Srividyaranjani Arumugam, Author at Document360 The knowledge base that scales with your product. Fri, 01 Dec 2023 10:35:18 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Srividyaranjani Arumugam, Author at Document360 32 32 Feature Update: Full Portal Search Mon, 02 May 2022 11:37:17 +0000 A knowledge base portal is a powerhouse of all the information that you ...

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A knowledge base portal is a powerhouse of all the information that you store about your company. Searching for specific information here is a bit tricky, being a writer. It might be time-consuming for you when you want to identify a particular article, an image, or a video.

You might also wonder if it is possible to do a search that can go beyond different versions and languages in your knowledge base portal. What you just read is possible with a Full Portal Search feature on your Document360’s portal. Full Portal Search is a dedicated feature for writers and content writers in the Document360’s knowledge base portal. With a full portal search in your knowledge base portal, you can:

  1. Search and find anything across your knowledge base
  2. It helps you bring relevant results instantly
  3. It is easy to navigate the content in one click

We are here with the updated version of the search feature called the Full Portal Search. This feature plays a dedicated role in your knowledge base to search anything in your entire project content, files, tags, user, etc.

How can you access the full portal search?

The Full Portal Feature can be accessed in your knowledge base portal by clicking the search icon in the main menu. Here are the three simple steps to access your full portal search:

  1. Go to the main menu to find the search icon
  2. Type in the keyword in the search bar to find your search results
  3. Use filters to narrow down your search and find the results

Search icon

Things to remember:

  1. Full portal search is applicable for articles, categories, drive files, user groups, tags, and settings
  2. It does not cover the data from the content tools and analytics section in your knowledge base portal

You can find up to 5 results under each module using the full portal search, like articles, categories, and settings. There are 5 sub-modules and one combined module in the full portal search, namely articles, drive files, users and groups, tags, and settings search. Let us have a look at the dedicated module for each.

Search modules

  • Articles search The articles search is a dedicated space for the entire project’s articles. This also includes category pages. You can find the Articles tab exclusively under the full portal search bar. If you are looking for something under articles, you can click this tab and narrow your search.
  • Drive search – This is again a dedicated space to search anything inside the entire drive. If you are looking for any details inside the drive, you can select this option.
  • Tags – It is a space to search through and view the tag library in your knowledge base project.
  • Users and Groups – In your knowledge base project, you can search for team accounts, team account groups, readers, and reader groups with users and groups.
  • Settings – This is a space where you can search through various features and settings in your knowledge base.

The best part is reviewing the article or category content by clicking on the preview blade option. You can click on the expanded view option to check if that is the content you are looking for.

An intuitive knowledge base software to easily add your content and integrate it with any application. Give Document360 a try!


Narrow down your search for a better experience:

Filters are a great option to narrow down your search. As it is a full portal search feature, narrowing down your search will create a better experience and will save time as well. You can find six filter options in your knowledge base; they are version or language, visibility, status, contributors, tags, and updated dates. Based on your preferences, you can select the filter options and click the drop-down to find what you are looking for.

  • Version/Language: Here, you can find the options for version and language on various levels. You can select one version or all of them according to the requirement.
  • Visibility: Under visibility, you can find three options namely None, Visible, and Hidden.
  • Status: Status will help you filter the search based on the article’s status. You have four selections available here. They are None, New Article, Draft, and Published.
  • Contributors: Here, you can find the contributors who contributed to the articles. You can also find another option called ‘search by contributors’ if you are looking for a desired contributor’s article.
  • Tags: This option can be used when you would like to narrow down your search based on the tags. You can also apply multiple tags while searching for results.
  • Updated on: This filter helps you categorise, or filter down based on the date range like 7 days, 30 days, 3 months, 1 year, or a custom date range.


For all the filters that you apply, once selected by ticking on the checkbox, you can select the apply option to apply the filter, and just in case you want to clear any filter, you can select clear all and filter it based on your preference.

Topbar search: The standard search is available at the top of the knowledge base, where you can perform the full portal search. If you are a team member, you can access the topbar to perform a search across the knowledge base. All you need to do is type in the keyword, and you can see the results getting populated in the dropdown. The search is prioritised based on the version you perform your search. Once you hit the Enter button, the Full Portal Search page appears with more results.

Final words

Full portal search is one of the most useful features in your knowledge base, which helps you with instant search results across the entire knowledge base. Having a combined search on all projects and versions or narrowing down your search based on what you are looking for is a feather in its cap. You can save time and work efficiently with your knowledge with such effective features in hand. To try it out, sign up for a trial version here.

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Feature Update: Shared articles and Cloned articles Fri, 22 Apr 2022 06:25:36 +0000 Maintaining documentation is critical for every business. Organizing the documentation with articles and ...

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Maintaining documentation is critical for every business. Organizing the documentation with articles and other information needs so much effort. Working on your articles from scratch might be a little overwhelming at times. What if you need to use a set of information in multiple places in your knowledge base? There might be a necessity to display the same Article in multiple areas in your knowledge base. Or you might need to use the same content from an original article or slightly modify it in a different category. That’s how we created a feature based on popular requests.

