Information Technology Archives - Document360 The knowledge base that scales with your product. Mon, 29 Jan 2024 06:02:15 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Information Technology Archives - Document360 32 32 Woods Bagot Mon, 29 Jan 2024 05:39:39 +0000 Woods Bagot is a global design studio spanning architecture, interior design, master planning, ...

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Business Background

Woods Bagot is a global design studio spanning architecture, interior design, master planning, research, data, and performance to create People Architecture, which places human experience at the center of the design process to deliver innovative, sustainable and future-oriented projects.

Known for its commitment to design excellence, cultural sensitivity, and a deep understanding of the communities it serves, Woods Bagot was founded more than a century and a half ago as one of the first architecture practices in Australia. Since then, Woods Bagot has evolved to include seventeen studios in cities across North America, Europe, the Middle East, Asia, Australia, and New Zealand.

Aware that the best future will be created together, Woods Bagot actively engages in creative collaboration with clients, communities, and partners to develop projects that are distinctive and transformative.

Business Requirement

Woods Bagot works on large projects such as multi-storied buildings and public spaces; Their architects construct buildings virtually before they begin the project on-site. The company uses around 23 different software platforms for its various functions. Woods Bagot required a tool to host detailed user and troubleshooting guides for each software for their staff.

Woods Bagot was initially hosting their internal user guides on another wiki platform. However, they faced multiple challenges from both author and staff’s perspectives. Some of the challenges faced in SharePoint include

  • Articles required a lot of metadata to be included for them to appear in specific lists
  • Even simple functionalities such as a table of contents on an article page and a navigation tree required much programming in the background.
  • With their knowledge base having more than 1,300 articles, their staff had to sometimes browse through six pages to find what they were looking for
  • Required software specialists to spend much time achieving basic functionality.
  • SharePoint wiki’s analytics were also hard to use and not fit for the purpose
  • SharePoint was too flexible tempting some staff to tinker with HTML, like adding a collapsible list, and making some workspaces look different.

Woods Bagot looked to create a fresh internal knowledge base where information could be sorted so their staff could search and find what they were looking for while moving through articles seamlessly.


Woods Bagot’s software specialists evaluated several other platforms in the knowledge management space, before selecting Document360.

Here are a few crucial features that led them to choose Document360.

  • Advanced search engine which enables users to find information quickly
  • Has an in-built navigation tree, a table of contents automatically driven by headings.
  • Opportunities to include images within articles and stream videos to help users understand the information faster
  • Design templates for articles so every workspace adheres to the style guide and looks like its from a single author and company
  • Options to make an article visually appealing, like creating a table, including bullet points, paragraphs, and images within the table.
  • Options to ensure articles are not viewed before they are officially published
  • Rich analytics allow authors to monitor how their content is performing and update it accordingly. Analytics includes the number of visitors and time they spent on an article. The analytics also point out the broken links in the content, which helps authors correct them before users click on it and get frustrated
  • Flexibility to authors in terms of opting for Markdown or HTML editor made migration and authoring of fresh content simple
  • Availability of a Feedback manager allows customers to leave their feedback at the end of every article, giving users and authors a chance to engage with one another
  • Knowledge base assistant that functions like a chatbot providing contextual help to users

Michelle Van Kolck, Global Specialist-Design Technology at Woods Bagot says

Among the five alternatives we assessed, Document360 stood out significantly. It outshone the rest by offering comprehensive features, including page analytics, article editing protection, diverse article design templates, an integrated navigation tree, and automatic Table of Content generation. No other platform could match its extensive capabilities.

Business Transformation

Michelle says,

Document360 facilitated Woods Bagot’s shift in redesigning all their content to action focussed solutions.

Our knowledge base served as a crucial e-learning resource for the Design Technology software used by our teams. We aimed to revolutionize our teaching methodology by converting knowledge into actionable tasks. Document360 played a vital role in this transformation, integrating screen grabs, videos, and embedded PDFs as needed.

As a result, the number of people referring to articles and using the knowledge base has steadily increased. The analytics show an increase in the use of the knowledge base every three months since the site went live in October last year.

There has been a clear enhancement in productivity and efficiency among individuals. The rise in usage also suggests that people are relying less on seeking help from others and instead referring to the knowledge base for assistance.

