inside shopping centers and large retailers.


It has devised a unique offline shopping experience for customers to browse products and seek help from in-store advisors in real time. From stores exclusive to Kindle and Echo products, Amazon has even launched fashion pop-ups besides an excellent Amazon bar. These pop-up stores are such a success that Amazon aims to ensure continuity in the online and offline experience with a self-serve setup.

2. Starbucks

Ah, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and the sound of your name being called out by a barista. Starbucks knows a thing or two about creating an omnichannel experience that’s as comforting as a warm latte.

Picture this: You’re on your way to work, running late as usual. But fear not! You whip out your smartphone, open the Starbucks app, and place your order in advance. By the time you arrive at the store, your perfectly customized drink is waiting for you. No, waiting in line, no fuss. It’s like having your personal coffee concierge!


But that’s not all! Starbucks has also nailed the omnichannel customer experience with its Starbucks card. ‍This card can be used to purchase any Starbucks item and get rewards. It is perfectly linked to the mobile app, website, and in-store experience, which means a change to the card via one channel, instantly updated across others, along with reward points.

3. Nike

Just do it, they say. And Nike takes that mantra to heart when it comes to omnichannel customer service.

Let’s say you’re browsing Nike’s website, eyeing those sleek new sneakers. But wait, you’re not sure about the size or fit. No problem! Nike offers a nifty feature called “Find Your Fit.” It uses augmented reality (AR) technology to measure your feet and recommend the perfect size.

Nike app

Say goodbye to those awkward shoe exchanges! And if you prefer the in-store experience, you can use the Nike app to reserve products, scan barcodes for additional info, and even schedule a try-on session. Nike truly understands that it’s all about giving customers choices.

4. Disney

Have you ever thought of planning a holiday with an omnichannel experience? Disney’s My Disney Experience app comes to the rescue.

From a multitude of choices—attractions, dining, and entertainment options, Disney also allows you to book FastPasses, make dining reservations, and check wait times for your favorite rides with the app. That’s right! You can book your entire holiday before even stepping on the plane. It even syncs up with your MagicBand—a wearable device that acts as your all-access pass to the park. The band can be used as guests’ park tickets, hotel room keys, payment methods, and even FastPass options.

These are just a few examples of brands that have embraced the power of omnichannel customer service. They’ve shown us that providing a seamless and connected experience across channels is not only possible but also essential in today’s customer-centric world. So, take a page from their playbook and let their success stories inspire you to create your omnichannel superhero journey!

Using AI Machine Learning In Customer Self-service

AI and machine learning are like the dynamic duo of customer self-service. They bring a whole new level of efficiency, personalization, and convenience to the table. Chatbots and virtual assistants powered by AI can not only provide instant support, learn from customer interactions, and improve their responses but also help businesses identify patterns, trends, and customer preferences.

They’re like customer service superheroes, available overnight to answer questions, provide information, and resolve issues. Not to mention generating automated responses based on predefined rules and templates and learning from past interactions. So, whether it’s a simple thank you or a detailed troubleshooting guide, these AI-powered bots can handle it all.

And here’s the best part: They do it with lightning speed! No more waiting hours or days for a response. With AI and machine learning, customers receive instant support, which is music to their ears (or, rather, their screens).

But hold on a second; you might wonder about the personal touch. Fear not! These systems are designed to mimic human conversations and can be customized to match your brand’s tone and voice. It’s like having an AI sidekick that speaks your language. It’s like having a personal shopping assistant that knows exactly what you need!

Besides, social media being the hub of endless conversations and interactions, allows AI and machine learning to gather insights about customer preferences, sentiments, and trends. By using social media automation tool, businesses can streamline their social media presence, automate responses, and proactively engage with customers. It’s like having a dedicated social media manager on autopilot!

Wrapping up

By now, it might be clear to you that going omnichannel seems to be one of the best ways to provide customer service for forward-thinking businesses.