The Shared articles and Cloned articles feature are introduced as they were the most requested features by our customers in the recent days.

The need:

  • Whenever you want to use one Article in multiple places, the only option is to go to the primary Article, copy the whole content, and paste the entire content into the new Article.
  • Maybe you just want to put a reference link to a different category instead of juggling between different categories every single time
  • When there are multiple categories in your knowledge base, and you need to use one particular Article in all the categories, it is not easy to copy-paste the content in all the categories. Copy-pasting might get tiresome at one point.
  • New requirements may arise for the same content with slight changes or modifications

Such needs and limitations of copy-pasting led our team at Document360 to develop a feature called Shared articles and Cloned articles.

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What are shared articles?

A shared article is a feature that will help you to display one Article in more than one category. Though you create more than one copy of a particular article, the original copy serves as a primary copy. All the other copies created from the primary copy are also known as References. Any article created from the primary copy would carry the shared icon displayed next to the Article.

How to create a shared article:

Sharing the articles in multiple categories requires just a few steps.

  1. Select the Article which you want to create the shared Article
  2. Click the more option to that Article
  3. Find the option ‘Also display in’ and select that option

Shared articles 1 - Also display in

4. Select the category in which you would like to display the article and click on the share option

Shared articles 3 - Categories

Few things to remember once the shared article is created:

  • Once the article is shared with any other category, it will be displayed in that category as well.
  • You can also choose multiple categories when you want to share articles which are called Bulk Sharing.
  • The original copy will be the primary copy of the content, and any articles copied from the primary copy of the shared articles will be termed References.
  • Any changes made in the primary copy, or the original article will be reflected across all the shared articles which is also known as References.
  • Any changes can be done only in the primary copy
  • In case, if the original article is deleted, the reference article will also be deleted. In other words, it would not exist anymore.
  • You will have access to View References option in the menu to view the reference of the original article

Another way of creating a shared article is to create a new article and select the link existing option as shown in the image below. You will see the detailed process in the cloned articles.

Shared articles 2 - Link existing

Remove Reference: Just in case, if you want to remove the reference article from the categories you selected, you can remove the reference from different categories or places in your knowledge base. You can check our documentation article to know more about how to remove references.

What are Cloned articles?

Cloning an article creates a copy of the existing Article from the project’s particular version and language. Cloning an article is copying the same content and duplicating it.

Steps to follow if you want to clone a particular article:

1. To clone an article, you need to select the new icon -> Add Article

Cloned article - 1

2. Add article shows 4 options namely New Article, From Template, Copy Existing, and Link Existing

3. Select Copy Existing to clone an article

Cloned article - 2

4. A search bar appears once you select clone articles

5. You can search for the article you want to clone with the help of the search bar

6. Select the article you want to clone and click on the create option

7. Your article will be in the draft state, and you can directly publish it when needed

Cloned articles will be treated as new articles. The article settings will not be cloned here. Any cloned article will be added to the respective category or subcategory you have created.

Final thoughts

Dealing with a huge knowledge base and juggling between categories and subcategories can confuse you. Having effective and time-saving features like Shared articles and Cloned articles will help you in the long run when you need to deal with many articles and categories. If you want to try out this interesting yet simple feature on our knowledge base, you can sign up for a free 14-day trial.

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Quarterly round-up: A look back into Q1 2022 Mon, 04 Apr 2022 04:36:30 +0000 2022 is a new year and a new beginning. We at Document360 kickstarted ...

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2022 is a new year and a new beginning. We at Document360 kickstarted the year with great goals. The last three months have flown so quickly. We launched new features to help your user experience get better like you know, we would always love to go that extra mile to make our users happy!

Let’s take a look at the major updates on Document360 this Quarter.

Freshly brewed features:

This quarter, home page builder themes was one of our most exciting launches. With Document360’s home page builder, you can customize your knowledge base with unique themes for different versions and languages. Earlier, it was possible to choose only the default home page theme, but now you can access three different pre-built home page themes that can be applied easily.

We then launched a full portal search feature, which offers a dedicated area for search across all project content including files, tags, and users. This feature helps you perform a combined search across all the versions and languages.

Next is the feature explorer that we added in trial projects. This feature is to help the trial users explore and acquire product knowledge that encourages them to learn more about Document360.

Lately, in March, we launched a new feature called Shared Article. This feature helps you display one article in multiple categories. These are also known as references.

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Other enhancements and improvements:

Enhancements and improvements are a great way to improve the customer experience. This quarter was nothing short of launching a significant number of minor features. A few of them are here:

  • Introduced the cloning of articles inside the project’s version and language
  • Made infrastructure changes on the links status feature
  • Introduced custom status indicator for articles and category pages
  • Introduced LaTeX expression capability in the editor tools
  • Worked on an enhancement for the top bar search feature
  • Removed the change password API from the identity controller
  • Added auto-translation option in bulk operations feature
  • Provided page numbers, and heading tags in the table of content for exported PDF
  • Implemented bulk select for team accounts and reader accounts
  • Changed the Signup page workflow for mobile users
  • And a lot more minor features, enhancements, improvements, and bug fixes.