We are very excited about the prospect of the new AI search feature that is in development. This feature will enable us to provide contextual instructions to readers that go beyond just listing related articles with matching keywords. This new feature will help boost our Knowledge Base engagement and make the reader experience of accessing our extensive database significantly more meaningful, time-efficient, and effective.


Due to Document360’s user-friendly interface (for authors and readers), the Woods Bagot Design Technology team were able to launch redesigned training and support materials that teams find easier to reference and locate.

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Mindful by Medallia Mon, 18 Dec 2023 12:34:13 +0000 Mindful is a leading customer experience platform specializing in a range of solutions ...

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Business Background

Mindful is a leading customer experience platform specializing in a range of solutions including intelligent callback solutions and surveys. Their intelligent callback solution ensures customers get a callback instead of being made to hold. Their survey platform can deliver surveys across any platform or multiple platforms, including SMS, web, voice calls etc.

Business Requirement

Mindful required a knowledge base to host all their reference guides, how-to guides, troubleshooting guides, API documentation, and release notes. While their reference guides document everything that can be seen or interacted with their user interface (UI), their how-to guides target articles on how to do specific tasks. Mindful’s training team also links or uploads videos of some training sessions for both customers and internal staff.

The documentation tool Mindful was using before Document360 posed some challenges including

  • The cloud editor which automatically injects elements like adding a div (division tag) where it does not belong, adding style tags that were not required, and making unwelcome stylistic changes. This led to knowledge managers continually going into the HTML to clean up elements that the editor unintentionally added.
  • The platform lacked a categories section and a powerful search engine. Thus, navigating the platform was an issue. People had to open a section and continue digging deeper to find the information they sought, which consumed a lot of time.

Mindful’s documentation team first came across Document360 when they acquired a survey platform that was using Document360 for their documentation.

David Ingram, Senior Technical Writer at Mindful by Medallia, says

When we first experienced Document360 we fell in love with the platform. We loved the fact that we had full control of the Custom CSS, so no artificial elements were being added. The sidebar menu also made the entire knowledge base open on a single screen.


Once Mindful team decided to migrate its content out of its earlier platform, they evaluated a few knowledge base platforms in the market. However, they found Document360 much more flexible and affordable than other enterprise solutions in the market. The main capabilities in Document360 that help Mindful manage its robust, easy, and visually appealing knowledge base are:

Custom CSS and Javascript: Full control of the CSS ensured that no extra design or text elements were added. It also allowed the Mindful team to customize or add any required elements. For example, at some point, they required expandable accordions. Though Document360 did not have it, the Mindful team could go into the Javascript and create it themselves.

Categories: The sidebar menu allows users to get a glance of the entire content in the knowledge base with a few clicks, allowing them to find the information faster.

AI-Powered Search engine:The powerful search engine allows users to find the information they want in seconds, attracting them to use the knowledge base more often.

Ability to attach images and videos: The ability to add images and videos

Data analytics: It helps them monitor increased usage and if articles about a specific topic draw more attention.

Dave says

If we see a new article garnering a lot of views, we go tell the concerned team that the project, feature or update they released is doing really well. We then pair it with Google Analytics to see how many searches it brings to the site.

Business Impact

Dave says,

Since we migrated our knowledge base to Document360, we are seeing our knowledge base site being heavily used by both internal and external users. Internal users are choosing to visit Document360 rather than their own stack of documentation.

The customer support team has also begun sharing document links with customers more often than they used to. The Mindful by Medallia team also uses the site to onboard people and customers.


To Mindful for Medallia, which was looking for a platform that allowed easy and flexible content management while ensuring that it had a practical, visually appealing front end, Document360 was a perfect tool. With its customization options, Mindful could ensure the Documentation appeared exactly how it wanted it to, leading to an enhanced user experience.

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Cascade Mon, 18 Dec 2023 12:29:07 +0000 Cascade is a leading strategic execution platform enabling more than 45,000 different teams, ...

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Business Background

Cascade is a leading strategic execution platform enabling more than 45,000 different teams, across some of the world’s leading brands, to collaborate, adapt faster, align and improve business observability by connecting siloed metrics. Cascade’s customers use their software platform to execute multiple strategies for projects which range from deploying lifesaving vaccines to building the world’s fastest Formula One car.

