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The Role of Technology in Documentation with Andrii Tserkovnyi, Technical Writer at Spryker Systems

Category: Podcast

Andrii Tserkovnyi, the Technical Writer at Spryker Systems, joins us in this episode of Knowledgebase Ninjas Podcast to share the significance of documentation in any company’s success, the role of technology in revolutionising technical documentation, and the key fundamentals of creating quality documentation. 

Key Facts

  • Andrii’s LinkedIn
  • Spryker’s website
  • Andrii holds a Master’s degree in English Literature and Linguistics
  • Andrii is working as a Technical Writer at Spryker for the past three years
  • Spryker is based in Berlin, Germany 
  • Spryker is a Digital Commerce Platform
  • Spryker’s portal is open to public

Key Takeaways

  • Andrii started his career as a QA Analyst at Namecheap in 2017 and, after a year, got promoted to the Hosting Technical Support Engineer’s role at the same company
  • Andrii joined Spryker as a Technical Writer in 2018
  • Spryker enables companies to create winning commerce experiences 
  • Andrii believes that documentation is a necessary part of any product, as it helps the users understand the product’s features, benefits and usage in a better way 
  • Spryker offers a lot of out-of-the-box features. Spryker keeps clients security and testing of each feature as a priority before introducing anything new 
  • Spryker stays focused on implementing client’s custom and special requirements 
  • Spryker’s portal is open to the public and offers a new approach to API-driven eCommerce 
  • Spryker offers a well-thought-through application design that enables clients to scale easily and effectively 
  • Andrii believes that technology has played a vital role in Spryker’s customisation excellence
  • Spryker offers a developer-focused framework for its clients, where clients can add customisation to their eCommerce stores
  • Spryker aims to provide its clients with an edge in customising their individual requirements
  • Spryker’s documentation goes through an extensive lifecycle, where all the key stakeholders are involved. They include; 
      • Product owners
      • Developers
      • Architects 
      • Technical writers
  • Andrii shares his perspective on the power of understanding the reader’s perspective before creating the document. ”When you’re writing documents, you have to consider what exactly your reader is going to do with the document and what you want your reader to do with it”
  • Andrii advises emerging technical writers to follow these key fundamentals to create quality documentation;  
      • Cohesive style in all the technical documents
      • User-centric documentation approach 
      • In-depth research and references from previous documents 

Andrii’s biggest influence

  • Helen Webber – Spryker. Andrii says he has learned the most from his manager Helen Weber, who has been his mentor and guide at Spryker, helping him revolutionise technical documentation

Key resource

What documentation-related advice would Andrii give to his 20-year-old self?

“Engage more with the community”. The importance of community engagement has become pivotal for well-functioning individuals and organisations. Community engagement enables better understanding and helps you gain valuable insights into your job.

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Gowri Ramkumar

Jun 10, 2021

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