Blogs and Podcasts:

Creating a world-class knowledge base requires a lot of learning and understanding of how different features perform, tips, tricks, and much more. To make sure you all are updated about our product features and various ways to make your knowledge base offer the best experience to your users, we keep on providing you with great content. We have come up with multiple blogs for you to consume, but here are some handpicked one’s for you:

We have been continuously working on giving you the vast knowledge of technical writing and creating Podcast interviews every month with experts worldwide. Tune in to some of our must-listen podcasts:

What’s next?

For a SaaS business like Document360, we need to listen to your challenges and make necessary improvements to give you the best as always. We are all ears to hear you and provide you with a great user experience.

Now, it’s time for you to sit back and explore all the new features that we have launched this quarter. Until then, stay tuned for more updates from Document360.

And oh! If you are yet to explore our Document360 features, do not hesitate to give it a try. You can sign-up for a 14-day free trial and explore all the features

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Feature Update: Home Page Builder in a Knowledge Base Tue, 29 Mar 2022 13:24:45 +0000 The first impression is the best impression; we have heard this quote almost ...

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The first impression is the best impression; we have heard this quote almost everywhere. Have we noticed how often it proves to be true? When a user visits your knowledge base site, how it looks matters the most. To be precise, it is the home page that matters. The presentation and branding on the home page are going to be the first impression that your user gets immediately while logging in or visiting your company’s documentation site.   

The home page is the first page that your user sees, and it can be made so attractive with our home page builder feature in your Document360’s knowledge base. With the home page builder, you can add colours based on your branding, add different fonts, add links, include categories, and do many more.  

The home page builder has an art editor, categories builder and analytics to design and customize your home page in your knowledge base.  Let’s dive deep and explore what’s inside! 

Versions and Languages:   

In Document360’s home page builder, you can have more than one version and language. Once you go to the home page builder, you can see the version and language drop down. You can set a specific home page for each language.  Having multiple versions and languages will help users on all categories. 

Next to the version and language is the home page builder status, which displays the status of the home page, whether it is in the draft form. The status of the home page builder changes only when the changes are published.   

Home page builder tool bar:  

You can find the home page builder tool bar in the top right corner of the home page builder. The icons are:  

  • Visibility – Visibility is an option to show your home page to the user or visitor of your knowledge base. You can also turn off the visibility so that the user can directly visit the documentation.  
  • Save – Whenever you make certain changes in your home page builder, you need to click this save icon, to save the changes. By default, if there are no changes made, this option will not be enabled.  
  • Preview – Once you do the necessary edits and changes you can view a preview of the home page that you have created  
  • Settings – If you want to work on your SEO for your home page to generate organic traffic, customise the feature image for your home page you can find the options on settings icon. You can also change the visibility option in the settings.  
  • Themes – Document360 offers you 4 different themes with 1 default theme. Themes are pre-built, and you need not spend extra time creating one. You can also create your customised theme for your home page.   
  • Publish – Until you publish the home page, it will not be visible in your knowledge base. You can also hide or keep it in draft if you do not want to keep a home page for your documentation.   

All these functions in the toolbar are those small but effective functions to help you build your home page more attractive.   

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Home page header:  

Below the toolbar, you can find the home page header which is at the top of the home page. If you are building your home page, you need to make your home page header look attractive as it is the first attraction for your user or any visitor to your knowledge base or home page primarily. A home page header is the only thing that cannot be deleted or moved.   

A home page builder’s header has a title, a tag line, a search bar, and a customisable link option as well. You can add a customised text like a welcome message to all your visitors in the home page. You can also add links to your best performing or most important videos or blogs.   

Working on your home page header is going to be easy as you can style it the way you want. You can change the font, add colours, hide the search bar, insert images, add links, or use different alignments. This process of styling your home page header is easily customisable.  

Body Blocks:  

Body blocks are nothing but adding different blocks of content to your home page in the form of columns of text. This is found below the home page header. Based on your preferences and the strategy you use to attract more visitors to your home page; you can customise the body blocks with the already available body block types. They are text, text columns, HTML, image and text, knowledge base categories and widgets.   

While creating the body blocks, you can also make some formatting by moving them up and down. Body blocks can be those important updates that you want to show to your users in the first place. It can be new feature updates, or customer spotlight and any other updates that you wish to add. You can either use all the body blocks or any few of them based on your preferences.   

Custom CSS and JavaScript:   

With Document360’s home page builder, you can create custom CSS or JavaScript to extend your knowledge base. You can operate this from the settings. Custom CSS offers you a lot of predefined snippets which you can inject into the editor font, and styles.   

You can insert custom JavaScript to extend your functionality and you can also execute it without changing the theme.   

Final words:   

A home page is the first thing to help attract the visitors of your knowledge base. With Document360’s home page builder, you can have a variety of options to customise your home page based on your branding guidelines, with different themes and wide range of inbuilt features. Most importantly, you can give a beautiful user experience to your customers who visit your knowledge base site.   