Business Requirement

Cascade was looking for a platform that could host their customer-facing user guides and frequently asked questions (FAQs). They were earlier using their customer support platform as a channel to write their guides and articles. However, they decided to move to a platform which was better suited to regularly composing, updating and publishing articles. They were specifically looking for a platform which

  • Provided version history and powerful version control
  • Was easy to use for both customers and support staff composing the articles


Some of the features that the Cascade’s KB team find most convenient in Document360 include

  • The Custom CSS which enabled them to present the articles they wanted to and in line with their brand guidelines. They could also make the documentation look much more visually appealing, understandable, easily searchable and consumable.
  • The in-built analytics has also been found to be extremely impactful in helping the KB team understand which were the most viewed articles, most searched terms etc.
  • The in-built SEO feature helped their articles become more easily searchable within the site and on Google.
  • The Review feature ensures that all articles are peer reviewed before they are published
  • Ability to maintain articles by regularly updating it. Setting review reminders for articles to ensure the above is done.
  • The Hide feature which allows the team to unpublish or archive an article if a specific feature is turned off
  • Feedback manager which ensures the team gets notified immediately when they receive feedback and ensures it is addressed seamlessly

Aarthi Kumar, Principal Knowledge Base Manager, Cascade says

Document360 best suited us in terms of costing, feasibility, user experience and most importantly the autonomy it gives the KB manager.

Business Impact

Aarthi Kumar says,

Since adopting Document360, we have been adding 30% more articles to our knowledge base every quarter.

Aarthi Kumar says,

For a company like Cascade, it is very important for us to understand from which country or region we get the most visitors, so we give marketing and sales initiatives in those areas more emphasis. The rich metrics we receive provides that.

Giving an example, Aarthi says, that if they find UK is more interested in their strategy tool, because 70% of the people who viewed articles are on it are from UK, compared to the USA or Australia, the sales team can use this data to reconfigure their targets and efforts. They can target region-wise specifics, she adds.

With Document360’s rich features, we envision our customers self-serving soon, reducing the load on our customer support team.


Document360 with its ability to make documentation easy to create, visually appealing and give insights on their impact is a perfect tool for a scaling company like Cascade who plans to use their resources much more efficiently.

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IMotions Wed, 15 Nov 2023 04:42:06 +0000 iMotions is a comprehensive and scalable biometric research platform. iMotions helps customers conduct ...

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About IMotions

iMotions is a comprehensive and scalable biometric research platform. iMotions helps customers conduct state-of-the-art human behavior research in psychology, neurosciences, education, health, business, human factors engineering, and human-computer interactions. IMotions, which integrates biosensors and synchronizes eye tracking, facial expressions etc, is used by top Universities, like Harvard, Yale, Oxford and Stanford, as well as large corporations such as GSK, Unilever, Procter & Gamble, and Duracell.

Business Requirement

IMotions, which has multiple products in their portfolio, sought to establish an online knowledge base to serve as a 24×7 help center for their customers. This comprehensive knowledge base encompasses various topics, including how-to guides for setting up new studies or experiments, operating biosensors, analyzing studies, and outlining study protocols. Additionally, IMotions features articles on best practices and sources of inspiration.

IMotions was initially hosting their knowledge base on another knowledge management tool in the market. However, they faced multiple challenges while scaling their documentation, such as

  • No facility to draft an article or place changes to an article in draft. Every article uploaded would be automatically published, and every change would be instantly reflected in the live version.
  • There was no option to peer review any changes made. The writers had to quickly check the live version once the change was made to see if it was reflected correctly.
  • The search functionality was ineffective, so people could not find information quickly.
  • The platform allowed only three categories of information to be created, so information architecture could not be well executed.


As IMotions began scaling their company, they began evaluating multiple knowledge management platforms in the market, including HelpScout, Zendesk, Paligo, and Freshdesk, among others. After thorough research, they set up their fresh knowledge base with Document360.

