Communications & media Archives - Document360 The knowledge base that scales with your product. Mon, 29 Jan 2024 06:02:07 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Communications & media Archives - Document360 32 32 Uncommonlogic Mon, 18 Dec 2023 12:31:39 +0000 (Un)Common Logic is a Texas-based digital marketing agency providing a wide range of ...

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Business Background

(Un)Common Logic is a Texas-based digital marketing agency providing a wide range of services such as paid media, search engine optimization, conversion rate optimization, social media marketing, and analytics. They also aim to be valued partners to all their customers, using customized strategies to help each client achieve their marketing and business growth goals.

Business Requirement

(un)Common Logic was looking to establish a centralized repository of all its internal knowledge so it was faster and easier to onboard new people as well as improve efficiencies for their experienced employees.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, when the entire company moved to remote work, (Un)Common Logic realized that they did not possess a single system for maintaining their internal documentation. Since their founding in 2008, different sets of information were held by different people in various formats like SharePoint, OneNote, Word documents, and even emails. When someone required information, it had to be emailed to them. New recruits were the most affected because they did not have a centralized, single location to find the required information. The luxury of asking a colleague sitting next to them was unavailable.

Hosting most of their documentation on SharePoint also resulted in multiple challenges such as

  • Using the platform required a steep learning curve for their employees because the interface was not intuitive.
  • Their version’s search function was ineffective, so information could not be found quickly.
  • The navigation system was inefficient, so people had to remember the exact location of certain pages or bookmark their URL.
  • Sharepoint did not have the functionality to save different versions of articles, so referring to earlier versions during updates was impossible.
  • Data was in silos, where different sets of people possessed different versions of the same information, so there was confusion about which information they had to adopt.

Mindful’s documentation team first came across Document360 when they acquired a survey platform that was using Document360 for their documentation.

Richard Clark, Senior Technical Manager at (Un)Common Logic, says

Due to the information silos, finding documents that should take only five minutes used to take two hours because you had first to find out where the document lives. This eventually affects profitability.


(Un)Common Logic sought a user-friendly, streamlined platform with version control facilities to host their centralized internal information repository. They evaluated several knowledge management platforms in the market such as different versions of SharePoint, Notion, HubSpot, and Confluence, before choosing Document360 to host their internal knowledge base.

Their internal knowledge base now contains information like software tutorials, troubleshooting guides, different templates of offerings for customers and different ways CCPA (California Consumer Privacy Act) compliance applies to them. The following features of Document360 made it a perfect choice for (Un)Common Logic.

  • The intuitive user interface made the platform easy to use for both content managers and users who interact with the content.
  • Flexibility in using an HTML editor, so authors can drag and drop in content, copy and paste, or type articles directly into the platform.
  • CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) and Javascript allowed flexibility in designing articles, categories, and site appearance. This was important to people at (Un)Common Logic because even though they are a digital marketing agency that takes a data-driven approach, many of the knowledge base users are visual learners
  • Homepage builder allowed customization of the knowledge base site’s homepage according to (Un)Common Logic’s brand guidelines.
  • Versioning helps store different versions of an article in a structured manner, allowing people to refer to old versions.
  • The AI-powered search engine allows people to find the document or information they are looking for within seconds.
  • The categories section on the left helps structure content logically, where people can find information just by browsing the site.
  • Feedback manager allows people to request for more information or new content.
  • Versioning helps store different versions of an article in a structured manner, allowing people to refer to old versions.
  • The rich metrics provided by Document360 help the SEO manager develop different keyword strategies and better understand how people search for information to ensure they can find what they’re looking for.

Richard says,

Document360 helped us create a centralized repository with all the required information. With facilities like version control, the information can be monitored and updated over time, and people can always use the latest rather than old information.

Business Transformation

Richard says,

Document360 has transformed the way people at (Un)Common Logic are finding and requesting for new information. The number of requests for new information has now increased drastically.