Remember, omnichannel customer service is not just a buzzword—it’s a mindset. It’s about putting your customers at the heart of everything you do and creating exceptional experiences that set you apart from the competition. Thus, whenever you start conceptualizing your company’s omnichannel, start small. Think about the small nitty-gritty and figure out the ground-level features for your customers.

Start by thinking about which channels they prefer the most. How can you be consistent? Consistency is the most important, as 76% of customers expect consistent interactions across departments, and omnichannel service lets your organization offer a unified experience, no matter how they connect with you.

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How to Create Multilingual Documentation Mon, 26 Jun 2023 07:58:21 +0000 Life would be a lot easier if all customers spoke the same language, ...

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Life would be a lot easier if all customers spoke the same language, but unfortunately, it doesn’t work like that. In practice, customers speak a variety of languages depending on factors like their culture or region. And even more importantly, you need to provide support to your customers in their preferred language, which frequently comes in the form of a self-service knowledge base.

Products that need documentation should be localized for their target audience. This means businesses need to use high-quality translations to provide multilingual documentation that can appeal to a broad range of users. Showing this kind of care and consideration for a multilingual customer base wins you new business and reinforces the loyalty of existing customers.

Thus, perhaps the default language of your documentation is English, but valued customers have the option to switch to an alternative language if they prefer. Not only is the documentation in an alternative language, but the presentation of the knowledge base may also change depending on your target audience.

We’ll explore the benefits of multilingual documentation and how to create it for your business.

Benefits of Localizing Documentation

Makes information accessible to a broader audience

If you have your documentation available in more languages, your information is more accessible to a broader audience who might be interested in your products. If documentation is easy to access, this improves the usability of products and creates a better user experience for those who are interested in learning more. Localizing documentation makes your products available to a wider customer pool.

Market Expansion and Global Reach

You can expand your market and global reach if you can appeal to customers who don’t speak your primary language. 40% of customers won’t buy in a store that isn’t in their native language, which means you are severely limiting your customer base if you don’t offer multilingual support. Multilingual documentation results in higher profits as the result of a wider market, since customers using your translated documentation are more likely to purchase.

Reduced Support Costs

When customers can’t access documentation in the language they speak, they are forced to contact your support team, which results in higher costs for the contact center. When more customers are submitting tickets with questions about your product, this requires more manpower to serve these customers and resolve their problems. As a result, multilingual documentation reduces support costs by deflecting many self-service queries.

Increased Product Adoption and Retention

When customers have support available in their native tongue, this results in higher product adoption and retention because they understand how to use your products. If a customer knows that help is on hand, they are more likely to keep returning to your products even if there are problems. Thus, readily available support empowers users of your product to persevere and incorporate it into their lives.

Positive Brand Perception

70% of customers say they feel more loyal to companies that provide support in their native language. Customers appreciate it when you communicate with them in their preferred way and are more likely to offer their repeat custom due to their positive perception of your brand. Multilingual documentation shows appreciation for a global customer base instead of forcing customers to use an unfamiliar language.

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Types of Translation Memory Tools

Automated Translation Memory Systems

Automated translation memory systems are databases that use intelligent search and storage mechanisms to enable the translator to access previously translated technical terms or phrases. They save time for translators because they mean that particular terms do not need to be re-translated since they are suggested for reuse.

Computer-Assisted Translation (CAT) Tools

Computer-assisted translation tools are software that assists human translators in transferring the meaning of text between languages more efficiently. It is used as a mode to submit, edit, manage, and store multilingual content in a single interface. The CAT tool does not translate for you but merely provides a system for translators to work with.

Content Management Systems for Translating Documentation

Some content management systems (CMS) are optimized for translating documentation for different audiences. CMSs are systems for managing and publishing content on a website and can have features in place to help businesses easily localize their content, such as support for different characters and formats.

Steps to Create Multilingual Documentation

Identify Target Languages

First of all, you need to identify the target languages you want to translate your documentation into, which will hopefully be representative of the largest customer segments that you want to appeal to. The effort involved in translation and localization is not worth it if only a few of your customers speak in that language, so you’ll want to weigh up the costs and benefits of particular languages. Choose languages that are widely spoken by your target audience and represent benefits for your business.