The following features made Document360 a suitable fit for IMotions

  • The Zendesk integration allows the IMotions customer support team to access information on Document360 to handle customer queries seamlessly. They share links to the relevant information to customers, also guiding them to self-serve in the future.
  • The intuitive user interface makes the platform user-friendly for the documentation team and customers.
  • Flexibility regarding the number of categories and sub-categories that could be created. Document360 allows documentation to go almost six subcategories deep. This assists customers to navigate to certain information easily.
  • The AI-powered search engine helps customers find the information required quickly, enticing them to self-serve in the future.
  • Allows embedding images, videos, and other information in multiple formats such as PDFs, Zip files, etc, allowing articles to be as visual as possible.
  • Homepage builder gave the IMotions team much control regarding designing their support site’s landing page. Allowed the site to look professional.
  • The rich metrics provided by Document360 helps IMotions’ documentation team check the keywords being searched and if there are any gaps in the information.
  • The analytics also helps them identify the geographical locations of their visitors.

Bryn Farnsworth, Technical and Scientific Writer at IMotions, says

The categories or tabs ensure that the documentation site aligns with how my mind perceives how the documents or information should appear.

Business Transformation

Bryn says,

Adopting Document360 has made creating documentation more efficient, clear and stress-free”. He says it has reduced the hours he spends managing the support site, and its popularity internally in IMotions has dramatically increased.


IMotions, a rapidly growing company in terms of products and customers globally, required a mature knowledge management platform that could grow in the same pace regarding features and functionality. Document360 was a perfect fit with its critical features, flexibility and agility.

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Glasswall Wed, 15 Nov 2023 04:35:09 +0000 Glasswall CDR (Content Disarm and Reconstruction) eliminates file-based threats like malicious pieces of ...

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About Glasswall

Glasswall CDR (Content Disarm and Reconstruction) eliminates file-based threats like malicious pieces of code within a file. Cybercriminals use such codes to embed threats targeting individuals or organizations in everyday files. Glasswall CDR rebuilds files and documents into a safe, clean and visually identical standard, free from malware risks. Glasswall has a range of industry-specific solutions for organizations to overcome security challenges in different sectors like defence, intelligence, critical infrastructure, cloud based services and Managed Security Service Providers.

Business Requirement

Glasswall CDR was looking for an online knowledge base to host their customer-facing product documentation, including user guides, troubleshooting guides, FAQs, and some of their products’ technical documentation.

Glasswall were initially hosting their documentation on Madcap Flare, but they faced certain challenges, such as

  • The tool’s user interface felt outdated.
  • Flare lacked collaborative tools such as discussions and private notes.
  • Flare is a desktop application that produces PDFs, HTML files and chm files which are optimized for offline viewing.
  • Publishing articles was an arduous process because it would provide HTML files which had to be hosted in a webserver via manual process.

Glasswall CDR was looking for a cloud-based knowledge management platform that was slightly customizable and more modern in appearance and feel.


Glasswall evaluated multiple modern knowledge base vendors and chose to host their documentation on Document360. The following features made Document360 match their requirements perfectly.

  • The platform is based in the cloud such that vendor takes care of hosting the knowledge base site.
  • Once the knowledge base article content is changed, it reflects instantly on the knowledge base site.
  • Homepage builder allowed customization of their homepage, aligning it with their brand guidelines.
  • Snippets allow certain content to be inserted into articles while editing thus saving authors’ time on retyping the content again or copying and pasting it from another article.
  • Glossary allows readers to hover over frequently used terms and view the definition on the knowledge base site, enhancing their user experience.
  • The rich metrics give them valuable insights into the geographical locations from where user traffic comes in.
  • Allows them to receive feedback in the form of thumbs up and thumbs down, which helps authors continually improve on their content.
  • Being able to index an article in terms of SEO, makes it also function as a marketing channel or a lead generation magnet.

Riyya Ahmed, Senior Technical Writer & Product Marketing Manager, says

Using Document360 has definitely been a transformational part of our product marketing initiative.

Business Transformation

A fresh, online knowledge base that aligned with Glasswall’s current branding was welcomed by everyone internally at Glasswall CDR. Riyya says,

The sales team especially appreciated the proper professional-looking knowledge base that they could now present to our prospective customers.

The site’s popularity has also made it another marketing tool within Glasswall, ensuring the content is aligned with their SEO guidelines.