He says previously, people would just start looking for information and if they could not find it, they would just create content themselves and store it in a silo. However, now people are looking for information in Document360 and if they cannot find it, they request new information through the feedback manager.

The rich metrics also guide where and when new content is required and must be added.


Document360, with its ease of use and critical features like article versioning, workflow and categories, among others, was the perfect fit for (Un)Common Logic, which was looking to create an internal knowledge base almost from scratch. The interface also incentivized more people to use the knowledge base instead of asking for Word documents or OneNote to be emailed to them.

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Sophi Thu, 21 Sep 2023 12:28:07 +0000 Sophi is an Artificial Intelligence-based automation and prediction engine. It helps news publishers ...

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About Sophi

Sophi is an Artificial Intelligence-based automation and prediction engine. It helps news publishers identify their most valuable content and understand which content to keep behind a paywall to maximize subscription revenue without sacrificing advertising revenue. This helps modern publishers make vital strategic decisions to transform their business. Sophi also automates a range of other functions right from content curation to first party data activation.

Business Requirement

Sophi was first developed by a news agency for its internal usage. However, its popularity and success prompted them to consider commercializing the product and offering it to other organizations too. Sophi’s team was looking for a knowledge management tool to host implementation and resource guides, so their customers’ engineering teams could access it.

The product engineering team initially hosted all their documentation, including technical guides, product overviews and API documentation on Microsoft Word documents. However, they faced multiple challenges like

  • Not being able to give an adequate number of people access to edit the Word documents
  • Difficulty in using the versioning feature, tracking changes made, and the person who made the changes
  • There was also no way to do an overall search through the documentation. Users had to search for information through multiple individual documents until they found what they were looking for

To provide their customers with a better user experience, Sophi’s product management team began looking for an online knowledge management tool to centralize all their documentation regarding the product. They also wanted a tool to help organize and standardize their workflow better, ensure that content could be peer-reviewed before publishing, and facilitate seamless updating of information.


After evaluating several knowledge base tools, the Sophi team zeroed in on Document360. The following features of Document360 made it a suitable fit.

  • The easy-to-use interface ensured that engineers, product managers and users could easily access documentation and navigate information.
  • The Find and Replace option allows authors to change any words in the glossary, replacing the wrong term across articles. Earlier, the team had to go to each document and replace the incorrect word in each place.
  • The workflow feature helped the team designate people who could be administrators, and engineers who could contribute to the content and ensure that the content is published only once the support team peer reviews it.
  • The mixed access feature allows Sophi to cordon certain sections of the knowledge base and articles only for internal viewing and prevent it from being seen on the public site.
  • Article tags or keywords make articles more easily searchable for contributors and users
  • Using the no index SEO feature to control the narrative by ensuring that certain information or pages don’t pop up during a google search with certain keywords

Business Transformation

Vijayakumar J, Manager of Product Management, at Sophi, says there has been a lot of qualitative impact on the team and product after adopting Document360.

Document360 has helped us achieve much operational efficiency simply because people know where to find specific information or document,

The Sophi team says that Document360 has become a centralized repository of all resource guides regarding the product; thus, people know that if any document needs to be updated, they need to go to Document360. They say it has removed much redundancy in their workflow because people don’t have to ask each other questions and any updates and publishing happens faster.

Document360 has also improved our customer success because customers find it easier and are more impressed when you present your documentation in a structured manner


Adopting Document360 helped the Sophi team create a centralized repository of all information regarding the software, which has led to operational efficiency, cohesive workflow and most importantly improved customer success.

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AWR360 Wed, 22 Feb 2023 07:25:29 +0000 Adventist World Radio (AWR) is a worldwide network of radio stations that broadcast ...

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About AWR360

Adventist World Radio (AWR) is a worldwide network of radio stations that broadcast messages of hope. They also broadcast programs on Christianity, health, and educational programs for the improvement of the community at large. They also have a platform where listeners from across the world could message or call in with questions about the BIBLE or the programs they broadcast through social media channels, like Youtube, Instagram, or Facebook.