If you are wondering how to attract your customers with a wonderful home page, sign-up for a free trial for 7 days and explore all the features for free!   

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Feature update: Recycle bin in a Knowledge base Tue, 01 Feb 2022 14:17:00 +0000 Ever deleted an article by mistake in your knowledge base and felt silly? ...

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Ever deleted an article by mistake in your knowledge base and felt silly? You obviously have two options for this. One, work on the article right from scratch again, so that you can replace it with the deleted article. Two, retrieve the deleted articles from the recycle bin. Of course, you must have decided on the second option, Recycle Bin which is a boon when articles are accidentally deleted. In such cases, a feature like Recycle Bin is very essential to retrieve the deleted information or articles.

Why do you need a feature like Recycle Bin?

  • Acquire data: If you want to acquire any old data that is deleted, you can check the recycle bin to acquire it
  • Retrieve deleted articles: Any articles that are mistakenly deleted can be retrieved from recycle bin
  • Permanently delete articles: If you want to delete an article permanently for any reason, you can go to recycle bin and delete them permanently

Document360 offers Recycle bin feature to help retrieve any articles or categories that are accidentally deleted. You can find the recycle bin option in the documentation menu. All the deleted files and articles in the knowledge base will be listed there. So, any deleted article or category in the knowledge base will be soft-deleted and moved to the recycle bin. When you click the recycle menu, you could see the grid which can hold up to 50 deleted articles or categories on each page. The recycle bin grid looks like the one below:

recycle bin in document360

The recycle bin grid is presented in a way where it shows the name of the article in the first column, followed by the category path that mentions the category name in which the article was there. It mentions the username who deleted the article in the next column, along with the date modified and the date deleted in the next columns.

Search: With this search option inside the recycle bin grid, you can find the deleted articles by just typing the keywords in the search bar. This will easily result in the listings of the articles that are related to that particular keyword you searched for, using the search bar.

Filter by Author: If you want to identify the deleted article by filtering with the author’s name, you can select the author menu next to the search bar and check the box next to the author you wanted to search for. This will give the result by listing down all the articles written by that particular author.

Filter by entity level: This filter is applied based on the entity level with articles or categories. If you want to search only articles, you can select articles under the entity and perform the search. The same goes for category as well. This will help you to filter easily and identify or find the exact article or category that you are looking for.

Any deleted article or category will be available for a period of 30 days. After 30 days of any article or category being deleted, the Recycle bin will permanently delete the articles and categories.

Dependencies of the article:

In your deleted article, when you use pictures, private notes, variables, or snippets, automatically there creates a dependency with this deleted article. Now, you must be wondering what happens to these images, or snippets if used any, when the article is deleted?

You can see the images in the drive; you can find the snippets and variables in the content reuse menu. But you can find a tag named ‘moved to recycle bin’ attached to the images, or any snippets used in the article as there is a dependency.

Search in Drive: When you search the deleted article in the Drive, it shows a result ‘moved to recycle bin’

Audit log: You can also find the history of the article that is deleted or restored when you check the team auditing section. This helps with complying with company policies or any laws/regulations governing the content. This audit trail also helps to find root cause of any security breaches leading to deletion of any article.

audit log in recycle bin

Restoring any deleted article

Restoring any deleted article is possible with the Recycle Bin and that is the major reason for creating this feature. Once you delete, or mistakenly delete an article, you can search and identify the article in the recycle bin. After finding the exact article you want to restore, you can find three dots next to the article name. By clicking the three dots, you will see three options namely view, delete forever and restore.

View: When you click this option, you can just view the article which you deleted

Delete forever: Maybe you don’t want this article at all; in such cases, you can select this option to delete forever instead of waiting for 30 days for it to delete forever.

Restore: This the option where you can restore any deleted file. Once you click this option, you will see a dialog box asking, ‘Are you sure you want to restore the selected articles?’ and you can select yes to restore the file. With this, the deleted article will be restored in its original folder.

Restoring deleted folder

If you want to restore the entire folder that is deleted which has a couple or more articles inside the folder, it is slightly a different process. Like the process mentioned above, you can click the three dots and then select the View option. All the articles under the particular folder will be listed along with the checkbox. You can check the articles that you want to restore. On top of the list of articles, you will find two options; one is delete forever and the other is restore.

You can select restore, to restore the articles and vice versa.

Final words

At times, mistakes happen like deleting an article that you really don’t want to delete. With Recycle Bin you can recover articles that are deleted accidentally. You can also purge articles from recycle bin if you choose to delete them permanently for any compliance reasons. This feature is available only for the business tier and if you wanted to upgrade, take this opportunity to do so. If you’re new to the world of knowledge base and wanted to explore the features for free, sign-up for the free trial now!

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Document360’s Year in Review: 2021 Wed, 05 Jan 2022 12:44:05 +0000 We hope you all had a great time during the Holiday Season. As ...