With Glasswall CDR looking for a modern, dynamic, user-friendly platform, Document360 was the perfect solution. Its rich authoring experience helped the Glasswall team migrate their existing content and create new content quickly and efficiently. The platform has also successfully grown into an effective marketing and sales tool.

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Panaya Wed, 15 Nov 2023 04:32:56 +0000 Panaya is an industry leader in testing and providing impact analysis solutions for ...

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About Panaya

Panaya is an industry leader in testing and providing impact analysis solutions for large companies utilizing ERP systems such as SAP, Oracle or Salesforce. Panaya’s change intelligence software empowers ERP managers and CRM admins see the potential change reaction of every upgrade, update or added feature. This helps them know what exactly might break, what to fix, what to test, and even get accurate turn-by-turn directions to navigate any change, big or small.

Business Requirement

Panaya sought a knowledge management platform to host all their customer-facing documentation, including user guides, troubleshooting guides, and regular release notes. Panaya’s sales team were also looking for a private site to host their internal documents and articles.

They were earlier hosting their documentation on another knowledge management platform in the market, but they faced certain issues with it such as:

  • The search functionality was not effective. It was not bringing up relevant articles for the information customers were looking for.
  • Since the platform did not provide version history as a feature, it was difficult to refer to earlier versions and review the changes made.
  • The lack of versioning and workflow features made team collaboration difficult in terms of updating and maintaining their knowledge platform.


After evaluating a few options in the market, Panaya opted for Document360 to host their online knowledge base. The following features made it a suitable choice for them.

  • The rich metrics provided by Document360 provide insights on
    1. Information their customers are looking for
    2. Pain points customers face with their documentation
    3. The most read articles
  • The mixed access feature allowed Panaya’s sales team to create a privately accessed section within the site for their team members to access exclusively.
  • The workflow designer helped them ensure that every step of the migration process was reviewed before the content went online. They had to migrate nearly 600 articles to Document360.
  • The intuitive user interface made it an enjoyable experience for their customers and employees to use the site.
  • They could add a few javascripts to modify the way their documentation site was viewed on any device like a computer, laptop, mobile phone, or tablets and even customize the resolution at which the information should be available.
  • CSS and Javascripts allows further customization of the site if required.
  • Features like article versioning facilitate more team collaboration allowing multiple contributors to work on a single article, track changes, and refer to earlier versions of the article if required.

Yoni Hubermann, Director of Customer Education at Panaya says

Document360’s has transformed the way our customers access our content. The analytics provide information customers are looking for, their pain points and most frequently visited articles, which in turn helps us continually update and maintain our knowledge base.

Business Transformation

Yoni says Panaya sees around 4,000 customers use their documentation every month and some of their articles getting close to 10,000 views.

We are extremely happy with the solution. We have been getting feedback from both customers and employees on how much easier it is to use, how the search function works, which makes finding information simple.

As a result, Panaya’s usage of Document360 has grown with their sales center too now using the product to maintain their internal private knowledge base.


Document360, with its intuitive user interface and features, was a perfect solution to Panaya, who were looking for a modern, robust platform to host their documentation. It makes visiting and finding information a quick and effective process, enticing customers to increase use of the site.

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Prerender Wed, 30 Aug 2023 05:34:20 +0000 Prerender is a SaaS company that optimizes large JavaScript websites to be SEO ...

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About Prerender

Prerender is a SaaS company that optimizes large JavaScript websites to be SEO (Search Engine Optimization) friendly. Prerender serves 100% cached versions of web pages to search engine bots that have problems executing JavaScript. This helps companies save resources like money, time, and reap technical SEO benefits. Prerender’s tool improves page crawl rates and indexing speed by eliminating dynamic issues and serving a static version of every web page to search crawlers. It also ensures content and links are fully rendered before the crawl, ensuring crawl budgets are utilized better. Prerender ensures pages are prioritized and indexed fast to help boost SEO rankings.

Business Requirement

The customer’s developers need to connect to their web server. The process requires very clear, detailed instructions. The instructions also differ for every type of server. Thus, Prerender sought to create one source of truth for all their technical documentation.