Content Evaluation and Prioritization

To minimize the effort involved in localizing your content, conduct an evaluation of your most important content and prioritize your chosen articles. This content will likely be your most-viewed content that customers spend the most time using when seeking help for your product. Choosing the most popular content will give you the most gains for the least amount of effort, and your customers will really appreciate it.

Translation and Localization

You then need to use the appropriate translators or software to translate and localize your content ready for a global audience. We’ve already touched on some of the different tools you’ll need, but it’s likely that you’ll need to employ some skilled professional technical writers to help you translate your documentation. Even a top tool like Crowdin (which integrates with Document360) requires that you use expert translators to help you translate your content, and we’ll explore this integration later.

Create a Multilingual Style Guide

When you have multiple translators working on your documentation, creating a multilingual style guide is key to ensuring consistency and quality. Your style guide will contain rules and policies for how your documentation is to be presented and formatted, as well as conventions for naming and other elements. When translators adhere to the style guide, multiple authors can speak with one voice, and your documentation becomes significantly more professional.

Implement Translation Management System (TMS)

A Translation Management System will help you keep track of large volumes of content for your translation project, allowing you to manage your translation assets at scale. Adopting the right system can be key for collaborating with the translators of your desired language, and supporting their efforts through AI and machine learning. Undertaking an in-depth documentation translation project requires the right tools to be successful.

Review and Quality Assurance

Once you have the appropriate content for your translation and localization project, review what you already have and undergo quality assurance to check that it meets the highest standards. Soliciting the opinion of someone objective who speaks the language is necessary when you are translating your documentation to check if it makes sense to the end user. Just like with any other documentation, your translated articles should be reviewed to see if they achieve the desired results.

Formatting and Design Considerations

It’s possible that your translated and localized content will need to be formatted and designed based on the needs of your user base. For example, documentation written in Chinese will need to be formatted very differently from documentation written in Russian. It’s not quite as simple as translating the content, then copying and pasting it into your knowledge base. Go through a process of checking that your text is rendering correctly as well as being supported by the appropriate images.

Maintain Translation Memory

As a database that stores “segments” of your translated text, translation memory must be maintained in order to aid your human translators. Translation memory means your translators don’t have to translate the same segments again when they are working with content in a particular language. It makes your localization processes more consistent and allows you to reuse previous translations, saving translators time and effort when working with each language.

Update and Maintain Multilingual Documentation

Just like you would with documentation in your primary language, update and maintain your multilingual documentation for quality and effectiveness. If you release new products, ensure your knowledge base is updated with translated documentation so your entire user base can seek self-service help if needed. Regularly review your documentation to check it is relevant and still serving a purpose, eliminating outdated articles as necessary.

User Feedback and Localization Iterations

Finally, take into account vital feedback from your users and gain insight into how they feel about the state of your translated document. Your documentation needs to make sense to native speakers and be easily applied in troubleshooting scenarios. Customer feedback is the true test of whether your localized translations are effective and monitoring fluctuations in customer tickets can be a good way to tell if your documentation is working well.

How can Document360 Help you with Multilingual Documentation?

Document360 Help you with Multilingual Documentation

When you use Document360, we help you to translate your documentation into multiple languages in a number of ways. Document360 has been specifically designed to support a multilingual knowledge base and makes it easy to localize your documentation for users in different regions and cultures.

Once you have created your knowledge base in your original language in Document360, you navigate to Settings > Project admin > Localization and versions. The default language English is displayed, but you can select the Edit icon to be able to choose the preferred language that you want to translate to.

When you select your new language, such as Spanish, you select the update and your recently added language is available alongside English. You’ll find when you navigate back to the documentation a dropdown is available that shows Spanish. At this point, the documentation has not been translated yet, so you would see Need translation as a status.

Then, you would move on to a number of ways to translate your existing content into the desired language.