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We hope you all had a great time during the Holiday Season. As we enter 2022, we thought to give you an update on how far we’ve come as a Business, and some of the key features that you can take forward in your business and implement by giving your customers one-of-a-kind experience with Document360.

It was indeed a great year for us at Document360 as we shipped a lot of important features to give you a great user experience. So, here’s a roundup of all the new features, updates, integrations and extensions that we launched in 2021.

Document360 highlights:

We always believed that there is a better way possible to upgrade a SaaS product all the time. And with this belief, we came up with a lot of features that will DELIGHT your customers. Here’s a glimpse of 2021 and highlighting the best features that you could find in order to make your documentation classier.

2021 year in review-Document360


Here are the features that will increase your user experience:

  • Smart bar: The smart bar feature in Document360 helps to display any message or information at the top or bottom of your knowledge base
  • Full portal search: It is a dedicated space in the knowledge base to perform search in the entire project content
  • Recycle bin for articles and categories: This is one of the most requested features. The deleted articles and categories can be found now in the recycle bin
  • Export to PDF: The Export feature helps you to export your articles to PDF and save them on your device
  • Links status: With the link status feature, you can find the status of links and identify any broken or non-working links
  • Page not found: The page not found feature lists down all the links that show a 404-page error.

Automation Updates

We have enhanced the automation process to reduce your time on repetitive tasks. Here is the list:

  • Ticket Deflector: This is the most awaited feature to reduce the support ticket from customers and help them find the solution directly
  • Workflow: The Workflow feature helps in managing the knowledge base documentation by an internal business process.
  • Import articles from word files: Importing article content from documents into a knowledge base is possible with the Import feature now
  • JWT Single Sign-On: Integrate JWT encrypted tokens to facilitate readers and reader groups for SSO (Single Sign-On)

Performance Improvements

These features will help you to improve the performance of your knowledge base: 

  • Category types: Introduced 2 new category types and you can choose to do more with the categories now
  • Search in attachments: With this feature, you can perform a search for the content that is inside the PDF files
  • Bulk delete for articles: This feature helps to perform delete action in bulk by selecting multiple articles or files.

Thank you for being a part of Document360, and we have already kicked off this new year with a great enthusiasm. Stay tuned for more updates to come in 2022!

An intuitive knowledge base software to easily add your content and integrate it with any application. Give Document360 a try!

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How to re-use your content with Snippets and Variables Tue, 14 Dec 2021 12:34:12 +0000 A lot of times, we might reuse a set of content repeatedly in ...

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A lot of times, we might reuse a set of content repeatedly in our knowledge base. It is not particular in one company. All the companies, who have certain standard information will be needing to reuse the same information in all the places. For example, it might be easy to memorize the contact number or an email id of your company. But still, could you count how many times in a year you might be using them in your knowledge base? In case if there is any change in the existing email id, how long will it take to replace it? That is where the content reuse feature plays a vital role.

What is Content reuse?

Content reuse, as the name suggests, is to reuse the repetitive content or data, that is used in your knowledge base site. By doing so, you can automate the process and save a huge amount of time.

Though it is possible to remember such data, it is sensitive as even a single error in the data might lead to a problem or confusion. In such a case, it is better to automate and reuse the same content since it going to be the same number or the same email id. Having said that, content reuse is not just limited to data like phone number, or email id. It can be also used for data like company policies, or security policies, or anything else that is in the long form content too.

How to reuse the content in a knowledge base?

Reusing content in Document360 is now made simple with Variables and Snippets. Variables for short-form content like phone number, mail id, company tag line; Snippets for long-form content like policies or addresses can help automate a lot of processes throughout your documentation process. Let’s dive deep into Variables and Snippets.


Variables are basically used for content reuse. It helps in automating certain processes in your knowledge management.

Where can you find Variables and how to create one?

You can find this feature under content tools, in your knowledge base portal. The variables section is empty if you haven’t created any, earlier. Here’s how to create a variable:

You can create one by clicking the new variable button. With this, you can create new variables for some of the most repeating data. If you use are using a particular data repeatedly on your knowledge base, you can create variables for that. For example, let’s say you must mention your mail id in different places of your content. Creating variables for mail IDs helps you to easily add them anywhere by using this variable.

Now, using the variable is so simple. While you are editing or writing an article in your markdown editor, you can find the content reuse icon on the toolbar. While you click the icon, all the variables you have created will be listed down and you can select in the checkbox on which variable you want to add in your article. The text or the number that you have created in the variable will be reflected in the editor. All this happens in just a couple of seconds saving your time which involves typing the mail id manually.

content variables in knowledge base

In case, you want to update the existing data as you moved your office to a different location or changed your contact number, you can still update them by just editing the variable that you have created already. The best part is, you need to cross-check all your articles and see if the address is updated; one change in the variable will update in all the existing articles as well.

You can also check where you have used these variables in your entire knowledge base articles. You can just click on the view option in your variable, and it shows you all the articles where it has used. No matter what, variables just simplify your tasks.