Prerender was initially hosting their documentation on another platform; however, they faced a few challenges such as,

  • The documentation could not be organized easily into different categories or topics
  • The platform did not possess the capability for the authors to perform SEO on the content
  • There were no metrics on usage or what users were looking for in the documentation
  • Did not have options for users to leave any feedback

Prerender decided to opt for a knowledge management tool with all the required features, so they were only required to fill in their content and publish the documentation. They initially hosted their documentation on HelpScout, which they used for customer ticketing purposes but were still not satisfied with the outcome.


After evaluating multiple other options in the market, including Zendesk, they opted for Document360. Their support platform now hosts a lot more content than just technical documents. The content now includes best practices, tips and tricks, how the product is priced according to usage.

The following features in Document360 made it a perfect fit.

  • The categories on the left and tabs helped Prerender organize their content topic-wise, creating folders further within those categories. The hierarchical organization of information made it easy for navigation by users and allowed the content team to quickly view and understand what information has been documented and not.
  • The rich metrics provided by Document360 offers insights into how users interact with the content. For eg, the team recently made an important change on a few pages and was wondering how it was going to be viewed by customers, but later noticed the increased engagement and understood that it was working.
  • Identifying dead or broken links also helps when the knowledge base continually expands, and some links change or get moved over time.
  • The health check metrics, which colour a sentence in red or green, with recommendations to rewrite or rework, helps authors improve the quality of the content.
  • Feedback manager gives customers to give feedback on any information that is missing, requires more clarity or probably not working, which helps the customer success and support team constantly improve their content.
  • The homepage builder helps customize the homepage as per the brand guidelines so it does not look like another platform, rather an extension of their website.

Raquel Heyman, Customer Experience Consultant, says

Document360 has helped us empower customers to find the knowledge they need, instead of gatekeeping it. It is a game changer

Business Transformation

Prerender says hosting their support site on Document360 has helped decrease the number of support tickets on a specific issue.

Once we upload an article regarding a specific issue, we see support tickets regarding that issue decreasing by 20%-30%

The questions being asked by customers to the support team have also become extremely focussed, says Heyman.

For eg, instead of just asking us to tell them about a feature, they now say they recently read about it on our knowledge base but want to know how to make it work

Prerender says they are seeing a growing number of their customers now visiting their knowledge base to try self-serving before contacting customer support.


Adopting Document360 has helped Prerender establish a dynamic and organized online knowledge base that hosts more than technical documentation. This has helped Prerender empower their customers to find almost any information they require on the knowledge base, making them happy and feel like support is always available.

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Cosmos Wed, 30 Aug 2023 05:31:23 +0000 Cosmos Forms is a Calgary-based SaaS company that allows people to manage business ...

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About Cosmos

Cosmos Forms is a Calgary-based SaaS company that allows people to manage business processes from any mobile device, the web, or Microsoft Teams. Cosmos Forms enables businesses to design digital forms that help collect data from the source in real-time. The data collection helps Cosmos Forms’ customers manage their assets, data, resources, and processes and bring it all together to report, analyze and optimize. They have three products, namely-

  • Cosmos Forms: Provides intelligent forms which can replace paper and spreadsheets.
  • Cosmos Operations: A management solution that helps manage the safety and quality of assets.
  • Cosmos Insights: A tool that uses information from the forms to produce business trends and data analysis.

Business Requirement

Cosmos Forms required an online knowledge base to host their how-to guides on building forms, entering metadata, accessing the custom connector, and more. They also wanted it to be a privately accessed knowledge base, ensuring that only their customers could access their software documentation.

Cosmos Forms sought an easy-to-navigate documentation platform to enable customers to self-serve to any information instead of contacting customer support.

Cosmos Forms initially considered managing their documentation on WordPress but it required them to build the site. Cosmos Forms preferred using an all-in-one managed solution.


After researching a few options in the knowledge base space, Cosmos Forms chose to host their documentation on Document360. A few features listed below made Document360 the most suitable option.

  • A table of contents that allowed them to organize their content into various sections, so users could see different sections available and find the information they required.
  • Documentation editor made it extremely simple to make a change in any existing article. The change would be instantly reflected on the knowledge base.
  • Allowed embedding of images, which often helped explain a procedure better than any text could.
  • The easy-to-use interface which would attract more users to use the documentation site

Greg Dickie, Senior Software Engineer at Cosmos Forms, said

Customers have stopped contacting us with how-to questions, but now only call us for actual problems

Business Transformation

Greg says Cosmos Forms has begun seeing a reduction in customer support tickets after setting up their online knowledge base on Document360.