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Manual translation

You can use an in-house translator, freelancer, or agency to translate your documentation into your desired language. If you’re really stuck, you can turn to Google Translate to translate your content into the target language.

However, you translate your documentation, take the translated text and copy/paste it into the editor in Document360. You will then mark the article as Translated, and the translated text will be available in the dropdown from then on under Spanish when you navigate to the Reader view.

AI-powered machine translation

Next, Document360 offers options for AI-powered machine translation if you are subscribed to either our Enterprise tier or higher plans. You can automatically translate your documentation from the source language to the target language with the click of a button.

If you are using the WYSIWYG editor, you will see the machine translate button available and under which it will tell you how many characters you have left. If you’re working in Spanish, you can find this by opening up the Spanish version of the article and selecting the Need translation status.

It takes mere seconds for Document360’s machine translation tool to translate your content into Spanish.


A popular mode of translation in Document360 is our integration with Crowdin, which is a powerful platform for localization management. It’s important to remember that you need to have an account with Crowdin before you can take advantage of its integration with Document360. Once you’ve created your account, you can configure Document360 with Crowdin using access tokens/API keys.

The big advantage of Crowdin is you can use it to manage your translated documentation, so, for example when you make changes to articles you can push them to Crowdin, which will keep them updated. Crowdin allows you to use a mixture of machine and human translators to translate your content for your users.

Keeping content in sync is one of the key ways that Crowdin enables you to manage your translations.

Over to you

Translating and localizing your user documentation is essential for businesses that want to operate globally. Widening your customer base while maintaining a high-quality customer experience can be achieved through localization, giving customers the help they expect in their native or preferred language. Businesses miss a big opportunity if they don’t localize their documentation.

When you use a tool like Document360, creating a multilingual knowledge base becomes easier. You can use integrations with Crowdin to help manage large volumes of translations and keep every page in sync. Combine the strengths of both human and machine translators to create content that will delight your users. Ensure your documentation never gets out of control with automatic updates.

It’s not just about marketing to customers in their preferred language – it’s also about supporting them after the sale. Not only do these benefit customers, but your support team is relieved of some of their burdens as you help deflect tickets with translated documentation. Customers appreciate businesses that connect with them on their level and reward you with their business.

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8 Use Cases of ChatGPT for Customer Service Fri, 19 May 2023 13:28:39 +0000 Many customer service teams are profoundly interested in advancing technology to help customers. ...

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Many customer service teams are profoundly interested in advancing technology to help customers. As AI solutions improve, so too are customer expectations rising for what customer service teams should be able to deliver. One such tool raising the bar is ChatGPT by OpenAI, which is a conversational AI chatbot.

Customer service teams are already using AI chatbots in their interactions with customers, but their uses are fairly limited. Chatbot responses to customer questions have been robotic and lacking in empathy, with more complex conversations needing a hand-off to agents.

ChatGPT is revolutionizing the role of Artificial Intelligence in customer service, with capabilities the likes of which have never been seen before, or only been imagined. Only having been released in November 2022, ChatGPT surpassed one million users within five days and that number is still growing.

If you don’t want to get left behind, seriously consider ChatGPT for your customer service team.

Role of ChatGPT in Customer Service

ChatGPT was not strictly built with customer service in mind, but its ability to generate human-like responses and creatively answer questions has made it of interest to customer service teams. For many typical customer inquiries, ChatGPT will be able to find a coherent answer – if the information is already available somewhere.

Like other AI technologies, ChatGPT can play a role in augmenting human service and being able to deflect minor or common queries. Since many customer queries are repetitive, ChatGPT can be trained to answer them and simulate the experience of interacting with a human.

For AI chatbots like ChatGPT to be successful, they must be in some ways smarter than the humans they seek to serve. It must be easier to start a conversation with ChatGPT than simply googling an answer to your question. Part of great customer service is understanding what customers mean, rather than simply focusing on what they say.

Top 8 Use Cases for ChatGPT/AI in Customer Service

Multilingual Support

ChatGPT is not just limited to the English language – it can provide multilingual support to customers around the globe, significantly expanding the reach of your business’s customer base. For ChatGPT, it doesn’t matter what language a customer converses in since it will be able to understand multiple languages.