Variables save time for content writers as there is no need of repeating the same information across your knowledge base. It is also versatile as one single change you make in the variable will be reflected across your knowledge base.

Though variables are useful in your knowledge base, you cannot add a larger data like company polices or any other larger information. That’s why Snippets comes in handy.

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Snippets are like Variables, and you can find them under the content reuse menu. The process of adding a snippet is similar to variables. The process of how to use a snippet is similar to variables. 

You can add a new snippet by clicking the New Snippet button. The process of adding the snippet is same as the process of adding variables. The only difference that differentiates variables and snippets is that variables are used for content reuse like contact number, email id, etc, Whereas snippets are used for content forms like address, employee policies, or a privacy policy where you need to repeat such content in many articles in your documentation. You can also use an image as snippet such as logo, or any other images which require a content reuse.

One interesting thing that you can do in Snippets which is not available in Variables is that, while using the Snippets from the content reuse you can select the option ‘insert as a local copy’. By doing so, you will be able to edit the Snippet inside that particular article alone. This is very helpful in cases where you need to use the same copy everywhere but with minor changes.

content snippet in knowledge base

Snippets provide rich content which can be reused. This helps to have a consistent content across the knowledge base.

Points to remember while using Variables or Snippets

  • Make sure the name of the variable or snippet that you create doesn’t have any space in-between. But you can use symbols like ‘-’ or ‘_’ to separate two words
  • Once you create the variable or snippet, please do add and save them
  • Select the content reuse icon in the markdown editor to insert a variable or snippet in the article
  • You can edit the variable or snippet at any point, in case if you have any changes to be made and then once you refresh, the changes will be refreshed in all the articles


Though these features are very minor, and the task it does is very small, it offers you a lot of benefits in your knowledge base and saves time. It is okay to check the data once in the variable or snippet that you created, and all the articles will be having the same data and you need not check them manually. This is how you can reuse your content blocks and make your documentation process a cakewalk for sure if you use it in the right way.

If you are yet to switch to a knowledge base, this is right time as the world is moving forward towards documenting all the processes and making things easier. Get in touch with us to get started with your knowledge management journey.

An intuitive knowledge base software to easily add your content and integrate it with any application. Give Document360 a try!

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Importance of Page Not Found Analytics in your Knowledge Base Wed, 03 Nov 2021 13:20:44 +0000 A link throwing an error is something that every one of us might ...

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A link throwing an error is something that every one of us might have experienced in our daily online world. But what if your users are experiencing the same? As a business, it is necessary to track what your users are doing and make sure that any link that is broken or not working should be shown the error as Page not found or maybe redirected as appropriate.

Most of the users encounter a scenario like this especially when the page is removed. In such a case, the page shows an error as the page no longer exists or it is not valid. That is what a 404-error page looks like.

Why Page not found analytics?

Your knowledge base analytics helps you track the details about the broken or non-existing links in your knowledge base site. The main objective of this analytics is to detect if any Uniform Resource Locator (URL) that is broken is being used or if anyone is trying to reach the non-existent URL. It might also be like how often a person is visiting the link. In that case, if you could see on the analytics that a link in your knowledge base is visited more often, you can also set up a redirection in order to avoid the situation.

Let’s get straight into analytics

At Document360, you can find our exclusive page not found analytics under the analytics section. Once you are on the overview page, you can see four tiles namely Total, Browser, Bot, and Unknown. As a business, you might have a lot of links in which a few or more links might throw an error for reasons like the page being moved or removed. In such cases, it is useful to track how many non-existent links are being visited by the user under the title named Total. To know more about it, please do watch the video below.



For every link that is listed, there is a number mentioned next to that representing the number of times a particular link is being visited. If you see a link that is visited a huge number of times, for example, 26 times, you can take actions like redirecting which can be done through the settings. In that case, whenever the user visits that particular link that is redirected, the user lands up on another page and the 404 error wouldn’t be showing.

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Analytics also shows in what browser the link is being checked, for example, Google or Mozilla. This helps you understand if the search is from a bot or from a browser. This will be listed under a title named user agent.

The next tile that you find is Bot. This happens when any search engine uses bots to crawl the non-existent links in your knowledge base. Bots can be from any search engine like Google bot, Bing bot, or anything else from a search engine. You can find the list of bots under user agent types which clearly mentions the name of the bots. You can also find at what date and time your slug is being crawled.

In cases where the slug, which is a part of the URL that helps to identify the particular page is not being reached through a browser or a bot, it is listed under Unknown. Unknown categories are the URLs that are reached with any JAVA or Python programs. Since it is a non-existent link, it obviously results in ‘page not found’. In such cases, it is listed under Unknown as it is reached in none of the above ways, say a bot or a browser.

There is one more title named URL referrer. Here, the URL is non-existent currently but has been shared online, say, for example, let’s imagine the ad running on Facebook that uses this link. When someone from their social media handle reaches this URL, it is recorded under URL referrer. With these analytics, you can check the URL referrer from where the user has visited. This helps your business to go and change the link, or maybe redirect the link if needed in that specific post.