Document360 helped us establish a single source of truth for procedures both internally and for customers. This has eliminated differences in opinions regarding procedures

Cosmos Forms also reports that the online knowledge base has helped standardize all procedures being followed internally. It leaves no room for doubt anymore, leading to better efficiency.


Cosmos Forms, which is a start-up that is in the process of scaling their operations, found Document360 to be a perfect solution to help its customers self-serve. In turn, it also reduced the burden on their customer support team and synchronized their internal functioning.

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Mobileforce Fri, 04 Aug 2023 06:15:58 +0000 Mobileforce is a multiproduct SaaS company focused on Field Automation to enhance Revenue ...

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About Mobileforce

Mobileforce is a multiproduct SaaS company focused on Field Automation to enhance Revenue Operations. Mobileforce’ SaaS products helps its customers automate sales quotes, streamline field service operations and drive more revenue. Mobileforce products include:

MOBILEFORCE CPQ (Configure, Price and Quote), which empowers sales teams to provide quotes based on the data fed into it and grow revenues

  • MOBILEFORCE FSM (Field Service Management), which arms field service teams with creating service tasks and real-time scheduling of appointments, technician location skills matching, and real-time tracking for lightning-fast service response times.
  • MOBILEFORCE CONNECTED PORTAL: A self-service experience which helps companies deliver white-glove digital and mobile UI experiences to customers and partners .
  • MOBILEFORCE PLATFORM provides centralized access to important business data directly from CRM environments, so it improves customer engagement, speed response times and streamlines processes for a better customer experience.

Business Requirement

Mobileforce was looking for a documentation repository to host all their user documentation for the suite of software products in their portfolio. They were initially storing all their documentation in a large file system. They were using Markdown editor for their documentation. However, they faced a few challenges.

  • They recruited non-technical writers to author their technical documentation. They found it difficult to use the Markdown editor because it required a lot of technical know-how
  • Their file system did not have the option to index information to help their users to find information based on “search keywords.”
  • The file system did not provide easy mechanisms to create and manage article categories, create table of contents, easily navigate to FAQs, ask questions, tag articles by roles of users who the articles target, etc.
  • The documentation needed to be customer facing as well as provide protected access to specific documents that partners, solution consultants, and even select employees could also access.

Eventually, Mobileforce began looking for a documentation platform that could be customer-facing. Some of their business requirements from the platform were

  • Documentations look professional with headers and footers and ability to customize look and feel based on company brand guidelines.
  • To be able to customize Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).
  • A search engine where customers could search and find the exact information they were looking for
  • Being able to limit access to what customers of different pricing tier could see. They wanted to allow only certain customers to access their API documentation.
  • Easy parsing of markdown content to HTML format without their staff requiring a detailed knowledge transfer
  • Ability for multiple authors and reviewers to collaborate in creating and publishing articles.
  • Ability for the system to provide feedback on what search terms did not result in any articles being found, and thus using these terms to create articles that addressed customer needs.


After looking at several options in the market, Mobileforce chose Document360 to host their user documentation. Here’s how Document360 met their business and technical requirements.

  • Multiple choices of editor, including WYSIWYG and Block, making it easy for non-technical staff to author user documentation
  • The flexibility of authors to seamlessly choose between Markdown and WYSIWYG gave them a lot more flexibility.
  • Reader groups allowed them to give access to different sections of documentation category based on pricing tiers. Authentication could be introduced to customers who access API documentation.
  • Snippets allowed them to insert the same information in multiple places instead of having to key it in every time or copy-pasting it from a previous article.
  • CSS and JavaScript allow them to customize their home screen to display or hide anything they choose to
  • Rich analytics helped them track what customers were doing on their documentation site, including terms they were searching for but did not find answers
  • The peer review system helped them ensure their articles were reviewed once before they were published.

Mobileforce Software began documenting its product from the early stages, which helped them scale its operations rapidly and establish its public user documentation site.