Business Need

Adventist World Radio has a centre for digital evangelism, where they have a team of 25 volunteers dedicated to answering the questions that come from listeners on social media. However, with 25 volunteers not being sufficient, they have a set of part-time volunteers from across the world. So AWR needed a knowledge base through which they could share resources with their volunteers on how to answer questions better.

The resources include guidelines on general communication, Dos and Don’ts, templates and helpful information on what they can offer to listeners, and strong background information. This helps even part-time volunteers answer questions effectively.

Earlier AWR was using other knowledge base platforms to publish their information, but they faced certain challenges

  • The platforms were not allowing them to host content in different languages, so volunteers from certain parts of the world could not use the content
  • The platforms were not getting fully integrated with their in-house app which volunteers could access on their mobile phones
  • User interface was not intuitive, so their content team required more training to use the platforms.


Adventist World Radio has chosen Document360 after evaluating multiple other tools in the market. Document360 provided these features to meet its business requirements.

  • Features to browse and host content in multiple languages
  • Intuitive interface to create and consume content
  • Easy translation of articles into multiple languages
  • Seamless API integration with their native business applications
  • A single sign-on authentication system offering security
  • Mixed access facilities, which allowed them to make their knowledge base a mix of public and private access
  • Document 360’s workflow feature helps AWR manage their peer review process so their core team can write content, edit the drafts, and have it reviewed and published.

Talking about their experience with Document360, Tobias Kazmierczak, Manager for Center for Digital Evangelism (CDE) said the process of transitioning from their older tool to the new, was extremely smooth. The content team found themselves enjoying working with it.

Fact, Document360 integrates with their native app seamlessly, allows them to update their articles once every fortnight, and the changes reflect perfectly in the app. This is despite volunteers sometimes opening and using the app in areas where network coverage is irregular or poor.

Tobias says,

Document360 is a tool that really listens to its customers. It has the features that a growing documentation or knowledge base would require. The customer response team is also excellent

Business Impact

Tobias says that it has saved the Digital Evangelism team the time, expenses, and effort of developing features they needed as their business needs grow. “We now can suggest features we need to the Document360 customer support team. And they sometimes incorporate them or give us other options,” he says. It has also helped them consider giving viewers also a role in the documentation process, because of the tool’s mixed access option.

It has also widened AWR’s reach in terms of volunteers and the extent of listener support that it can provide. The analytics has also helped the digital team understand how the knowledge base is used.

  • Most searched terms
  • SEO of their articles
  • Articles that are read through most often by volunteers

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Tegsoft Tue, 19 Jul 2022 09:49:35 +0000 Tegsoft is an Independent Software Vendor headquartered in Istanbul, Turkey, that has developed ...

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About Tegsoft

Tegsoft is an Independent Software Vendor headquartered in Istanbul, Turkey, that has developed an omni-channel communications platform running multi-industry customer engagements. Tegsoft is managing more than 2 million customer interactions per day in 15 different countries, (across Europe, UAE as well as USA). It also serves 25,000 customer service agents and 50,000 customers per day.

The business needs

As Tegsoft is rapidly expanding their business globally, they need a platform to efficiently manage their technical documentation. Tegsoft needs to build technical documents, user manuals, product feature release notes, code snippets to empower business partners to having a good knowledge about their products and services. Technical know-how helps their business partners configure the product in the customer environment without any hassle.


Tegsoft was utilizing Google Drive for creating and sharing their documents earlier which does not provide efficient way to organise content, enable real-time search and provide actionable analytics. Tegsoft has evaluated multiple products in the market to meet their documentation needs. Document360 was chosen as the solution as it is versatile to manage technical documentation at scale. Document360 provides rich features and is suited for providing granular access control in their internal (private) knowledge base.

Tegsoft internal knowledge base comprises information pertaining to the internal working of the Tegsoft software, technical documentation, setup guides, and troubleshooting manuals. Tegsoft internal knowledge base needs to be accessed by different roles in the documentation team, technical team and business partners. The granular access privileges can be configured easily with Document360 to enable different team members with various roles can access certain sections of their internal knowledge base. The internal employees access this internal knowledge base for finding information on business process flows.