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Filter options and exports

While looking at the analytics, to make it more user-friendly, you can filter them in two ways. You can see a drop-down button that has three options namely, last 7 days, last 14 days, and last 30 days. And the other method is to choose based on your option from any date. This helps you to look at the analytics when you need a particular time frame.

Once you find the analytics, you also have the option to export where you can save the data in a CSV file. This helps you to access even offline or some other purpose to send it to your team who doesn’t have access to your knowledge base.

Key Takeaways

It is advisable to have a tab on the page not found analytics to make sure your knowledge base software is healthy. With these analytics, you can interpret a lot of things and make sure any non-existent links that are often visited are redirected or ignored. In that way, you can help your customers indirectly by giving them good user experience, and probably your knowledge base articles will also be listed at the top when customers look for them.

Page not found analytics is a cakewalk, as it is going to save you and your customers a lot of time and provide a smooth experience. In case you are interested to know more about us, get in touch with us by booking a demo.

An intuitive knowledge base software to easily add your content and integrate it with any application. Give Document360 a try!

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How to analyze knowledge base performance Fri, 29 Oct 2021 11:41:11 +0000 For every business, analyzing the business performance is one of the most important ...

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For every business, analyzing the business performance is one of the most important activities. If you are a knowledge base user and have published a lot of articles on your site, then you would surely wish to track the performance of those published articles. Tracking its performance helps you in many ways to improve your knowledge base article.

Performance analytics

As a knowledge base user, you will need analytics that help you make effective decisions on your upcoming content. If you keep tracking at least a few of the metrics, you will reap great benefits.

In performance analytics, you can track and analyze how your article has engaged with your knowledge base visitors. Before you can start using them, you need to find out where to get all these insights from. You can view the performance analytics under the analytics tab where you can find four major tiles namely Total likes, Total dislikes, Total views, and Total reads.

Performance analytics knowledge base-Document360

Likes are an important metric to measure the likeability of your article among your readers. The job of the author is not completed once the article is published rather it just starts there. Not just a factor of measurement; it also appreciates the author for the article that he has provided. One thing to note is that, only when the article is useful, or engaging, would the article earn a like.

Read more: How Analytics Plays a Vital Role in Documentation?

Dislikes are as important as Likes. If the reader is not satisfied with the article or the reader didn’t get the expected answer from the article, chances are the article would get a dislike. This helps you to understand what went wrong with the article. This is a crucial metric to measure and if the article is disliked by the reader, the reader can investigate it or review and find whether the content is not up to the expectation or maybe the reader is not happy with the content.

Both the factors are closely related with the article and the author, as these are the factors that decide what types of articles to be published in the future.

The number of views denotes the impressions based on how many times the visitors have visited your article. If the views are high, it is because your users find your article interesting.

There is a mild difference between the two factors, namely views and reads. Views, as explained, will be counted if the user has viewed the article. Reads, on the other hand, will be counted only if the user stays for a defined period based on the length of the article. These factors as a whole help the author to understand whether the article is helping the readers and if not, it will help the author to provide a better article in the future.

You can also find a graphical representation of these features below the tiles. There’s an option to filter the dates based on the last 7 days, 30 days, 60 days, and 90 days. You can also compare one month to the other, or one quarter to the other. This helps you to understand the trends in likes, dislikes, views and reads. You can also understand how well your article is performing at different time segments. You can also find the leading authors, leading articles, leading categories, and countries in which it is mostly seen.

author performance in knowledge base-Document360

There is a filter for knowledge base and knowledge base assistant which shows separate analytics for both.

Read more: Deep dive into your customers’ psyche with knowledge base analytics

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Team auditing

Team auditing is necessary for all companies, especially for compliance and security reasons to track all what, when, where, which and how. All the important files are stored in a knowledge base and when there is a major change in a very important file, or in case if it is missing or deleted, team auditing plays a major role in tracking who made the changes. In that case, it is easy to map to the person who did the activity and take necessary actions.

The team auditing feature in the knowledge base portal is to capture all the audit logs by various team account users. You can track all the team account user actions like new articles, updates, or changes across the documentation. Here are a few things that you can find under the team auditing section:

You can find a few actions along with the links. For example, if a user has published an article, you can find the link of the article, along with the time frame (1 week ago) and the language in which it is published.

If there is any email id updated for the user, you can find the updated email id along with the notification.

If there’s any new article created, you can find it along with the article name

Basically, all the activities like publishing, creating, updating or adding regarding the documentation will be shown here. You can see the audit log for the past 90 days up to 180 days. In case you want to find the details about a particular document you can choose the filter option which can be filtered based on the events, date and users as well. This filter option helps a lot especially when you need to find a particular status instantly.

Where to find?