T K Lakshman, Chief Technology Officer at Mobileforce Software, mentions that their

Technical writers, who often don’t have technical knowledge, but have a good grasp of the English language, have been able to use Document360 seamlessly due to flexibility in keying in options.

Business Transformation

After the implementation of Document360, Mobileforce has been augmenting its documentation using the rich analytics provided. They list out questions that did not yield an answer, quickly fill those gaps, so the next time the question is asked, answers are available. They also use data on usage of the documentation, as a source of feedback on the ease of use of their product itself.


Document360 was the perfect fit for Mobileforce Software which began adopting a knowledgebase platform while scaling operations in terms of customers. The in-depth analytics are used to improve the knowledge base and features like reader groups and authentication to entice customers to move up tiers. The platform has also been found easy to use by all their stakeholders including writers, users and internal staff.

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Network Ninja Thu, 01 Jun 2023 05:12:19 +0000 Network Ninja is a SaaS (Software as a Service) product company with three ...

The post Network Ninja appeared first on Document360.

About Network Ninja

Network Ninja is a SaaS (Software as a Service) product company with three products in their product portfolio. Their three products are Legal Server, Collaborate, and Main Event. Their products

  • Legal Aid product caters to civil legal aid agencies, public defenders etc,
  • Collaborate with product targets, non-profits, and social services agencies.
  • Main event product helps marketing agencies plan, execute, and evaluate their face-to-face campaigns

Network Ninja supports 1.2 million users and has more than 500 enterprise clients across their products.

Business Requirement

MainEvent’s training team was looking to create an online knowledge base where customers could access help 24×7 rather than send an email or raise a ticket and wait for a response. MainEvent earlier conducted one-on-one training sessions with every client’s management and staff and gave them a Word document with all the help they would require. But this document was custom prepared for every client, making it time-consuming.

The training team then tried setting up a knowledge base on Google Docs, but they faced certain issues with sharing access to each client’s staff and structuring the articles in a neat format.

Their main requirements of the knowledge management space were:

  • The customer should never have to leave MainEvent to access the help content, because it distracts the user.
  • Should have a mixed access feature allowing specific audiences to access content meant for them because while the management could see the entire knowledge base, the staff had to be given restricted access to specific content.

MainEvent’s training and documentation team briefly tried hosting their knowledge base on Zendesk, but they faced certain issues such as

  • Not being able to segment and arrange articles how you need to because it allows 2-3 categories.


When they were looking for an alternate, the MainEvent team evaluated various other options in the market, including Freshdesk, before choosing Document360. The following features enabled Document360 to solve all their pain points

  • Allows download and import of articles from Google Docs
  • The intuitive user interface made integrating Document360’s KB assistant as a widget into their system easy.
  • The customization options allowed their developers to change the layout, colour themes and icons to align with their corporate brand guidelines.
  • Allows images to be embedded into the article, which helps create step-by-step tutorials of various procedures.
  • The Document360 drive provides adequate storage for images, so the team faces no issues with space.
  • Provides contextual help via URL mapping, which allows the display of specific articles and categories depending on the page the user is visiting
  • Reader groups which can limit the content that specific groups of users can view

Alison Bovaird, Trainer and Documentation Specialist, Network Ninja says

Adopting Document360 has enabled us to handle customers with bigger issues better because emails and tickets with basic questions have almost stopped coming in.

Business Impact

MainEvent’s Training and Documentation team has received fewer customer support calls since installing the knowledge base assistant widget. Alison says basic questions like “how do I log in?” or “How can I reset my password” have lessened.

we can also guide customers to self-serve in the future by providing them a link to the document center, so they know where to find information.

The team says providing a link to the relevant information is much more efficient and saves time compared to their earlier practice of typing a step-by-step email on creating something in the system.

The rich metrics also provide them with information like

  • The different terms their users are searching for
  • Geographical locations from where users are looking for information.
  • Number of visitors to the KB assistant etc


Document360 has helped Main Event, a SaaS product, rapidly scale in terms of customers without expanding its training team even while supporting its customers 24×7. It also gives their training team valuable insights into the information their users are looking for and the popularity of certain articles so they can further improve their content.

The post Network Ninja appeared first on Document360.