ChatGPT - Multilingual support

Sentiment Analysis

ChatGPT can understand the emotion behind a customer’s query and respond appropriately with the right tone. Sentiment analysis makes customer support more effective by tailoring responses to the customer’s mood. It tries to read a customer’s state of mind more like a human to respond in kind.

ChatGPT - Sentiment Analysis

Personalized Response to Complaints and Queries

If ChatGPT can be integrated with customer service systems and trained on specific customer data, it has the ability to supply personalized responses to customer complaints and queries. A personalized response means that it has been tailored to take into account a customer’s specific circumstances.

ChatGPT - Personalized Response

Customer Review Response

When customers post reviews about your business’s customer service online, ChatGPT could be trained to respond to those reviews appropriately so that reviews never go unanswered. Much like a human customer service agent would deal with reviews, ChatGPT can thank customers for their contributions or apologize for mistakes.

ChatGPT - Customer Review Response

Helps in Customer Onboarding

ChatGPT could help customers during the onboarding phase by providing answers to common questions without requiring the intervention of a human agent. Providing such a level of automation in the onboarding process helps retain more customers and ensure product adoption, because ChatGPT is intervening before it is too late.

ChatGPT -Customer Onboarding

Engagement with Company Offers

ChatGPT can be used to recommend company offers to customers during support interactions so customers feel like they can get a better deal. ChatGPT can come up with ideas for when customers would be open to a cross-sell or an upsell, for example when they have reached the limitations of their plan.

ChatGPT - Engagement with company offers

Create Customer Emails

Your customer service agents could input customer inquiries into ChatGPT and use it to draft answers to customer emails. Instead of agents having to write everything out by hand, ChatGPT can generate responses which your agents can then customize for their own purposes.

ChatGPT - Create Customer Emails

Answering FAQs

You can use ChatGPT to answer FAQs from customers because if there is one thing ChatGPT is good at it is giving a straightforward answer to a simple question. In the future, we could even use ChatGPT to recommend particular knowledge base articles to customers to help them find the information they need.

ChatGPT - Answering FAQs

Also Read: The Future of Knowledge Base in the Age of Generative AI

Benefits of ChatGPT/AI for Customer Service

24/7 Availability

Unlike your customer service team which must clock off and go home, ChatGPT is available 24/7 for your customers. This means that even if customers have a burning question during the middle of the night, they will be able to obtain an answer from ChatGPT. This also has huge implications for global customer bases who may be reaching out to customer service at any time depending on their time zone.


ChatGPT can be used to automate away the majority of routine inquiries through self-service, eliminating the need for manual processes. Customer service agents can be freed up to engage in tasks that require a human level of intelligence with more insight and creativity. This has consistently been one of the top applications of AI technologies.

Instant Response

Rather than having to wait around in long queues, customers can gain instant answers from ChatGPT which are certainly faster than those that could be obtained from a human agent. ChatGPT can then achieve faster resolution times through the application of AI technology that has the ability to help customers.

Reduce Cost to Company

Human workers are the biggest cost of any company, and utilizing the capabilities of ChatGPT will mean customer service teams need no longer expand to accommodate a growing customer base. There is no limit to the number of customers that ChatGPT can serve compared to the restrictions of time and effort for a human agent.

Prioritize Tickets Based on Level of Urgency

If customer tickets come into ChatGPT that are highly urgent, ChatGPT can prioritize them for attention by human agents. In this way, ChatGPT can help you deal with the tickets that matter most and make sure no issues fall through the cracks. Whilst it would take your agents time to manually categorize and prioritize tickets, ChatGPT will be able to do this automatically.

Increased Customer Satisfaction

No matter how their problems are resolved, customers will be more satisfied if they receive great customer service. ChatGPT seems more human-like than its predecessors, fuelling the interests of customer service teams who are interested in this technology. Nowadays customers don’t care whether it is a human or chatbot dealing with their issue as long as it is resolved, meaning that chatbots have huge potential to enhance your customer service strategy.