You can find the team auditing in settings under team auditing feature. You can also find this team auditing in My profile section under auditing. In this option, the individual user’s auditing can only be seen. There is one more way where you could find this auditing is from the analytics section.

team auditing in knowledge base-Document360

Audit configuration

Along with team auditing, there is another feature called audit configuration. By default, all the events are enabled under the audit configuration. There are six sections under audit configuration namely document editor, home page builder and drive, project admin settings, knowledge base site settings, knowledge base assistant settings, and tools settings. These six sections cover all the areas of portal access in your knowledge base.

audit configuration feature in knowledge base-Document360

Under each section, there are again a lot of sub sections, and you can enable or disable them according to the need. That’s the interesting part here, as you can configure and customize according to your need. Let’s see an example, where you need to give access to a team member for document editor, where he can see all the edits, updates or modifications but should not see the history of files deleted. Under document editor, you can see all the sub sections as said. There you can disable the option called article deleted. It is as simple as that.

Search analytics

Search analytics is equally important just like how a search function is, in a knowledge base. With search analytics, you can measure the metrics on searches, and the number of users. Based on the metrics, you can identify what are the most searched articles and the keywords. This will also help you in an SEO aspect and identify the gaps in order to improve your documentation in a better way.

search analytic feature in knowledge base-Document360

You can find the analytics in two ways. The bar graph metrics based on Searches, Users and No result searches. Then, there is Search metrics based on popular searches and no result searches.


In order to enhance the workflow and avoid confusion in your documentation, it is better to have a track of all the audits and check the performance analytics occasionally to see how your knowledge base articles are performing. This might be an overwhelming task, but with Document360’s features like team auditing, audit configuration, search analytics and performance analytics you can keep track of every little thing in detail and enhance your knowledge base effectively.

Also Read: How to Create a Knowledge Base in 9 Easy Steps

An intuitive knowledge base software to easily add your content and integrate it with any application. Give Document360 a try!

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Quarterly round-up: A look back into Q3 2021 Mon, 27 Sep 2021 12:39:16 +0000 The world is changing rapidly and so are businesses. Businesses having a knowledge ...

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The world is changing rapidly and so are businesses. Businesses having a knowledge base perform so efficiently and effectively. It is like a knowledge base that has got covered with all the queries. You get to answer all the questions even before it is asked!

We at Document360 have built a lot of major features, minor features, enhancements, and plenty of bug fixes in this quarter. In this blog, you will be having a look at all the feature launches in brief.

In the Spotlight

We had a few major feature launches and the most awaited ones this quarter. One such launch was the Ticket Deflector and the Workflow feature.

Ticket deflector is the self-service customer support that helps to solve the most common queries your customers have instantly with your knowledge base. We also introduced ticket deflector analytics to see the performance of the metrics to improve your knowledge base. Lately, we introduced the ticket deflector in-app assistance in which the user can map and view the form analytics data.

Earlier this month, we released the most awaiting Workflow feature, where your project team members can track, and manage different phases of your documentation. This helps in a fantastic way to keep track of your knowledge base articles.

JWT, also known as JSON Web Token is an encrypted token format to transfer data like credentials between two applications securely. Also referred to as the client secret in which the user is not required to have a separate reader account on Document360.

We have launched a new feature on link analytics called Ignore URL along with the working, broken, redirected, or unknown status that helps you Ignore links that you need to omit during the validation process.

In the link status analytics menu, you can now see the 404 error or page not found section which records as 404 error when a user clicks a non-working link. This is to record any unavailable URLs for the user.

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Minor features and enhancements

Minor features are equally important as major features to give you a great user experience and satisfaction. We have launched a few minor features like creating filter options on export documentation. This helps the users to filter and save templates. Now you can also import and export documentation at a language level when you want to translate an article or a particular version of your project.

We have limited the files to 5000 per folder and any file that is added to this will be stored in a new file folder by default.

Apart from this, there were a lot of minor enhancements just to make sure you explore and use all the features without any difficulty.

  • We have set the drive folder for editor uploads 
  • Implemented rules in the integration section. 
  • Added the breadcrumb which is a link trail on the what’s new feature.  
  • Worked on the category page integration with the smart bar, and you can find the category page in your tags.  
  • Added category page integration with the link analytics.  
  • Introduced a feature for your knowledge base readers to download individual articles as a PDF 
  • We have made some major payment improvements and we have set up a new data center in the US region. 
  • You can now send or restrict emails for SSO readers and find a print option while previewing the article. 

Yet a lot more improvements and 35 bug fixes! 

Blogs and Podcasts

We have delivered amazing blogs that would interest you with a lot of tips and tricks on using a knowledge base effectively. We published blogs focusing on different areas of knowledge base. Here are some to name a few:

Not a reading person? We have some interesting podcasts with experts around the globe to discuss various aspects of knowledge base management like managing the documentation workflow, creating high-quality documents, and much more. You can check them out below:

What’s next?

We have been working hard on improving and enhancing all the features; we have added new features for you to have a productive time using Document360. We are striving to give you the best user experience, so you can always hit us up with your comments. Meanwhile, it’s time for you to check out what you can do with all the features we have outlined here as we are gearing up for another amazing quarter.

Not a Document360 user yet? Visit us on our site or book us a free demo to get in touch with us!

An intuitive knowledge base software to easily add your content and integrate it with any application. Give Document360 a try!

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