In addition to private documentation, Tegsoft also maintains a public documentation that contains basic materials to enable new prospects to learn about Tegsoft and its products.

Tegsoft documentation team uses Document360 features extensively to be customer-centric and utilizes Document360 features to solve their customer problem. Some feature highlights include

  • Extensive use of Analytics feature – What customers are searching for, which articles are popular, understanding customers geography.
  • Security feature to assign different roles and configure granular access permission.

The Tegsoft documentation team updates the document more frequently to improvise quality based on the feedback. The software developer, customer support team and documentation team can update the documentation quickly to address knowledge gaps.

Business impact

Tegsoft’s CTO, Eray Gürsoy, has foreseen that business will be going to expand rapidly and best way to serve customers globally is through documentation. Tegsoft has undergone a business transformation journey and formalized a systematic way of creating technical documentation. The business impacts of their technical documentation are

  • Time savings: The well-written user manuals help business partners set up and configure the Tegsoft product in less time and enable their customers to be productive. This reduces the support cases of their internal customer support team.
  • Self-service: Helps customers to self-serve and find solutions to troubleshoot any issues.
  • Increased productivity of Tegsoft employees.

Closing line

Tegsoft is very happy with Document360 support team as issues are resolved as per the Service Level Agreement. Ozan says that Document360 provides an effective way of documentation. Gözde, Technical document writer says.

Document360 has user-friendly interface and feel comfortable using it.

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Vodia Fri, 15 Jul 2022 07:27:25 +0000 Vodia is a Voice-over-Internet Protocol (VoIP) company. Vodia’s PBX software turns mobile phones, ...

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About Vodia

Vodia is a Voice-over-Internet Protocol (VoIP) company. Vodia’s PBX software turns mobile phones, laptops, tablets, PCs, and standard VoIP phones into clients all of your employees can use for their communication needs. Vodia works with third-party integrators who help to set up their systems, set up different users, extension and integrate with existing phone systems. In addition to this Vodia’s software also integrates with customer support systems.

Business need

Earlier Vodia used an in-house knowledge base tool called Drupal. Drupal is specifically focused on content management rather than a knowledge base. Because of that, it offered a few challenges such as

  • Issues with formatting content.
  • Interface for uploading documentation artefacts such as media content is harder to use.
  • Search engine was primitive and did not bring relevant articles based on search keywords.


Document360 was chosen as the solution to replace Drupal as it offered the perfect solution to Vodia’s business requirements. Some of the important features that made Vodia choose Document360 are

  • Workflow feature such that documentation processes can be streamlined and automated.
  • Rich Application Programming Interface (API) .
  • Intuitive UI
  • Feature-rich editor to compose and publish articles
  • Powerful search engine in knowledge base site that bring the right articles based on the search keyword
  • Able to collect customer feedback
  • Analytics

Vodia’s public knowledge base consists of How-to guides, user manuals, and troubleshooting guides for their product. The public documentation also consists of product information for their customers on setting up voice mail and so on. There are multiple team members working on the documentation articles. The documentation articles are peer-reviewed before publication to ensure that documentation meets the customer expectations and is of great quality.

Vodia’s documentation team produces technical articles that are understandable by layperson and ensures that content provides utmost clarity to their customers. The grammar and tone of the content is checked for consistency. The public documentation empowered Vodia’s customers to self-serve and troubleshoot the issues on their own rather than raising a support ticket.

Vodia utilizes Document360’s analytics feature extensively to be customer centric. Vodia’s documentation teamm checks the customer feedback every week and responds to feedback to build relationships with their customers and earn their trust.

Closing line

Jared Blake, software developer at Vodia says

Customer feedback enables Vodia to engage with its integrators in a whole new way. It provided a ton of value to relationships which is an important thing for their business.

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