Consistency in Handling Similar Customer Tickets

One drawback of ChatGPT is that it may return different answers to the same questions, but as long as the question is phrased correctly ChatGPT should serve consistent answers. This offers a superior level of service to customers compared to the variation you might get from a team of agents who are all approaching problems in different ways.

Simulates Human Interaction

While ChatGPT’s interactions sound like a human, it can even go so far as remembering and referring back to earlier conversations and keeping the thread going with customers. The back and forth between ChatGPT and customer also seems very natural, with ChatGPT having the ability to present information in many different formats.

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Limitations of ChatGPT/AI in Customer Service

Before you get too excited about ChatGPT, there are some important limitations that you need to consider.

Limited Knowledge

If you ask ChatGPT a question that falls outside the scope of the data it has been trained on, it will fail to answer you. It will instead try to fill in the gaps in its knowledge by supplying conversation, when a better solution would be to escalate the matter to a human agent. ChatGPT only knows as much as the information that has been captured before, and is incapable of generating true insight.

Lacks Emotional Touch

At the end of the day, ChatGPT is a robot and although its conversational style is human-like, it still lacks the emotional touch. This absence of personal feeling may drive already frustrated and upset customers to become even more disillusioned with your brand, so you should always be careful when deploying chatbot technology.

Limited Text Input

ChatGPT only accepts input in text form with limited characters, making it less than suitable for some forms of customer service. If customers are vague or rambling with how they approach ChatGPT they are unlikely to obtain a sensible answer from the bot.

Cannot Perform Multiple Tasks Simultaneously

With ChatGPT, you are limited to performing a single task at a time. You can’t multitask with ChatGPT so users must simply ask one question and then wait for the answer. For example, ChatGPT couldn’t analyze a customer’s question and simultaneously ask a colleague for help, since it is limited to a back-and-forth interaction.

Not Yet Fully Developed

ChatGPT is still in the early stages, despite intense interest from customer service teams. Since the technology is in its infancy, this means it still has bugs that need to be worked out and might not yet be suitable to be employed in a professional context of customer service. While ChatGPT is more advanced than comparable chatbot technologies, it still has a way to go in order to be ready for the general public.

Answers are in Machine or Formal Tone

While ChatGPT certainly sounds human-like, many of its answers come across as overly formal or robotic which is not good for friendly customer service. ChatGPT still doesn’t quite grasp the subtleties and nuances of interpersonal interaction, and has a way to go before it can achieve the level of casualness that many customers require.

Future of ChatGPT/AI in Customer Service

In the future, ChatGPT will be able to integrate with customer service systems to make changes to orders and customer accounts. ChatGPT will not only be able to reply to customers but also be able to take action on their behalf.

At the moment, ChatGPT has the tendency to offer inaccurate responses when it does not know the correct answer to a question. The technology will develop to a point where ChatGPT will realize when it cannot help customers and escalate the matter to a human agent.

Hopefully, ChatGPT will progress to a stage where it can offer highly individualized answers to customers, no matter what their issue is. Of course, complex cases will always have to be escalated to the people on your team, but ChatGPT should be able to make basic changes such as account updates or amending bookings.

Also Read: How Technical Writers can Utilize ChatGPT?

Wrapping Up

ChatGPT is generating a lot of excitement among customer service teams but it is not quite ready to support your human agents yet. ChatGPT can be fun to play with because it is highly intelligent, having been trained on vast amounts of data, and yet the technology is still easily thrown by questions it does not know the answer to.

Being able to automate away mundane queries is of intense interest to customer service teams that want to scale, even despite a spike in tickets. If a machine can handle the majority of customer inquiries, customer service agents are free to focus on adding value instead of fighting fires.

There are exciting possibilities for customer service teams to be able to do more to help their customers while keeping the quality of service high. ChatGPT’s conversational style will feel convincing and familiar to customers who want the speed of a bot but don’t want to lose the human touch.


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